
1. San Francisco

Fisherman’s Wharf is an old marketplace by the sea with fashionable restaurants, shops and street performers. Visit Ghirardelli Square, home to the amazing Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop, and Pier 39, a lively marketplace with shops, restaurants and music. From here you can take a cruise (游艇) around the bay (海湾).

2. Venice Beach

This is where skateboarding started, so you must visit the famous skate park right on the beach. Also watch the bodybuilders (健美者) at Muscle Beach Gym, which is where Arnold Schwarzenegger started his career (职业生涯).

3. Hollywood

You can stand in the footprints of Johnny Depp at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and then meet his wax model, along with Hugh Jackman, Brad and Angelina, all at Madame Tussauds Hollywood. Discover how films are made at Universal Studios (环球影城), where there are also exciting park rides (供乘骑的游乐设施) and shows.

4. Disneyland

One of the most magical places in the world, Disneyland Park has hundreds of rides such as Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure. A day in Disneyland is a day you will never forget!

5. Santa Cruz

Go to the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum and see different boards. Next stop, the Santa Cruz Beach Broadwalk for a ride on a big rollercoaster (过山车).

1.According to the article most travelers go to Ghirardelli Square to ________.

A.watch street performances B.take a ride on a cruise

C.taste some famous dessert D.have meals in modern restaurants

2.Erin likes going shopping and enjoying great food when she is on holiday. Which place is the best for her?

A.Santa Cruz. B.San Francisco. C.Venice Beach. D.Disneyland.

3.In how many places can people take exciting rides?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

A.You may learn about the history of surfing in Venice Beach

B.You can find how films are made at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre

C.Santa Cruz Beach is where Arnold Schwarzenegger started his career.

D.You can enjoy a view of the sea in Fisherman’s Wharf.

5.Where can we probably read this article?

A.In a travel guide. B.In a news report.

C.In a TV guide. D.In a sports magazine.


There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, even purple computers! Purple is very popular today. But a long time ago, purple was a very expensive and unusual color. Let’s take a look at the rich history of the color purple.

Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago probably looked purple, not green. Plants today are green because they use green chlorophyll (叶绿素) to produce energy. But these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple color.

During the time of the Roman Empire (37 BC-476 AD), it was very difficult to make purple dye (染料). The dye came from sea snail (海螺). But 10,000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye... as well as a very bad smell! This special purple dye… was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred colour of emperors (皇帝).

In 16th-century England, purple was only for the king’s family members. Queen Elizabeth I’s clothes were purple, but common people were not allowed (允许) to wear the color.

In 1856, William Perkin, an 18-year-old science student, noticed something strange while doing an experiment (实验). The chemicals he used to clean his instruments mixed with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color. This discovery led Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was not expensive. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple.

The1.of the color purple


Purple was very expensive and unusual in the2..

Now it is one of the most popular3.. We use it a lot in our life.

The first plants on Earth probably looked4.. They5.energy by using retinal, which is dark purple.

During the Roman Empire, people6.sea snails to make purple dye. 7.the dye had a bad smell, emperors liked it very much.

In 16th century, common people could not8.purple clothes in England because purple was only for the royal family.

In 1850, William Perkin found that something strange9.in an experiment. He got a bright purple colour by mixing certain chemicals together. Later he started a company to make purple dye, which was much10.than sea snail dye. Now everyone can afford to wear purple.

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