Wang Fei can speak English quite well because she works very hard at it. One day, her teacher, Mr Wu asked her to come to his office and said, “There will be a story-telling contest(竞赛) next week, Wang Fei. Would you like to take part in it?”
Wang Fei wanted to go, so she asked what she had to do. Mr Wu told her that she had to tell an English story in front of the whole school. Mr Wu said:“If you try your best, I'm sure you'll win.”
Wang Fei decided to have a try.
On Sunday night, she stayed up late to get ready for her story for the contest. It was an interesting story, she didn't go to bed until midnight. On Monday morning, she overslept(睡过头). When she woke up, it was already seven o'clock. She did some washing quickly. Then she had a light breakfast. After that she ran all the way to her school.
It was a warm morning, so Wang Fei felt very hot when she reached school. Mr Wu was waiting outside the school hall, he looked very worried.
“Why are you so late, Wang Fei?” he asked.
“Sorry, Mr Wu, I woke up late.” Wang Fei said.
“The contest will start in a minute. Remember, speak slowly and clearly.” Mr Wu said.
Wang Fei remembered his words. She told her story very well. In the end, she came out first.
“You have done very well. Congratulations!” said the teacher. “All is well that ends well. But remember, don't oversleep again!”
1.Wang Fei works hard at ________.
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2.Wang Fei will be in ________ next week.
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3.On Sunday night, Wang Fei went to bed ________.
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4.At last, Wang Fei ________.
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5.Choose the best title for the passage.
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A.Who was first
B.All's well that ends well
C.Wang Fei learns English best
D.An English contest
1.C 根据短文第一句。 2.A Mr Wu告诉她参加一个讲故事竞赛。 3.C 根据短文第五段第二句可知她睡得迟,可推断她比平时睡得晚。 4.D 根据“In the end,she came out first.”可知她得了第一名。 5.B 根据短文大意及Mr Wu的话。 |