
I’m a big fan of the DIY lifestyle. I like to do things on my _______when I can. But I recently learned that there is one thing that should be ___________to the professionals – getting your hair cut.

Because of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, barbershops in most countries are still _________. But after _________weeks or even months in quarantine( 隔 离 ), people are seeing their hair grow longer and longer. Some people have started cutting their hair on their own.

Not everyone’s DIY haircuts are _________. The hashtag #coronacuts# has been trending( 流 行的 ) online, with many people showing their ___________DIY haircuts. Professional hairstylists have _________advice for cutting your own hair. For example, hairstylist Caitlin Collentine from San Francisco has advised people to stick with simple ___________and wait for their stylist if they want to try something _________. Many stylists, including Collentine, are also offering ____________video lessons.

They are helping people cut their hair step by step by using simple cutting and trimming( 修剪)techniques.

I __________have done my homework and listened to this kind of advice before I tried to cut my own hair. It turned out ... well, not great, __________you can see in the picture. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do to __________it.

But I think the point is that people still ____________how they look, even when they’re stuck at home. As Collentine said to Yahoo News, “It’ll make you feel a bit more like yourself, which is good __________for these times.”

1.A.way B.day C.mind D.own

2.A.left B.kept C.matched D.ordered

3.A.cleaned B.cleared C.closed D.locked

4.A.costing B.spending C.taking D.affording

5.A.boring B.fascinating C.excellent D.successful

6.A.terrible B.handsome C.special D.amazing

7.A.invented B.invited C.offered D.asked

8.A.tastes B.styles C.hobbies D.gestures

9.A.strange B.usual C.interesting D.different

10.A.live B.living C.alive D.lively

11.A.could B.would C.should D.might

12.A.and B.as C.or D.but

13.A.finish B.mend C.repair D.fix

14.A.care about B.worry about C.think about D.learn about

15.A.game B.skill C.medicine D.joke


As we all face the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒), protecting yourself is the same as protecting others. Here is some safety ______ for you from the World Health Organization (WHO) to help prevent the coronavinus.

Stay away from crowds and wear masks

The virus can spread from person to person. If you have to go to crowded places, remember to wear a mask. Keep at least one meter of distance between ______ and others, especially those who are coughing or sneezing.

Why? The coronavirus can be spread through mucus droplets (粘液飞沫) and travel one to two meters in the air before falling to the ground. The droplets can be spread ______ by sneezing or coughing than by speaking. If you are too close, you can take in the virus. Wearing a mask can prevent droplets from reaching your face or mouth.

Open the window to ventilate (通风) the room

Keep proper indoor ventilation while you're at home. Open windows to let in fresh air during the day. It's best to do this three times a day for 15 minutes to half an hour each time.

Why? According to the research, indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. The simple act of opening a window even in cold weather can reduce the pollution. Therefore, keep the window open, ______ you may catch the virus when it builds up to a certain amount.

Keep up good habits

Still, it's necessary for you to keep healthy habits such as eating a balanced and exercising often, as well as getting ______ sleep.

Why? Doing these things can ______your immune system (免疫系统), making it less likely for you to catch the virus. Good habits are directly related to fewer illnesses and better health.

Wash hands properly

Remember to wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom, coming home, coming into contact with rubbish and touching animals. Avoid ______ your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.

Why? Your hands might touch surfaces that can be polluted by the virus. This is especially important when you open doors which have been used by quite a few people. Washing your hands often ______ soap and water for at least 20 seconds can stop the virus from entering your body.









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