寒假中,Wang Wei, Jiang Jian, Hu Peng , Ma Lili, Shao Bing五人分别参与了不同的社会服务工作。阅读下列材料,从ABCDE中找出与五个人相关联的活动项目。

AChildren’s Hospital??

BThe Old People’s Home??

CCity Clean-up

DThe Left-behind Cildren’s Home???

EPlanting trees

Wang Wei: It was a sunny but a little cold morning. I with many people went to hills outside the city.We dug the holes, planted the small trees and watered them well.I hope we can make our environment greener and more beautiful.

Jiang Jian, One Sunday, I went to visit the kids who were not well in hospital. I stayed with them all the morning,playing games,taking walks,or even helping them with homework.While I was with them,time went quickly.

Hu Peng , It was a meaningful and educational trip for me.We family went to a village in the mountains.There we stayed with five children whose parents couldn’t come back home for the festival with them. During the three days,we did many interesting and helpful things.? .

Ma Lili,? One of the most important and meaningful things for me in the winter holiday is to join Cleaning Our City.We cleaned the street,picked up the rubbish and called on more people to help out with our city.

Shao Bing: During the last week, I with my classmates went to see the old people. We bought some fruit ,flowers and something else. We cleaned the house,talked with the old people. Some of us sang and danced ,some read newspapers to them. I am sure it was the most enjoyable time for the old people,and for us,too.

Wang Wei__1.__, Jiang Jian_2.__, Hu Peng __3.__,Ma Lili___4.__ Shao Bing _5._



Minoru Yamasaki was a well-known American architect (建筑师). He was born in 1912 in Seattle, Washington. Minoru went to college to study architecture. Every summer he worked in a fish factory to help pay for college. He slept in a room with 100 other men.

Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work. Once he woke up at three o’clock in the morning. He remembered a building that was in his dream. He got up and started to draw.  

Yamasaki was different from other architects. His buildings give people a feeling of peace and happiness. Many of his designs have pools of water, flowers, and windows on the roof to let in light. He wanted to give them a place away from the busy ways of modern life.

Yamasaki worked for several companies. But his success began when he started his own company. In 1956, he won the Architect’s First Honor Award for his design of an airport in St. Louis, Missouri. He won two more awards over the next five years. In 1962, he designed the World Trade Center in New York. In 1993, a bomb exploded (炸弹爆炸) in it. But the buildings did not fall down because they had a good design.

Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings. They had to be built his way. He refused to change the design of his buildings, even if he lost a job.

Minoru Yamasaki died on Jun,2 1986. He designed more than 300 buildings. People will enjoy the design and beauty of his buildings for a very long time.

The title    A     1.  American architect

Be born  In   2.  in Seattle, Washington

In college Studied  architecture  in college

         Worked in a fish factory to  3.  for college

            4.  a room with 100 other men

His design of buildings       Made people feel   5. and happy

         Had   6.  opinions about his buildings

         The World Trade Center didn’t fall down after a bomb explosion

Successful  career   Was not the  7.   as other architects

         Didn’t begin his successful career    8.  he started his own company

         Won   9.    Awards for his famous design before 1962 and designed over 300 buildings in his life

Date of  10.     Died on Jun,2  1986


Jimmy doesn’t 1ike school and is always looking for excuses(借口)not to go.If he coughs,he asks his mother to write a note saying he has a cold . If he has a headache,he asks his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours.He spends more time at home than he does at school. Even when he is at school.he looks for excuses to go home early.

One day he came home from school in the middle of the morning.His father was of course

surprised to see him back so early.

“You’re home early.Jimmy,”he said“Is the school closed today?”

“No.Dad,”Jimmy said.“It’s open.But I came home early.”

“How did you do this?”his father asked him.“What did you say to the teacher?”

“I told her that I had a new baby brother and I had to come home and help you.’’

“But your mother has had twins.” his father said.“a boy and a girl. You have a baby brother and a baby sister.”

“Yes.I know, Dad.”Jimmy said“I’m saving my baby sister for next week.”

1.Why is Jimmy always trying not to go to school?

A.Because he often coughs.

B.Because he often has colds.

C.Because he doesn’t like school.

D.Because he always has a headache

2.Jimmy spends most of his time       

A.at school    B.at home      C in the hospital     D.in the 1ibrary

3.One morning Jimmy’s father was surprised because          

A.Jimmy came back early from school

B.Jimmy’s school was closed

C.Jimmy’s mother was ill

D.Jimmy’s mother had two babies

4.What excuse did Jimmy give to the teacher to go home early?

A.He had a headache.

B.He didn’t want to go to school.

C.His father was busy with his work.

D.He had a baby brother to look after.

5.Jimmy didn’t tell his teacher about the twins because.

A.he wanted to save one for another excuse

B.he didn’t know the fact

C.he didn’t like the baby sister

D.his father asked him not to do so


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