
【题目】Dear Dad,

Happy birthday to you!

On this special day I'd like to talk to you a special way.

I don't think I'm good at you my thoughts(想法) face to face. so I'm writing to you to express my love for you.

You're neither rich nor famous, but in my heart, you are one of the greatest in the world. I' m you. You have been interested in fame and wealth (财富 ). You always work hard to get your done. The smile on your face shows you're pleased with the family. You my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and go shopping with Mom on Sundays.

In the past, I don't care whether you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I you my respect ( 尊重 ) before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me. I am quite lucky that I have a good father. I am happy that now I can let you how much I love you. You arc successful as a son, a husband. a father and a friend.

I hope you'll be happy forever

Yours ,


【1】A. in B. at C. by D. on

【2】A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling

【3】A. businessmen(商人)B. man C. men D. worker

【4】A. worried about B. proud of(以……为骄傲\自豪)C. afraid of D. sorry for

【5】A. always B. ever C. already D. never

【6】A. work B. study C. business D. schoolwork

【7】A. take good care of B. look after good C. take good care for D. look good after

【8】A. will show B. don't show C. didn't show D. have shown

【9】A. too B. so C. very D. such

【10】A. to know B. know C. knew D. knowing














【1】A考查介词及语境理解。句意:在这个特别的日子我想以一种特别的方式与你交流。在表示方式时,in表示用某种方式,如:颜色、笔墨、语言、声音、服饰等;At表示以某种价格,速度;by表示:用,以,靠,通过……方式。by表示手段时后接动作或制作方式。“by + 交通工具”表示交通方式;on表示通过某种媒介。联系前文单词way,可知此处指的是以一种特殊的方式,way常搭配介词in使用,所以选A。

【2】D考查动词及语境理解。句意:我认为我不善于面对面和你谈论我的想法。tell告诉,讲述,强调一个人说;say 说,强调说的内容;talk 不及物动词,谈话,多和介词搭配使用;speak演讲,发言,说某种语言。联系下文,可知此处指的是面对面和你谈论我的想法,所以选D。

【3】C考查名词及语境理解。句意:你是世界上最伟大的男人之一。businessmen商人man男人;men男人们;worker工人。联系前文Dear Dad,描述,可知本文是写给自己父亲的一封信,此处指的是,你是世界上最伟大的男人之一。所以选C。

【4】B考查形容词短语及语境理解。句意:我为你感到自豪。 worried about为……担心;proud of……感到自豪;afraid of害怕;orry for……感到遗憾。联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是我为你感到自豪。所以选B。


【6】A考查名词及语境理解。句意:你总是努力做你的工作。 work工作;study学习;business生意;schoolwork学业。根据句意结合语境可知该选A。

【7】A考查动词短语及语境理解。句意:你好好照顾我的祖父母。 take good care of照顾好;look after goodtake good care forlook good after都不符合英语表达习惯。所以选A。

【8】C考查动词时态及语境理解。句意:现在我很抱歉地说以前我没有展示给你我对您的尊重。will show将展示;don't show不展示;didn't show 没有展示; have shown已经展示。联系本句时间状语before可知从句中描述的是过去的动作,故用一般过去时态。所以选C。


【10】B考查词及语境理解。句意:很高现在我能让你知道我是多么地爱你。to know是know的不定式;know知道;knew是know的过去式;knowing是know的现在分词。let后一般接不带to的不定式做宾语补足语,所以选B。


【题目】The students and teachers at Fairfield School think it’s necessary to look after the environment! This is what they’ve been doing

Growing vegetables

Fairfield School students have their own vegetable garden. Both children and teachers plant and water the seeds (种子), then they pick the vegetables. And the vegetables are used in school meals. Now they can enjoy healthy food at lunchtime. “School meals are tastier than ever before!” says one pupil.


The students don’t just bring their books to school ----- they bring their rubbish(垃圾) too! There are recycling bins (回收箱) in the playground for cans, plastic bottles, batteries and paper. The teachers give a prize to the student who works hardest to recycle every month.

Planting trees

‘This used to be one of the least beautiful areas of the city with no green areas,’ says the head teacher Lynne Johnson. ‘Now every child has planted their own tree, which he or she looks after during the week. They’ve made the view from the classroom more beautiful!’

Finding cleaner ways to get around

Everyone walks or rides to Fairfield School. “When the roads are busy, it’s faster to ride bikes than to go by car anyway,” says one student. Even the teachers don’t use their cars. “We can’t encourage our students to look after the environment if we don’t do it ourselves!” says one teacher.

Fairfield School is looking【1】________ the environment.

Growing vegetables

Students and teachers plant and water vegetables in the3 ________. They also eat them for school 4________.


Students also bring5 ________ things to school, such as cans, plastic bottles, batteries and 6________. The students who does best in recycling can get a 7________ every month.

2________ trees

The school wasn’t beautiful 8________any green areas in the past. But now every student has his or her own tree, which has made the view from the classroom more9 ________.

Finding cleaner ways to get around

Students and teachers don’t 【10________ to school any more, they are protecting the environment together.

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