

Many hundreds of years ago, a native (土著的) American chief named Shenandoah lived with his people in what is now the state of Virginia. Very l1. is known about Shenandoah, but the soft sound of his name was given to a river. The Shenandoah River still runs in a d2. valley (山谷) between the mountains in West Virginia, just as it did when Chief Shenandoah lived. There is an old story which tells how the river got its name.

A long time ago, many c3. before Europeans went to live in America, there was a great lake hidden in the mountains of Virginia. For hundreds of years, the native Americans lived near this lake, feeding on the f4. they caught in its clean waters. They often climbed up the mountains and set up camp there d5. their long hunts for food. In the evenings they sat near their camps and looked d6. at the beautiful lake.

On a clear, starry night you could see thousands of stars s7. and dancing on the water below. The native Americans loved this lake, and because they could see the stars in it they called the lake “Clear Daughter of the Stars.” In their l8. the word for this was “Shenandoah.”

One day there was a loud crashing sound at one end of the lake. The lake began to disappear. Its water r9. out of the vallev through a break (裂口) in the mountain side. The waters ran on and on until they j10. another river, which today is known as the Potomac.

At last, the lake was gone. In its place was only a river. It is this way today. The lake is gone, but the beautiful Shenandoah River runs on.


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