
【题目】动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)

【1】The harder you work, the better marks you (get), I’m sure.

【2】---Did you notice a man with sunglasses pass by just now?

---Sorry, I (watch) TV.

【3】Look! The rain (stop). Let’s go out to play.

【4】You can’t imagine what great trouble I had (chat) with the foreigner.

【5】The class (train) hard for the coming sports meeting.

【6】I have no idea which country to go to (spend) my holiday.

【7】Listen! How beautiful this piece of music (sound)!

【8】---Who (drive) you to the party? ---My dad did.


【1】will get

【2】was watching

【3】has stopped


【5】are training

【6】to spend





【1】句意为:我相信,如果你越努力学习,就会取得越好的成绩。根据语境可知,这里相当于一个条件状语从句,即假设一个条件成立,就会产生某种结果。从句表示条件,主句表示结果。主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:will get

【2】句意为:---你刚才注意到一个戴眼镜的人经过吗?---对不起,我在看电视。根据语境可知,这里表示的是过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行或发生的动作,应用过去进行时。结合所给词汇提示可知应填:was watching

【3】句意为:瞧,雨停了。让我们出去玩吧。根据语境可知,这里表示的是“雨停”这一动作对现在造成的影响,即可以出去玩了,应用现在完成时结合所给词汇提示可知应填:has stopped


【5】句意为:这个班在为即将到来的运动会努力训练。根据语境可知,这里表示的是一个正在进行和发生的动作,应用现在进行时。主语为集体名词,当作复数看待,根据主谓一致原则,结合所给词汇提示可知应填:are training

【6】句意为:我不知道该去哪个国家度假根据语境可知,这是一个宾语从句,从句中“去哪个国家”的目的是“度假”,应用动词不定式作目的状语。结合所给词汇可知应填:to spend




【题目】All my friends at school smoked. My dad smoked; he didn’t want me to smoke but my friends kept saying I was stupid. They asked when I was going to grow up. So I started when I was sixteen and after a month I couldn’t stop. But two years later I could feel what smoking was doing to me. I couldn’t run far, and I coughed every morning. I got very ill and decided to stop. It wasn’t easy, but now I’ve done it, and I feel better. Now I have money for other things.

If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die from a heart attack. And the more you smoke, the earlier the heart attack is likely to be. For example, a 50-year-old who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, is four times more likely to have heart disease than a non-smoker of the same age.

What does smoking do to the heart? First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure. The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen. Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke.

So if you want to reduce your chances of getting heart disease, the answer is easy –– not to smoke. Don’t copy your friends and other people who smoke. If you smoke, find out how to stop. Stopping isn’t easy, but you’ll be healthier, and ……

【1】Who is more likely to have heart disease?

A. A smoker

B. A non-smoker

C. A 50-year-old person

【2】What does the writer think of smoking?

A. It is good for his health

B. Smoking is bad for him

C. It is interesting

【3】What happens after the writer stopped smoking?

A. He becomes rich

B. He has more friends

C. He becomes healthier and has money to do other things

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