One day a toad (蟾蜍) met a monkey. They decided to look for something to eat because they both felt _____. They saw a woman making some cakes in a house when they came to a village. Then they got an idea.

The toad jumped _____ the village well (水井). Hearing something fall into water, the woman quickly ran towards the well. The monkey at once entered the house, took a basket with a big cake and _____ to a hill.

After a while, the toad met the monkey there. The monkey wanted to eat the cake by _____, so he said to the toad, “ Let’s roll (滚) the basket downhill. Whoever gets the basket first can have the cake.” “But that’s unfair. I can’t run as fast as you,” replied the toad. The monkey said, “You must race with me, _____ the whole cake will be mine.”

The toad had no choice but to _____. They pushed the basket downhill and the race started. The monkey ran fast after the basket, but the toad moved _____. Suddenly, the cake fell out of the basket and stopped beside a small tree. The toad _____ under the tree and began to eat the cake.

When the monkey caught the basket, he found it _____. He climbed the hill again and saw the toad eating the cake. He became angry and wanted to take the ______ back. But to the monkey’s surprise, the toad asked him to eat it together.

The monkey regretted (后悔) cheating his friend. He decided he would never do that any more.

1.A.hungry B.ready C.busy

2.A.under B.from C.into D.along

3.A.took out B.looked for C.ran away D.picked up

4.A.themselves B.myself C.ourselves D.himself

5.A.and B.or C.but C.agree D.thank

7.A.quickly B.slowly C.happily D.luckily

8.A.shouted B.planted C.left D.stopped

9.A.empty B.full C.heavy D.light

10.A.basket B.tree C.banana D.cake

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