
Soft drinks _________ to children for free in some restaurants on Children’s Day.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    have offered
  3. C.
    are offered
  4. D.
    will be offered
考查时态。根据on Children’s Day,可知是说的一般的情况,所以用一般现在时。且主语Soft drinks和offer是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。选C。

The right name is important in the business world. All you have to do is think of the names for some of the products you buy every day and you’ll agree that the name and the product are connected in everyone’s mind.
In many countries, successful trade or brand(商标) names are protected by law so that other companies cannot make the same product by copying. Businesses register(注册) a company or a product name with the government. In fact, more than 1,000 product and company names are registered every hour. Many companies spend a lot of money to find the right name for their products. A good example of this is in the car industry. Some successful names for cars have powerful associations(联系). The Ford Mustang and the Jaguar are only two examples of choosing the names of animals that are fast and strong.
When a U. S company decides to sell its product in another country, it has to make sure that the product name translates(翻译) properly. When Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink to China, it looked for the right name. It wanted a name that would do two things. One was to present its image in Chinese and the second was to be close to its first brand name—Coke. It took some efforts before finding the right word — which sounds similar and translates as “happiness in the mouth”. Asian company names are not new to the United States. The brand names of Samsung and Sony have been successful. Finding the right brand name is a big business. Asian companies that sell to foreign markets pay to find a name that will connect with its customers. There are even naming companies that offer help in inventing product names. These companies can charge up to $100,000 a word for their good names. But it’s worth it. Successful companies know how important the right brand names are for their development.
【小题1】Why are trade names protected by law in many countries?

A.To make companies pay for naming service.
B.To help people choose the best products.
C.To present good images of the products.
D.To prevent good images from being copied.
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A. Many companies care about the cost of finding the right names.
B. Creative trade names can help companies to have a larger sale.
C. The government often does business with naming companies.
【小题3】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.The Importance of Right Brand Names B.The Development of Names
C.The Rules of NamingD.The Methods of Choosing Names

Open today’s newspaper. What do you see? Ads! Look through a magazine. More Ads! Turn on TV, still more ads! Everywhere you look, someone has something to tell.Here are some ways ads get us to buy.

Some ads use famous people. Stars are paid to sell a product. Think about it. Do they really know about medicine? Do they know about soft drink? These people may be famous. But they may not know about what they are selling.

Some ads make you think you’re getting the word of an expert. They say, “Doctor said.” A man in a white coat comes on TV. He looks nice. “I use bright and white,” He says. This man looks like a doctor. But he is an actor. He has been paid to sell this product.

Does soap have anything to do with a pretty child? Not much. But ads may show their product with something nice such as the sun, the flowers and so on. Such an ad is about feelings rather than facts.

Ads are full of strong words, and words like “new” and “improved” have power. They can help a produce sell. The soap may be called “Spring Rain”. A car may be called “Tiger”. Strong words work on our feelings.

Some ads make promise. But can they keep them? No.

Some ads use our fear of being too late. “Buy now!” They say, “Selling ends soon.” Check to see if this is true. Don’t hurry. Take time to think.

All ads hope we will buy something, do something, or think in a certain way. Know what ads are doing. Ask questions to yourself. Don’t let their words and pictures fool you.

1.Some stars appear in the ads because_________.

A.they know every product well

B.they are famous

C.they are all experts

D.they all like white coats

2.According to the passage, we know that “Spring Rain” is the name of ______.

A.a kind of soap                          B.a kind of car

C.a kind of medicine                       D.a kind flower

3.The writer thinks the words and the pictures in the ads________.

A.tell us a story                          B.always make us strong

C.sometimes fool us                       D.keep promises


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1.If you spend 100 dollars or more, you can ____________.

   A. get a CD free              B. get 6 hours of free parking

   C. get some stamps free       D. get a car free

2.Buy one tie at Daniel's Menswear, you may get another _______free.

   A. cheaper tie             B. more expensive tie

   C. tie of the same price        D. tie of different price

3.You can get a 10% discount on any books if you _______ at the Book Store.

    A. buy some gifts       B. buy some tickets

    C. show this coupon      D. buy some books

4.If you want to have free soft drink, you can go to____________.

    A. Mike's Cafe  B. the Book Store  C. Daniel’s Menswear D. the Movie House

5.If John pays 10 dollars for a full-price movie ticket on Tuesdays, he can buy a second ticket for only____________.

    A. 5 dollars   B. 10 dollars   C. 15 dollars   D. 20 dollars


One thing that British and Chinese cultures share is a love for fine tea. Today, when we think of Western tea culture, we often think of the English and beautiful china tea cups.

Afternoon tea

    People believe that an English lady, Anna, first introduced the idea of afternoon tea. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the English ate only two main meals each day: breakfast and a heavy supper that would last for several hours in the evening. As a result, people often got very hungry during the long wait between these two meals. To solve this problem, Anna came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five o’clock. This meal included cakes and sandwiches. And tea was served(供应) to wash down the food. In order to make this afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates and silver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used. Soon, afternoon tea parties became popular social occasions. Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life in modern Britain.

Will you come for coffee?

Coffee also has an important role in British culture. People often use the words “Will you come for coffee” to mean “Would you like to come to my home for a chat?” Normally, several different drinks such as tea, hot chocolate or a soft drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like. However, you will not normally be offered wine at a “coffee” party.

Coffeehouses and the London Stock Exchange

In the 17th century London, coffeehouses were busy and noisy places. Businessmen and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee. In fact, the London Stock Exchange(伦敦股票交易所) is believed to have started from these coffeehouses.

1.Anna introduced the idea of drinking afternoon tea because she ______.

   A. enjoyed chatting with her friends at home

   B. loved fine tea and beautiful china tea cups

   C. wanted to share nice food with her friends

   D. found people felt hungry during the long wait between the two meals

2.What does “social occasions” mean in Chinese?

   A. 集体婚礼       B. 社交活动       C. 社区表演      D. 公共场合

3. If someone says to you “Will you come for coffee,” you ______.

   A. will be offered coffee only       

 B. are asked what you would like to drink

   C. will be asked to have a chat with him or her

D. you are invited to take part in an afternoon tea party

4. From the last paragraph we can see______

   A. a new business was started in coffeehouses.

   B. coffeehouses are still used by businessmen and bankers.

   C. businessmen and bankers went to coffeehouses just for coffee.

   D. most people wouldn’t like to go to coffeehouses because of the noise.

5. Which is the best title of the article?

   A. British and Chinese cultures.        B. The beginning of Tea and Coffee.

   C. Coffeehouse and Business.          D. English tea and coffee culture.  


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