
对话理解 。
1. What does the man think of the radio?
A. It's wonderful.
B. Not so good.
C. It's very bad.
2. What is Meimei doing now?
A. She is reading a book in the library.
B. She is borrowing a book from the library.
C. She is returning a book in the library.
3. Where is the letter from?
A. The USA.
B. China.
C. England.
4. Where will they go tomorrow morning?
A. The History Museum.
B. The West Hill.
C. The school gate.
5. Where does the dialogue happen?
A. In the post office.
B. In a shop.
C. In a restaurant.
6. Which skirt will the man buy?
A. The red one.
B. The brown one.
C. The green one.
7. What do most English people like to eat better?
A. Pork.
B. Chicken.
C. Beef.
8. What time do they go to school? 
A. A quarter past seven.
B. A quarter to seven.
C. Seven.
1-4: BCAB  5-8: ABCA

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