



1. 你最近正忙于为即将到来的体育测试(physical test)做准备。

2. 介绍你平时锻炼的情况:




3. 谈谈锻炼给你带来了哪些好处。


1. 不得使用真实的姓名和学校名。

2. 可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。

3. 字迹工整,语言精练,表达准确,条理清晰。

4. 至少80词。

Dear Billy,

It’s my great pleasure to receive your e-mail. ___________________________________________________


Best wishes!


Li Hua


Low carbon life (低碳生活) has been known by all over the world for years, but in many countries it is still not followed well. One reason is that some traditional technology and economic (经济的) situations stop it from going on well. So, to improve this problem, we should first learn what is low carbon life and find the way to achieve it.

Generally speaking, low carbon life is to live a life with low CO2 giving out. Firstly, the greenhouse gases are from the use of traditional energy, such as oil, coal, etc. So some machines which get power by burning such fuel (燃料) play the main part of global warming. The most ones are traditional traffic. Take the one-way trip from Hong Kong to London directly by airplane on economy class (经济舱) as an example. Each passenger will give out 680 kilogram CO2, which is the same to keeping the air-conditioner running for 970 hours at home! So these years, we begin to hear about more and more cycling and walking tour. Bikes are welcomed by travelers as they are cheap and environmental-friendly. With the development of high speed railway, which is safe, comfortable and low-carbon, many tourists like to take it.

Secondly, besides the traditional energy is polluting our earth, it will be used up. So we need to save energy, and low carbon life will help this. At the same time, new clean energy is being developed and used more in our life. Some well-known new energies, such as solar (太阳能), wind, and nuclear (核) energy has been first used more and more widely. It's not enough, we must develop more new clean energy. Good news is that some cities in our country have begun their new energy plan instead of the old, such as Nanchang. In Harbin, more and more rechargeable (可再充电的) electrical bicycles and cars can be newly seen on the road. Using new energy is also part of low carbon life.

Believe with the help of everyone's efforts on low carbon life, the beautiful earth will be brought back to life soon.

1.According to the passage, global warming is mainly caused by __________.

A.low CO2 giving out B.the greenhouse gases C.burning all kinds of fuel

2.From the passage, we know that __________.

A.low carbon life is not followed because of the technology and economic problems.

B.low carbon life is suggested just because of global warming.

C.keeping running air-conditioner for 970 hours at home will give out 680kg CO2.

3.Many new energies have been developed, __________ is the correct order from the first-used to the latest-used.

(1) high speed railway (2) rechargeable electrical cars (3) solar

A.(1)(2)(3) B.(1)(3)(2) C.(3)(1)(2)

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The writer tells us two reasons for developing new clean energy.

B.To live a low carbon life, we should refuse to use a car when going out.

C.In Nanchang, more people ride with rechargeable electrical bicycles on the road.

5.The best title for the passage should be __________.




Return to the moon

It might not be long until humans uncover the secrets of the far side of the moon. China’s Chang’e 4 robotic probe (探测器), which is set to become the first probe to land on the moon’s far side, was launched successfully on Dec 8, Xinhua reported.

The moon rotates (自转) at the same speed that it orbits (绕…运行) Earth. Therefore, the same side of the moon always faces Earth. The far side of the moon is the side that we cannot see. We don’t know much about it so far.

However, the far side of the moon is an ideal (理想的) place for scientific research(研究). It is exposed (暴露) to solar winds that may have formed unique minerals (矿物质) and other resources. And since the far side is less affected by Earth’s gravity, scientists can make clearer observations of deep space from there, according to China Daily.

But it is hard to land on the far side of the moon. Spacecraft that land there cannot receive any radio signals(信号) from Earth. To solve this problem, China launched a relay satellite (中继卫星) called Queqiao into space in May. Through Queqiao, scientists can control and operate Chang’e 4 and make sure it will land in a specific(特定的) area.

The probe’s travel time is also important. Chang’e 4 is expected to land on the moon on Jan 2, China Daily reported. It will travel through space for more than 20 days before landing. This is longer than Chang’e 3, which was in space for about 12 days before landing.

The travel time was changed because scientists want Chang’e 4 to land on the moon when it is daytime. This way, the spacecraft’s solar panels ( 太 阳 能 板 ) can receive energy from the sun and allow the probe to start working. A single day on the moon is about 28 days on Earth. Therefore, Chang’e 4 will keep orbiting the moon before landing as it waits for daytime, according to Sun Zezhou, chief designer of Chang’e 4.

Did you know? Chang’e 4 took some plant seeds and eggs to the moon. It was hoped that Chang’e 4 was able to do experiments with them. These were the first biological experiments to take place on the moon.

1.Is Chang’e 4 the first probe to land on the far side of the moon?

2.What does the far side of the moon refer to(指代)?

3.Why does the same side of the moon always face Earth?

4.How did Chinese scientists solve the problem of no signals?

5.Why do scientists want Chang’e 4 to land in daytime?

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