
Bill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were on (1) h   ____    . They wanted to sail around the Caribbean Sea in their boat for two weeks.
During their trip, they saw many whales. Bill and Simon were very (2) e__________ because they had wanted to see them very much. Unluckily, (3) w   __   ___  they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat.
Suddenly, (4) w ______       started coming in, and they realized that they were in trouble. They (5) q_ _____       jumped into the lifeboat before the sank(沉没), and watched it disappear under the sea.
Luckily, they had enough food and water for about twenty (6) d     __ ___. They also had a fishing line and a machine which could change sea water () i             
drinking water. These two things helped them to survive(存活) during their terrible experience.
For the next fifty days they caught about ten fish a day and (8) a  _____      them. They saw about twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted when the ships were passing, (9) n _________       saw them. They were becoming weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to (10) l _______________  hope, a fishing boat saved them.  

【小题1 】 holidays  
【小题 2】excited  
【小题 3】while/when  
【小题 4】water   
【小题 5】 quickly
【小题 6】days    
【小题 8】 ate     
【小题 9】 nobody   
【小题 10】lose
【文章大意】 Bill和Simon在Caribbean Sea度假的时候,意外遇到的鲸鱼,结果船被鲸鱼撞翻。他们在船沉没之前跳河。幸运的是他们有足够多的水和食物生活了20天。在后面的50天里,他们靠每天补助的10条鱼生存。最后,当他们将要丧失希望时,被一艘过路的渔船救了起来。
小题1:holiday。summer holiday,on holiday固定搭配
小题4:water。come into,水进入船里
小题9:nobody。but/ although 表示转折关系,尽管很多人经过,但是没有人理会
小题10:lose。begin to do,lose hope丧失希望
A) 根据所读内容,在文章后第62—71小题的空格里填入恰当的单词。每个空格只填1个单词。

How important is homework? According to the Los Angeles Unified School District(LAUSD), it’s not that important! The district has made a big change for the 2011-2012 school year. It started on July 1, homework counts for only 10% of a student’s grade. The district, the second largest in the country, says its new way can provide a fairer assessment(评定) of students’ homework and achievements.
The district hopes students only need to spend less time on homework and more time on hobbies and with their families. By reducing the weight of homework toward a student’s grade, a truer picture of the student’s knowledge will be shown in the achievement grade.
However, it doesn’t mean the students can throw out homework. It says that homework is a chance for students to practice their skills and a tool for students to prepare for coming lessons. Still, LAUSD is joining a growing list of schools that have controlled the amount of homework.
How much time children should spend on homework is a hot topic. Harris Cooper, a professor at a university, says that the proper amount of homework time is ten minutes a day multiplied by(乘以) the student’s grade. This means a third grader should spend 30 minutes a day on homework. And a sixth grader would spend 60 minutes. “Good homework in the proper amount will have better effects on them,” he said. “Bad homework or too much homework will have worse effects.”
But some people think homework is an important part of learning. They say many children just won’t try their best if homework doesn’t count toward their grade. Some teachers also think homework is important. They argue that students who do their homework perform better on tests and in school than those who do not. They are afraid that the new way will encourage students to pay less attention to homework.
The topic of the article:    The   1  of homework in learning
A big change for homework
Reducing the   2  of homework grade by 10% in assessing students’ performance and achievement in school.
The advantages of reducing
Students will have more time for   3  and with their families.
Students will be able to  4  their truer pictures of knowledge in the achievement grades.
The advantages of doing homework
Students can have more   5  to practice their skills.
The   6  of schools that have controlled the amount of homework is getting bigger.
The amount of homework
The time that a ninth grade student   7  to homework should be 90 minutes.
Students will   8  good homework in the proper amount to bad homework or too much homework.
  9   about the new policy
If homework isn’t included in their grade, many students won’t put their heart into study.
Students who don’t do their homework perform  much   10  than those who do their homework.

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