
A young boy arrives at a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, “This is the most foolish kid in the world. Watch while I prove (证明)it to you.”

The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two cents in the other, then calls the boy over and asks,“Which do you want,son?”The boy takes the cents and leaves.

“What did I tell you?”says the barber.“That kid never learns!”

 Later,when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store.“Hey, son! May I ask you a question ? Why did you take the cents instead of the dollar bill?”

The boy licks(舔着)his ice cream and answers,“Because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!”

1.The underlined word “whispers” means “      ”.

A. speak in a low voice       B. speak angrily

C. speak in a loud voice      D. speak happily

2.The barber wants to prove the young boy is        to the customer.

A. clever             B. silly              C.1azy                D. naughty

3.The young boy takes the money to       .

A. give the customer  B. have a haircut C. give his parents  D. buy an ice cream

4.The young boy always takes two cents,because he       .

A. is the most foolish                  B. 1ikes those two cents

C. doesn’t want to stop this game        D. doesn’t know the value of money

5.Who do you think is the most foolish in this passage?

A. The young boy.  B. The barber.  C. The customer.  D. The author.











1.词义推测题。根据文章第一句话的意思( 小男孩来到理发店,理发师对客人悄悄地说。).可知选A。(低声说。)


3.细节理解题。文章描述,男孩从冰激凌店出来,舔着冰激凌,由此可知选 D。(小男孩拿钱买了冰激凌)

4.细节理解题。 小男孩说,我拿走美元,这游戏就完了。由此可知选C。(小男孩总是拿两分的硬币,因为他不想停止这个游戏。)

5.推理判断题。小男孩总是能拿到钱,说明男孩很聪明。又根据他说是话可知,选 B。(理发师最傻。)




Last year The Voice of China, the most popular TV talent show became a popular topic in people’s chatting and media information from both home and abroad. It began on July 13, 2012 and ended on September 30, 2012. Liang Bo, a handsome boy from Changchun, Jilin was the champion of The Voice of China in 2012. Before the competition Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music. He captured (夺得) the hearts of audience (观众) with his passionate (激情的) rock’n’roll (摇滚) performance at the show.
Fans described Liang’s voice as “natural, clear and touching’’. Although he seemed cool on stage, he could quickly turn on the power once he started singing. “His performances make you imagine things. When I listen to his singing, I see pictures and think of stories.” said Na Ying, one of the four judges (评判员) on the show. She was also Liang’s tutor for the competition.
Liang Bo, like many young Chinese, he fell in love with music through playing the guitar. Liang got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in middle school. He would spend days and nights practicing. “ I can’t live without my guitar.” he said.
“ I don’t like talking much but I carry great passion inside me,” Liang said. “ There is no better way to let it out than through music like rock’n’roll. Many people compare Liang to famous Chinese rockers including Xu Wei, Wang Feng and Zheng Jun. But the young man doesn’t want to stand in others’ shadow. “ I respect those rockers, but I’m not going to copy them. I will be who I am,” he said. 
【小题1】Which was the most popular TV show last summer?

A.The Voice of China.B.Sports News.C.Football.D.Animal World.
【小题2】How long did The Voice of China last?
A.More than two days.B.More than two weeks.
C.More than two months.D.More than two years.
【小题3】How many judges were there in the TV talent show?
【小题4】Who helped Liang Bo win the competition?
A.Zheng Jun.B.Xu Wei.C.Liu Huan. D.Na Ying.
【小题5】According to the passage, which of the following is Not true?
A.Liang Bo fell in love with music.B.Liang Bo was a college teacher.
C.Liang Bo was a quiet man. D.Liang Bo played the guitar well.

Last year The Voice of China, the most popular TV talent show became a popular topic in people’s chatting and media information from both home and abroad. It began on July 13, 2012 and ended on September 30, 2012. Liang Bo, a handsome boy from Changchun, Jilin was the champion of The Voice of China in 2012. Before the competition Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music. He captured (夺得) the hearts of audience (观众) with his passionate (激情的) rock’n’roll (摇滚) performance at the show.

Fans described Liang’s voice as “natural, clear and touching’’. Although he seemed cool on stage, he could quickly turn on the power once he started singing. “His performances make you imagine things. When I listen to his singing, I see pictures and think of stories.” said Na Ying, one of the four judges (评判员) on the show. She was also Liang’s tutor for the competition.

Liang Bo, like many young Chinese, he fell in love with music through playing the guitar. Liang got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in middle school. He would spend days and nights practicing. “ I can’t live without my guitar.” he said.

“ I don’t like talking much but I carry great passion inside me,” Liang said. “ There is no better way to let it out than through music like rock’n’roll. Many people compare Liang to famous Chinese rockers including Xu Wei, Wang Feng and Zheng Jun. But the young man doesn’t want to stand in others’ shadow. “ I respect those rockers, but I’m not going to copy them. I will be who I am,” he said. 

1.Which was the most popular TV show last summer?

A.The Voice of China.  B.Sports News.       C.Football.          D.Animal World.

2.How long did The Voice of China last?

A.More than two days.                     B.More than two weeks.

C.More than two months.                   D.More than two years.

3.How many judges were there in the TV talent show?

A.3.               B.4.                C.6.               D.8.

4.Who helped Liang Bo win the competition?

A.Zheng Jun.         B.Xu Wei.           C.Liu Huan.          D.Na Ying.

5.According to the passage, which of the following is Not true?

A.Liang Bo fell in love with music.             B.Liang Bo was a college teacher.

C.Liang Bo was a quiet man.                 D.Liang Bo played the guitar well.


Last year The Voice of China, the most popular TV talent show became a popular topic in people’s chatting and media information from both home and abroad. It began on July 13, 2012 and ended on September 30, 2012. Liang Bo, a handsome boy from Changchun, Jilin was the champion of The Voice of China in 2012. Before the competition Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music. He captured (夺得) the hearts of audience (观众) with his passionate (激情的) rock’n’roll (摇滚) performance at the show.
Fans described Liang’s voice as “natural, clear and touching’’. Although he seemed cool on stage, he could quickly turn on the power once he started singing. “His performances make you imagine things. When I listen to his singing, I see pictures and think of stories.” said Na Ying, one of the four judges (评判员) on the show. She was also Liang’s tutor for the competition.
Liang Bo, like many young Chinese, he fell in love with music through playing the guitar. Liang got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in middle school. He would spend days and nights practicing. “ I can’t live without my guitar.” he said.
“ I don’t like talking much but I carry great passion inside me,” Liang said. “ There is no better way to let it out than through music like rock’n’roll. Many people compare Liang to famous Chinese rockers including Xu Wei, Wang Feng and Zheng Jun. But the young man doesn’t want to stand in others’ shadow. “ I respect those rockers, but I’m not going to copy them. I will be who I am,” he said

  1. 1.

    Which was the most popular TV show last summer?

    1. A.
      The Voice of China
    2. B.
      Sports News
    3. C.
    4. D.
      Animal World
  2. 2.

    How long did The Voice of China last?

    1. A.
      More than two days
    2. B.
      More than two weeks
    3. C.
      More than two months
    4. D.
      More than two years
  3. 3.

    How many judges were there in the TV talent show?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Who helped Liang Bo win the competition?

    1. A.
      Zheng Jun
    2. B.
      Xu Wei
    3. C.
      Liu Huan
    4. D.
      Na Ying
  5. 5.

    According to the passage, which of the following is Not true?

    1. A.
      Liang Bo fell in love with music
    2. B.
      Liang Bo was a college teacher
    3. C.
      Liang Bo was a quiet man
    4. D.
      Liang Bo played the guitar well
Here is some news from Dalian Daily.
·President's pet.
     Do you keep a pet? American President Obama does.He calls his new dog Bo.It is six months
 old.The president's family like the dog very much.Look! They are having fun with Bo on the South
Lawn (南草坪)of the White House.The president's daughter, Malia ,is showing the dog off.

·Back on her feet.
     Mosha is a young elephant in Thailand.She lost her right front leg after stepping on a landmine(地雷)
two years ago.She was taken to a hospital and became the first elephant in the world with a prosthetic leg
     Now aged three Mosha is growing up.She is happy to have the new prosthetic leg.

·Liu Xiang
     World champion Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai on March 8.The 25-year -old star had a foot
operation in December in America.It took him three months to recover(康复)and train there.It is
said that some doctors are ready in Shanghai to help with Liu's recovery.Liu left the 2008 Beijing
Olympics because of his foot injury(损伤)last August.

1.The name of the president's dog is          .
2.How old is the dog?
A.Two months old  
B.Three years old  
C.Six months old  
D.Six years old
3.How did the elephant lose his front leg?
A.She had a traffic accident.        
B.She stepped on the landmine.
C.She was ill.                    
D.She fell into a big hole.
4.Liu Xiang had his foot operation in         .
5.Liu Xiang left the Beijing Olympics because       
A.he was afraid of the other players      
B.he was too nervous to take part in it
C.his coach told him to do that          
D.his foot hurt

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