

Eight Treasures of Laba

Laba Porridge  (腊八粥) is known to every Chinese. It marks a special day. Laba Festival, which falls on the 8th day of the 12th lunar (农历的) month.

People eat Laba Porridge on that day. The porridge is also called "Eight Treasures Porridge", because it usually has at least eight things. Rice, beans, dried fruits and peanuts are very popular in the porridge.

On the night before the festival, mothers are busy preparing their porridge. They cook it over a slow fire from midnight until

the next morning. When kids wake up in the morning, they smell the aroma  (香味) and rush to the kitchen to have a feast.

Another custom on Laba Festival is to prepare Laba vinegar  (醋) for dumplings on Spring Festival Eve. People peel garlic (蒜) and put it into a jar filled with vinegar. As the days go by, the garlic turns green and gains a special flavor. Some people also like to Pickle  (腌) meat on Laba Festival.

Laba Festival was a time for the ancient Chinese to pray for the harvest and good luck in the coming year  After Taba Festival  many people start to prepare for the Chinese New Year.

    Lab Festival


 The1. ____ ___ day of the2. ____ ___lunar month.



 A time for the ancient Chinese to pray for3. ____ ___and4.____ ___in the

 coming year.

Traditional food

5.____ ___






3.the harvest

4.Good luck

5.Laba Porridge




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