In less than two months, Junior 3 students around the country will take the senior high school entrance (入学) exam. They are studying hard for this big challenge. Do they have time to do something in memory of their middle school years? Many do.
Leng Jingze, 15, from Tianjin said that in her class students are already writing goodbye messages for each other. "Even the head teacher has a plan," said Leng. "She plans to put all our class photos and the Chinese compositions we have written onto a CD and give each student one," said Leng. "She will also write something for each student."
Wang Zeyu, 16, in Changchun, Jilin said his classmates are making "lucky stars" as graduation gifts. They are making the cheerful stars from colored paper. "Before making a lucky star, you write some words for the person on the paper," said Wang. "He or she can read the words later." Who does Wang want to make a lucky star for? He said he wanted to make one for his head teacher. "I'll write: Dear teacher, you always look so serious," said Wang. "But we know you have a warm heart. Smile more!"
In Xiao Xia's school in Beijing, each Junior 3 student will get a yearbook (毕业年鉴) , in which the graduating classes will put their photos and self-introductions. "Most classes have written an article as the self-introduction," said Xiao, 15. "We have written a poem in the ancient style!" The poem records the big events of the class's history and is in the shape of the number 9. "Nine is our class number," said Xiao, who felt very proud of the idea. "Our class may be not the one with the best school grade but it must be the most creative one," said Xiao. "I feel lucky to study in such a class!"
【小题1】Leng Jingze's head teacher plans to ____________.
A.put all the class photos onto a CD
B.put the student's Chinese compositions onto a CD
C.give each student a CD
D.all above
【小题2】 Wang Zeyu wanted to make a "lucky star" for his teacher because ____________.
A.his head teacher wasn't serious enough
B.he doesn't like his head teacher
C.his head teacher sent him a gift
D.he wanted his head teacher to smile more
【小题3】From the last paragraph, we know that ____________.
A.most classes in Xiao Xia's school have written a poem as the self-introduction
B.9 is the lucky number for Xiao Xia's Class
C.Xiao Xia's class has very creative ideas
D.each graduating class will get a yearbook to put their photos and self-introductions
【小题4】The passage is probably from ____________.
A.a newspaperB.a novelC.a letterD.a diary
John sent his mother expensive presents on his mother's birthday every year. He liked to show her how rich he was.
"I must find something wonderful for her, and it must be the only one in the whole world. "John thought.
He advertised (登广告) in the newspapers. " Wanted—the best present for the woman who has everything. "
For many days his telephone did not stop ringing. People phoned him from all over the world. They wanted to sell him "the best present". But they did not have anything that was the only one in the whole world.
Then less than a week before his mother's birthday, a man came to his office. He was carrying a cage, and in the cage there was a large bird.
"This bird, "the man said, "can speak ten languages and sing any pop song. There is no other bird like it in the world. "
"I will listen to it, "John said. "If what you said is true, I will buy the bird from you. "
The man spoke to the bird. "Talk to me in French, " he said. The bird spoke to him in French. "Tell me a joke in Japanese, " he said. The bird told him a joke in Japanese. "Sing a famous pop song, "he said. The bird sang a famous pop song.
"I'll buy it, "John said. "How much do you want?"
"One hundred thousand dollars, "the man said. This was a lot of money but John paid him. Then he sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.
The day after his mother's birthday he phoned her. "Well, mother, "he said, "Is the bird wonderful?"
"Oh, it was delicious, dear, "she said.
【小题1】 Why did John send her mother expensive presents for her birthday every year?
A.Because he loved his mother very much.
B.Because his mother needed these presents.
C.Because he wanted to show he had a lot of money.
D.Because he was the richest man in the world.
【小题2】 How did people know John wanted the best present in the world?
A.They rang John up.
B.They knew it from the newspapers.
C.John phoned them one by one.
D.They knew it on TV.
【小题3】When did the man with a bird come to visit John?
A.Two weeks before John's mother's birthday.
B.On John's mother's birthday.
C.About five days before John's mother's birthday.
D.Less than a week after John's mother's birthday.
【小题4】 Why did John pay the man a lot of money for the bird?
A.Because it was such a beautiful bird.
B.Because he wanted to help the poor man with the bird.
C.Because the bird could look after his mother.
D. Because John thought the bird could make his mother happy.
【小题5】 What does the sentence "It was delicious, "really mean in the story?
A.His mother ate the bird.
B.His mother let the bird fly away.
C.His mother began to learn languages from the bird.
D. His mother thought it was the most expensive present in the world.
What is it like being an actor? Many people think it must be wonderful because we travel to exciting places, wear beautiful clothes and (A)挣钱多. This is only one aspect(方面) of our lives though. We also work very hard.
I played a country girl in my last (B) movie. I had to live in a small village with the other actors for part of the winter. (C)It was really hard for me as I grew up in a city. To help me play a country girl better, I cooked for myself and the others every day. I even walked a few miles sometimes to get water, as there was none in the houses. I wanted to understand how a real village girl lived. I thought it was fun at first. I felt different after a week or two, though.
I did wear some beautiful traditional clothes, but they were not thick enough. I was very cold but I had to keep smiling all the time! One day, I couldn’t do it any longer and I suddenly (D) started crying, “Great!” said the director. “I like it. She is crying with true feelings!” I called my mum to tell (E) Her about it but my mobile phone (手机) wouldn’t work in the village.
I think it is worth doing all this, though. I like it when people tell me they enjoy my plays and ask me to sign a picture. It is also fun to be someone else for a while. I’m very lucky to be an actor.
【小题3】将文中划线部分(C)改写为: It was really hard for me        I was a city      

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