The World's Largest Insect

??? This giant insect can be used as a toy. A child ties one end of a string to a stick and the other end around the "neck" of an insect. Holding the stick, the child lets the insect go. With a loud whirring sound, the insect takes off, pulling the string in a large curve over the child's head. The child laughs as the stick jumps around. The child is African, and the toy is the African Goliath beetle, the largest insect in the world. 

?? The Goliath is a true insect because it has six legs and a body that is divided into three parts. Like all beetles, it has two pairs of wings. The front pair are thick and stiff and protect the back pair, which are soft. It is these soft back wings that make the beetle fly forward. They also cause the loud whirring sound the beetle makes when it flies. To steer, the beetle twists and turns its legs the same way you steer a bike by turning its front wheel. 

? African children often use the Goliath beetle as a toy. Although it is over 15 centimeters long, it is quite harmless. 

1.The African Goliath beetle is _______.  

A. the world's largest insect 

B. a toy used in many parts of the world 

C. the only insect found in Africa 

D. the world's smallest insect 

2.What made the whirring sound that the child heard?

A. The curved string.??????????????    ???  B. The beetle's soft wings. 

C. The beetle's six legs.     ??????????????? D. The beetle's body. 

3.We know the Goliath beetle is a true insect because it _______.  

A. makes a whirring sound when it flies   ???  

B. has both soft and hard wings 

C. has six legs and a body with three parts  ??

D. can fly 

4. When flying, the Goliath steers by_______.  

A. turning its soft back wings ?????????????

B. twisting and turning its hard front wings 

C. twisting and turning its legs ????????????

D. twisting and turning its whole body  

5. Where is the passage probably from ?

A. A story book .????? B. A newspaper.??? C. A student’s article??? D. A science magazine .


Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.

      At summer picnic, there is often an informal(非正式的) baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to play. There are nine players on each team.

      The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America's heroes(英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.

      American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U.S.A. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.

1. There are            players on each baseball team.

A. seven               B. eleven                 C. four                D. nine

2. The baseball season goes from           .

A. April to September                          B. March to September

C. January to September                      D. May to September

3.            follows the baseball season in the U.S.A.

A. The basketball season                      B. The football season

C. A basketball match                           D. A football match

4.Which one is NOT right?

A. Boys and girls like baseball games.                           

B. More people are interested in football than baseball.

C. Just young boys and girls take turns to play in the informal baseball game.

D. Children sometimes play baseball in parks.

5.            is perhaps the most popular in the U.S.A.

A. Baseball                                              B. Table tennis

C. Basketball                                           D. American football


Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or parks.

      At summer picnic, there is often an informal(非正式的) baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to play. There are nine players on each team.

      The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America's heroes(英雄). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players.

      American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U.S.A. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result.

1. There are            players on each baseball team.

A. seven               B. eleven                 C. four                D. nine

2. The baseball season goes from           .

A. April to September                          B. March to September

C. January to September                      D. May to September

3.            follows the baseball season in the U.S.A.

A. The basketball season                      B. The football season

C. A basketball match                           D. A football match

4.Which one is NOT right?

A. Boys and girls like baseball games.                           

B. More people are interested in football than baseball.

C. Just young boys and girls take turns to play in the informal baseball game.

D. Children sometimes play baseball in parks.

5.            is perhaps the most popular in the U.S.A.

A. Baseball                                              B. Table tennis

C. Basketball                                           D. American football


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