
Top help you decide what might make a good pet ,we've put together a pet checklist .We've named some of the animals that are often kept as pets .We've shown some good points and bad points about each .And we hope it may help you make the best choice(选择)

Pick-a-Pet Checklist(清单)


Good Points

Bad points


Easy to keep

Enjoy being petted

Good to hold

Hard to house train

Drop lots of hair

Easily upset by high temperature


Can be very interesting

Can be friendly when young

Against the law to keep in many states in the U.S.

Can get unkind when older


Easy to feed & care for

Can live indoors or out

Fun to hold

Very friendly

May scratch furniture

Little pans can be messy

May kill birds

May make you sneeze


Come in many sizes

Can live indoors or out

Fun to love & play with

Very friendly

Can give safety

Can be smelly ,messy ,noisy

Need to be licensed& trained

May make you sneeze

May bite(咬)if angry

Need lots of attention

1.You are ______ to keep a raccoon as a pet in many places of America.

A. suggested  B. encouraged  C. not allowed

2.It would be easier for you to keep a ______ as a pet if you're often too busy to take care of it .

A. rabbit or raccoon  B. rabbit or cat  C. raccoon or dog

3.If you feed birds at home , you should be very careful to choose a ______ as your another pet.

A .rabbit  B. raccoon  C. cat

4.The dog may ______ you if you make it angry .

A. hurt  B. fix  C. train

5.The writer tries to help us______ with the checklist .

A. learn how to look after our pets

B. find which animal is our best choice as a pet

C. Know what kind of animals can be kept as a pet












Top help you decide what might make a good pet ,we've put together a pet checklist .We've named some of the animals that are often kept as pets .We've shown some good points and bad points about each .And we hope it may help you make the best choice(选择)
Pick-a-Pet Checklist(清单)
Good Points
Bad points
Easy to keep
Enjoy being petted
Good to hold
Hard to house train
Drop lots of hair
Easily upset by high temperature
Can be very interesting
Can be friendly when young
Against the law to keep in many states in the U.S.
Can get unkind when older
Easy to feed & care for
Can live indoors or out
Fun to hold
Very friendly
May scratch furniture
Little pans can be messy
May kill birds
May make you sneeze
Come in many sizes
Can live indoors or out
Fun to love & play with
Very friendly
Can give safety
Can be smelly ,messy ,noisy
Need to be licensed& trained
May make you sneeze
May bite(咬)if angry
Need lots of attention
【小题1】You are ______ to keep a raccoon as a pet in many places of America.
A. suggested  B. encouraged  C. not allowed
【小题2】It would be easier for you to keep a ______ as a pet if you're often too busy to take care of it .
A. rabbit or raccoon  B. rabbit or cat  C. raccoon or dog
【小题3】If you feed birds at home , you should be very careful to choose a ______ as your another pet.
A .rabbit  B. raccoon  C. cat
【小题4】The dog may ______ you if you make it angry .
A. hurt  B. fix  C. train
【小题5】The writer tries to help us______ with the checklist .
A. learn how to look after our pets
B. find which animal is our best choice as a pet
C. Know what kind of animals can be kept as a pet

Top help you decide what might make a good pet ,we’ve put together a pet checklist .We’ve named some of the animals that are often kept as pets .We’ve shown some good points and bad points about each .And we hope it may help you make the best choice(选择)

Pick-a-Pet Checklist(清单)
Good Points
Bad points
Easy to keep
Enjoy being petted
Good to hold
Hard to house train
Drop lots of hair
Easily upset by high temperature
Can be very interesting
Can be friendly when young
Against the law to keep in many states in the U.S.
Can get unkind when older
Easy to feed & care for
Can live indoors or out
Fun to hold
Very friendly
May scratch furniture
Little pans can be messy
May kill birds
May make you sneeze
Come in many sizes
Can live indoors or out
Fun to love & play with
Very friendly
Can give safety
Can be smelly ,messy ,noisy
Need to be licensed& trained
May make you sneeze
May bite(咬)if angry
Need lots of attention
【小题1】You are ______ to keep a raccoon as a pet in many places of America.
A. suggested  B. encouraged  C. not allowed
【小题2】It would be easier for you to keep a ______ as a pet if you’re often too busy to take care of it .
A. rabbit or raccoon  B. rabbit or cat  C. raccoon or dog
【小题3】If you feed birds at home , you should be very careful to choose a ______ as your another pet.
A .rabbit  B. raccoon  C. cat
【小题4】The dog may ______ you if you make it angry .
A. hurt  B. fix  C. train
【小题5】The writer tries to help us______ with the checklist .
A. learn how to look after our pets
B. find which animal is our best choice as a pet
C. Know what kind of animals can be kept as a pet

Dogs are very popular pets all over the world.  Some people keep dogs because the dogs help them.  These dogs may __21___someone’s house.  They can also help a __22___ man by leading him to places __23__ he needs to go.  Other people keep dogs as pets __24___ they like dogs.  Almost 33 percent of the homes in the USA and England have dogs, and these dogs come in __25____ kinds of shapes and sizes.

By all accounts, the largest dog in the world is a dog named Zorba.  This dog is a mastiff that lives in London, England.  When it was 7 years old in 1989, it was 92.5 centimeters tall.  In __26___ words, it was more than half as tall as an adult man.  Some Great Danes can grow taller than 98 centimeters, but they do not grow as large as Zorba.  At its __27___ ,Zorba weighed more than a heavyweight boxer at 156 kg.

However, the __28__ dog was a Yorkshire terrier from England.  This dog was only the __29__ of a matchbox measuring 5 centimeters tall and, at most, 8 centimeters from nose to __30__.

1.A. help          B. make          C. protect         D. build

2.A. deaf          B. blind          C. disable         D. poor

3.A. that          B. which          C. where         D. who

4. A. for           B. so             C. because        D. as if

5.A. large          B. wide          C. deep           D. different

6.A. other         B. another         C. some          D. else

7.A. large         B. larger           C. largest        D. the largest

8.A. largest        B. smallest        C. least          D. most

9.A. height        B. weight          C. size          D. big

10.A. top          B. bottom          C. back          D. tail


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