
根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) .
   Scientists _______ _______ there has been life _______ _______ for _______ _______years?
2. 我们还没有在其他行星上发现生命?
    We haven't _______ _______on other _______.
3. 科学家们已经在宇宙中发现了许多别的星系?
    Scientists _______ _______ many other _______ in the _______?
4. 弄清楚宇宙有多大是困难的?
   It is hard _______ _______ _______large the _______ is?
5. 为什么没有人从别的行星上给我们发送信息呢?
   Why has _______ _______ _______other planets _______us a message?
6. 飞机已经到达了吗?
    ______ the plane _______ _______?
7. 听说你父母到北京出差去了?
    I hear your father and mother _______ _______ _______Beijing _______ _______?
8. 你觉得这本小说怎么样?
   _______ _______ _______ _______ _______the novel?
9.  你在忙什么呢?
     _______ are you _______ _______?
10. 请记住给我回信?
     Please _______ _______ write _______ _______ me.
1. think that; on Earth; millions of
2. found life; planets
3. have discovered; galaxies; universe
4. to understand how; universe
5. no one from; sent
6. Has; arrived yet
7. have been to;on business
8. What do you think of
9. What; up to
10. remember to; back to

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