
【小题1】The garden is the best place ______ (grow) flowers.
【小题2】This pair of jeans _______ (match) his white shirt.
【小题3】Listen! How wonderful the music_______(sound) !
【小题4】Mary, ______ (not be) afraid of the dog. It never bites.
【小题5】Keep quiet, the students ________ (prepare) for the coming exam.
【小题6】______ (ride) a bike to school is good for your health.
【小题7】Sandy spends a lot of time _______ (chat) with her e-friend on the Internet.
【小题8】How long does it take you _______ (walk) to school every day?
【小题9】I don’t have any ideas, I don’t know where _______ (go).
【小题10】Would you like ________ (drink) a cup of tea?

【小题1】to grow
【小题4】don’t be
【小题5】are preparing
【小题8】to walk
【小题9】to go
【小题10】to drink解析:

【小题1】“to do sth”是动词不定式作定语来修饰前面的地点表示“某处是一个适合做某事的…(形容词)地方”。
【小题4】“be afraid of sth.”意为“害怕某样东西”。“afraid”是一个行为动词,要借助助动词“do”。
【小题7】“sb. spend sometime (in) doing sth.”意为:“某人花费多少时间做某事”。
【小题8】“take sb. to do sth”意为:“带着某人做某事”。
【小题9】“where to do sth.”意为:“在哪里做某事”。
【小题10】“like to do sth.”=“like doing sth.” 意为:“喜欢做某事”。

Mr. Johnson 1____ a factory. He once 2_____ on TV that animals could be taught to 3_____ some work for people if they were given 4_____ to eat. He 5______the idea. He 6_____ it would be 7______ to have a dog look after his 8_____ and an elephant do some heavy jobs 9______ his factory. He bought a dog 10 ______an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work 11_____ him. Of course. he 12______bought a lot of food for them. Several 13_____ later,the dog and the elephant 14 ______fatter and fatter,but they 15_______ do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up.
【小题1】A. have            B. had               C. work
【小题2】A. saw             B. asked             C. met
【小题3】A. make            B. do                C. 1et
【小题4】A. someone          B. nothing           C. something
【小题5】A. loved            B. disliked            C. hated
【小题6】A. told              B. thought             C. talked
【小题7】A. bad              B. good              C. 1ate
【小题8】A. house            B. shirt              C. eyes
【小题9】A. in               B. above               C. under
【小题10】A. but              B. or                  C. and
【小题11】A. for               B. to                  C. of
【小题12】A. also              B. never               C. yet
【小题13】A. years            B. hours               C. months
【小题14】A. smelt            B. sounded             C. became
【小题15】A. mustn’t            B. couldn’t            C. shouldn’t

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