JLetter 1
Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like it. How can I stop worrying about what they think?                                                         —Eva, 14, Illinois
JLetter 2
My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics. My dad thinks I started too late and I’ll never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do?                                                    —Erica, 9, Texas
JLetter 3
What should I do if I failed a test? I’m afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I can’t play soccer. And soccer is like the world to me.
—Ashley, 12, Wisconsin
JLetter 4
I just moved and I’m kind of shy, so how do I make new friends?
—Jessica, 11, Canada
Dr. Molly’s Answer ①
You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner you’ll be able to work on making your dream come true.
Dr. Molly’s Answer ②
Nobody knows you at your new school. You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks friendly and introduce yourself. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class to break the ice. Good luck!
Dr. Molly’s Answer ③
It’s better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study in the future, so you’ll do better on your tests and also have time for the soccer you love.
Dr. Molly’s Answer ④
Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident. Even if you are a little unsure of something, don’t doubt (怀疑) your abilities to do things right. Just relax.
【小题1】Jessica ____________.
A.wonders how to make new friends
B.wishes to be on the Olympic team
C.is afraid to tell her mom about her failing a test
D.keeps worried about what other people think about her
【小题2】____________loves playing soccer best.
【小题3】Erica’s dad doesn’t support her because he thinks she___________.
A.is a little shy and can’t do it wellB.didn’t start at a very early age
C.is too young to be on the teamD.doesn’t work hard
【小题4】 According to Dr. Molly, Eva should ____________.
A.hold on to her dreamB.always tell the truth
C.be brave to say hello to othersD.be confident of herself
【小题5】Which is the correct order of Dr. Molly’s answers to the four letters?

JLetter 1
Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like it. How can I stop worrying about what they think?                                                         —Eva, 14, Illinois
JLetter 2
My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics. My dad thinks I started too late and I’ll never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do?                                                    —Erica, 9, Texas
JLetter 3
What should I do if I failed a test? I’m afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I can’t play soccer. And soccer is like the world to me.
—Ashley, 12, Wisconsin
JLetter 4
I just moved and I’m kind of shy, so how do I make new friends?
—Jessica, 11, Canada
Dr. Molly’s Answer ①
You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner you’ll be able to work on making your dream come true.
Dr. Molly’s Answer ②
Nobody knows you at your new school. You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks friendly and introduce yourself. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class to break the ice. Good luck!
Dr. Molly’s Answer ③
It’s better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study in the future, so you’ll do better on your tests and also have time for the soccer you love.
Dr. Molly’s Answer ④
Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident. Even if you are a little unsure of something, don’t doubt (怀疑) your abilities to do things right. Just relax.
【小题1】Jessica ____________.
A.wonders how to make new friends
B.wishes to be on the Olympic team
C.is afraid to tell her mom about her failing a test
D.keeps worried about what other people think about her
【小题2】____________loves playing soccer best.
【小题3】Erica’s dad doesn’t support her because he thinks she___________.
A.is a little shy and can’t do it wellB.didn’t start at a very early age
C.is too young to be on the teamD.doesn’t work hard
【小题4】 According to Dr. Molly, Eva should ____________.
A.hold on to her dreamB.always tell the truth
C.be brave to say hello to othersD.be confident of herself
【小题5】Which is the correct order of Dr. Molly’s answers to the four letters?

He was struggling(费劲) to tie his shoes. I was struggling with whether I should help him.

I did, and he was grateful.

“Thank you,” he said.

“I’m glad I could help. I just thought it would be easier for me to reach,” I said.

He was a disabled man, and forced to look down most of the time. His arms and legs were twisted(扭曲的) terribly, and he couldn’t do what the rest of us would consider easy tasks. He always managed to look up to see how you reacted(反应) to his words, however. He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable.

I was still on my knees by his wheelchair.

“ Nice shoes,” he said.

“Thanks. No one ever complimented (赞美) me on them before,” I said.

“No one has the same view of the world as I do,” he replied.

“Tell me about the world as you see it,” I said smiling.

“Most people can see if someone is comfortable with them or not in their eyes. I see it in their feet.” he said. “If people keep moving their feet, I just let them go, because I know they’re impatient with me. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable.

“What about me? I asked.

“I could see your compassion. And then you came down to my level. I was the one who was nervous.” he said. “I don’t normally have someone look me in the eye.”

“They don’t know what they’re missing,” I told him.

“My old face is nothing to brag(自夸) about.” he said.

“But that smile is so big.”

Yes, and it’s not only a big smile but an attitude.

1.The disabled man knew people were impatient mostly by their _________.

A.words            B.eyes             C.feet              D.smile

2.The unlined word “compassion ”means _______ in Chinese.

A.注意             B.同情             C.信任             D.职责

3.We learn that the disabled man _________.

A.had great difficulty looking after himself

B.always asked people for help

C.couldn’t have a big smile

D.liked to talk about people’s shoes

4.The writer felt comfortable because _________.

A.he had a nice talk to the man              B.the man looked him in the eye

C.he didn’t move his feet before the man     D.the man had a big smile on the face

5.We can infer (推断)from the passage that _________.

A.the disable man had something wrong with his mind

B.not many people went down to the man’s level

C.the man was good at telling people about the world

D.the writer would not give the man more help


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