
     Erden Eruc has been rowing across the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) in a rowboat since he left California on
July 10, 2007. He has been heading for Australia with only birds, fish, and sharks ever since. 
     Crossing the Pacific is only part of his journey. Eruc has decided to go all the way around the world using
his own energy. He will row, bike, walk, and climb the world without help from any motors (发动机) at all.
His plan includes climbing the tallest peak on six of the continents (洲) along the way.
     For the first part of his trip, he bicycled 5,546 miles from Seattle, Washington to Mount McKinley in Alaska
and back, walked 67 miles to base camp, and climbed 20,320 feet to McKinley's peak. Now in the second part
of his adventure (冒险活动), he is rowing to Australia.
     Why would he try to go around the world this way? He explains that he wants to encourage kids to dream
their dreams and get to their own goals. He wants to show kids that there might be hard parts along the way,
and sometimes they might not even get to that final goal. But they can have great adventures and learn a lot
along the way.
     Eruc. has already faced some difficulties. For example, winds and waves keep pushing him westward
when he wants to go south toward the Solomon Islands. If his luck doesn't change, he will cheerfully change
his plan, and aim to land at Papua New Guinea. One way or another, he's sure he'll get to his next goal:
     When his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people-especially children. He
has already visited many schools and shared his story.
     Eruc encourages all kids to set their eyes on a goal and not give up. He says, "With goals, we will make
progress, and we will be farther along than when we started, even if we don't get to some goals. Tnat's called
1. We can learn from the passage that Eruc ________ during his adventure.
A. took a train
B. rowed his boat
C. travelled by air
D. travelled by bus
2. Eruc takes adventures to ________.
A. make himself healthy
B. find out difficulties in life
C. make his mind strong
D. set an example for children
3. Eruc seems to have a special love for ________.
A. children
B. animals
C. rowing
D. bicycling
4. Eruc thinks that it is important for children to ________.
A. have all kinds of sports
B. have dreams and goals
C. face a lot of difficulties
D. take great adventures
5. To Erac, life means ________.
A. going around the world
B. climbing the world's tallest peaks
C. struggling for the goals
D. rowing across the Pacific Ocean
1-5        BDABC



Lily: Hello! This is Lily speaking. Is that Kate?

Kate: Yes, it is. Hi! Lily!

Lily: Hi! There’s a meeting this afternoon in our classroom. Can you come, Kate?

Kate: I’m afraid I can’t. My mother isn’t feeling well today. I must help her with the housework and look after my little brother.

Lily: I’m sorry to hear that. But it doesn’t matter. I think you’d better stay at home.

Kate: Thank you. By the way, what’s the meeting about?

Lily: it’s about the basketball game. We’re going to play against(对抗)Class Three.

Kate: That’s great!

Lily: I got a letter from Uncle Wu yesterday. And a color photo, too.

Kate: Er… but who’s Uncle Wu?

Lily: A farmer on the Jinxing Farm. Don’t you remember?

Kate: Oh, yes. He was very friendly to us when we worked there last September.

Lily: it’s a very nice photo. We’re carrying rice in the photo.

Kate: Please bring it to school tomorrow morning.

Lily: OK! Bye!

Kate: Bye!

1.Kate can’t go to the meeting because ____.

A. she isn’t feeling well  B. she has a lot of homework to do 

C. her mother isn’t at home  D. her mother is ill

2.The meeting is about ____.

 A. a color photo  B. the football game  C. Uncle Wu  D. the basketball game

3.Uncle Wu is a ____.

 A. worker  B. doctor  C. farmer  D. teacher

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

4.Kate and Lily went to the Jinxing Farm to help with ____.

 A. picking apples  B. summer harvest  C. growing vegetables  D. autumn harvest

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. The photo is black and white.  B. Kate and Lily aren’t in Class Three. 

C. Kate’s little brother is ill     D. Uncle Wu is a bad man.


    Xiao Shen Yang, the new partner of comedian Zhao Benshen at this year's spring festival gala, has
 become an overnight sensation (一夜出名). He continues to cause a stir (轰动) among comedy fans.

     Xiao Shen Yang shot to fame (名声) instantly after performing in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.
     Footage of his comic sketches has appeared almost all the video sharing web-sites. His blog has
 received five million hits, and each of his postings is read by about 300-thousand people. DVDs of the
 young comic star's performances also top sales lists.
     Xiao Shen Yang is a performer of Er Ren Zhuan, a popular comic form in northeast China. Many
 people are buying discs of his Er Ren Zhuan performances.
     Xiao Shen Yang will star in a show about Er Ren Zhuan, at the Beijing Exhibition Center on March the
  7th. Tickets have nearly sold out already.
1. What is Xiao Shen Yang?
    A. A partner
    B. A comedian Zhao Benshen
    C. A performer of Er Ren Zhuan
    D. A star
2. When is he   famous?
    A. At last year's spring festival gala
    B. In northeast China
    C. At the Beijing Exhibition Center on March the 7th
    D. In the CCTV Spring Festival Gala
3. Do people like him ?
    A.No, they don't.
    B. Yes,they do
    C. No, they do
    D. Yes, they don't
4. Where is  Er Ren Zhuan?
    A. At the Beijing Exhibition Center
    B. In northeast China
    C. In Shanghai
    D. In Beijing
5. On March the 7th,what will Xiao Shen Yang do ?
    A. He will buy  discs
    B. He will sell tickets
    C. He will be famous
    D. He will perform Er Ren Zhuan

     Some children are flying kites near the river. They are very high and Peter can see them in the classroom.
His mother's friend Mrs White comes to see his mother this morning and brings a kite to him. She gives it to
him after lunch. It looks like a bird. He wants to fly it but his mother doesn't let him do so.
     "It's time to go to school," says the woman,"or you will be late for class. You can play it after school."
The boy is sorry, but he says goodbye to Mrs White and goes to school. Now he's in the classroom but he's
looking out. He doesn't listen to Miss Black. She writes something on the blackboard and then turns to the
     "Name nine things with milk in them, Peter," she says.
     The boy doesn't hear her and still sits there. A boy after him taps his back and he understands it. He stands
up and Miss Black asks him the question again. He thinks for some time and then says, "Yes, madam, tea,
coffee, cake and… er… six cows."
1. Where is Peter when some children are flying kites?
A. Near the river.
B. In the classroom.
C. At home.
D. At Mrs White's home.
2. Mrs White comes to see Peter's mother _________.
A. this morning
B. this evening
C. after lunch
D. this afternoon
3. Mother lets Peter fly the kite after school and _________.
A. tells him to go to school
B. tells him to do the homework
C. they begin to have lunch first
D. tells him to listen to the teacher
4. Peter looks out of the classroom, so _________.
A. he wants to go home
B. he can answer the question
C. he doesn't hear Miss Black
D. he can fly a kite
5. Peter only knows _________.
A. six cows
B. three things with milk in it
C. how to fly a kite
D. tea and coffee

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