
  Every evening at six o’clock an old man goes to a restaurant near his house. He eats dinner. After dinner, he drinks coffee and talks to the people at the restaurant.

  The old man’s name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening because he is lonely. His wife died and he has no children.

  Every evening the same waitress brings Bill to his dinner. Her name is Cara. She is 17 years old. Cara is kind to Bill. She knows he is lonely, so she talks to him. If Bill is late for dinner, she calls him on the telephone. “Are you OK?” she asks him.

  One evening Bill doesn’t come to the restaurant. Cara calls him, but he doesn’t answer the phone. Cara calls the police. “Please go to Bill’s house.” Cara tells the police. Later the police call Cara at the restaurant. “Bill died in his sleep,” the police tell her. Bill was 82 years old.

  A week later, a man comes to the restaurant. “I have something for Cara,” the man says. The man gives Cara a check(支票) for $500’000. The money is from Bill.

  “This money is for me? From Bill?” Cara asks the man. 

  “Yes,” the man answers.

  “But…why?” Cara asks the man.

  “Bill liked you,” the man says. “You were kind to him”

(    )46.An old man goes to a restaurant near his house every evening because     

            A、he feels lonely                B、he likes coffee

            C、the food in the restaurant is delicious  

(    )47.—Why does Cara often talk to Bill? —     .

            A、Because she has no friends           

            B、Because she knows Bill is lonely  

            C、Because she has nothing to do    

(    )48.—What does Cara do if Bill is late for dinner? —_____.

            A、She calls him on the telephone      

            B、She calls the police on the phone

            C、She brings dinner to Bill’s house  

(    )49.—Why doesn’t Bill come to the restaurant that evening?  —        .

            A、Because Cara isn’t kind to him     

            B、Because he died in his sleep

            C、Because he is very tired          

(    )50.—From whom is the money for Cara?  —________.

            A、The police                               

            B、The man with glasses in the picture



SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talks, sings, dances and it costs  1  a car. In Tokyo, a human-shaped robot will go on sale   2   this year from Sony Corp. It remem-bers people's faces, dances disco steps and   3   sings. But it's an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. "This robot was designed to live with people in  5  , "said Sony only.

"The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6   so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows   7   get back on its feet when it falls, "Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two  8   , allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9   the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which   10   for 180 000 yen(US $ 1 400) in Japan and US $ 1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  (It knows about 60 000 words. ), and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces,  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fad, and toy makers are coming out with  13  imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with children, play simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15  yen(US $105 000) bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.( )

A. as many as              B. as much as

C. so many as              D. so much as

2.( )

A. before              B. later

C. ago              D. after

3.( )

A. ever              B. every

C. even              D. never

4.( )

A. continued              B. used

C. forgot              D. refused

5.( )

A. families              B. houses

C. homes              D. offices

6.( )

A. hands              B. feet

C. arms              D. legs

7.( )

A. when to              B. how to

C. what to              D. why to

8.( )

A. umbrellas              B. bands

C. telephones              D. cameras

9.( )

A. talk              B. speak

C. say              D. tell

10.( )

A. sales              B. sells

C. buys              D. borrows

11.( )

A. diaries              B. conversations

C. competitions              D. dialogues

12.( )

A. noises              B. bodies

C. voices              D. entrances

13.( )

A. cheap              B. cheaper

C. dear              D. more expensive

14.( )

A. sold              B. have sold

C. has sold              D. will sell

15.( )

A. hundred              B. thousand

C. million              D. billion


Read and choose the right answers to complete the passage.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案完成短文。)

SDR-4X is a new robot. It acts like a human being. It talkssingsdances and it costs  1  a car.

In Tokyoa human-shaped robot will go on sale  2  this year from Sony Corp. It remembers people’s facesdances disco steps and  3   sings. But it’s an expensive toy. It will cost as much as a luxury car.

Sony  4  to say more about its sales plans for the silver round-eyed SDR-4X to reporters last week. “This robot was designed to live with people in  5  ”said Sony only.

“The SDR-4X has sensors on the bottoms of its  6  so it can walk on carpets and other uneven surfaces. It even knows  7  get back on its feet when it falls”Sony said.

The 58-centimetre-tall SDR-4X is equipped with two   8  allowing it to see better than its predecessor. It can  9  the difference between the edge of a table and patterns on the floor. The SDR-4X will be more expensive than the Ambo which  10  for 180 000 yenUS $1 400in Japan and US $1 500 in the US. The SDR-4X can carry on simple  11  It knows about 60 000 words.),and be taught to sing by inputting music. It can also recognize faces  12  and names.

Entertainment robots have grown into a fadand toy makers are coming out with  13 imitations. Mitsubishi company   14  two entertainment robots to a museum. They can talk with childrenplay simple games and draw pictures. Yashawa Electric Corp has developed a 13.8  15 yenUS $105 000bed-shaped robot that can help patients who need to strengthen their legs.

1.A.as many as       B.as much as          C.so many as          D.so much as

2.A.before            B.later              C.ago               D.after

3.A.ever             B.every              C.even             D.never

4.A.continued         B.used              C.forgot             D.refused

5.A.families          B.houses            C.homes             D.offices

6.A.hands             B.feet               C.arms             D.legs

7.A.when to          B.how to            C.what to                D.why to

8.A.umbrellas          B.bands              C.telephones         D.cameras

9.A.talk              B.speak              C.say               D.tell

10.A.sales           B.sells              C.buys             D.borrows

11.A.diaries           B.conversations       C.competitions        D.dialogues

12. A. noises         B.bodies             C.voices             D.entrances

13.A.cheap           B.cheaper           C.dear              D.more expensive

14.A.sold            B.have sold           C.has sold            D.will sell

15.A.hundred          B.thousand           C.million             D.billion


About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight (减肥). That is almost one out of every three people in the United States. Some people eat 1 food and they hardly have any fat or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations. 2 you can see losing weight is 3 work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But 4 do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?

    Many people in the United States worry about their looks. For many people, looking nice also means to be 5. Other people worry about their health as many doctors 6 overweight is not good.

    Most people want to find a faster and 7 way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular.

    These books tell people how to lose weight. Each year a lot of new books like these are 8. Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.

    Losing weight can be 9. Some overweight people go to health centers, like La Costa in California. Men and women 10 several hundred dollars a day at these health centers. People live there for one week or two, 11 exercise, eating different foods. Meals there may be just a little. All this works for losing weight.

    12 4 days on the programme, one woman called Mrs. Warren lost 5 pounds (2.27kg). At $400 a day, she spent $320 to lose each pound. But she said she was still 13 to do so.

    Health centers, books, medicines, operations, running and exercise machines all 14 a lot of money. So in the United States, losing weight may mean losing 15, too.

    1 .A. less         B. more         C. nice          D. fast

    2. A. For         B. So            C. Or            D. And

    3. A. good       B. useful          C. hard          D. easy

    4. A. why           B. what         C. how          D. when

    5. A. high            B. short         C. thin           D. fat

    6. A. talk         B. say           C. speak          D. tell

    7. A. dearer        B. harder         C. shorter           D. easier

    8. A. taken       B. given         C. written           D. copied

    9. A. cheap        B. expensive      C. easy          D. safe

    10. A. pay        B. cost          C. take          D. have

    11. A. making     B. taking          C. playing        D. using

    12. A. Before     B. In           C. After         D. At

    13. A. sorry       B. angry          C. sad         &nbsVp;   D. glad

    14. A. need        B. have          C. use           D. get

    15. A. health      B. time          C. food         D. money


For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In some __1__ countries, people can turn on their __2__ and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys and __3__ things.
  Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden. __4__, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen European countries, and in one year, it makes $10 million. In France, there are two teleshopping channels, and the French __5__ about $ 20 million a year in buying things through those channels.
  In Germany, __6__ last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can __7__ for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German __8__ are hoping these will help them sell more things.
  Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without __9__. With all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. But at the same time, other Europeans __10__ like this new way of buying things. They call __11__ “junk on the air.” Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things __12__ on TV. They think high quality is the most important thing, and they don’t believe they can be sure about the quality of the things __13__.
  The need of high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be __14__ the American companies. They will have to be more careful about __15__ of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves.

  1. A. European       B. Asian         C. American         D. African
  2. A. lights           B. switches       C. radios            D. TVs
  3. A. some else       B. another many   C. the other          D. many other
  4. A. Such as         B. For example   C. For teleshopping    D. It is like
  5. A. takes           B. cost          C. spends           D. spend
  6. A. to             B. until          C. unless            D. by
  7. A. begin           B. leave         C. open            D. turn on
  8. A. people          B. women       C. businessmen       D. officials
  9. A. to go out        B. going out
    C. to buy things     D. buying things
  10. A. still           B. don’t         C. even             D. won’t
  11. A. teleshopping    B. TV           C. radio            D. telephone
  12. A. appearing      B. coming out     C. for sale          D. to buy
  13. A. in the shop      B. on TV        C. they bought       D. by this way
  14. A. the same with    B. different from
     C. as big as       D. larger than
  15. A. the number     B. the quality     C. the places         D. the buyers


  There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Before he was sent away, the boy was the   36 student in his class. He was at the top in every exam.

  But the boy changed after   37 home and studying in the boarding school. His grades started to  38 . He hated being in a group. He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he felt like committing suicide(自杀). All of this was because he felt no one loved him.

  His parents started to  39 the boy. But they even did not know what was wrong with him. So his father decided to go to the school and talk with him.

  They sat by the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his lessons, teachers and  40 . After some time his father said, “Do you know, son, why I’m here today?"

  “To check my   41 ,” the boy replied.

  “No, no,” his father said. “I’m here to tell you that you’re the most  42 person for me. I want to see you 43 . I don’t care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. You’re my life.”

  These words caused the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears. He hugged his father. They didn’t say  44 to each other for a long time.

  Now the boy had everything he wanted. He knew there was someone on the earth who cared for him deeply. And today this young man is at the top of his class in university and no one has ever seen him  45  .

36. A. laziest            B. cleverest          C. nicest            D. worst

37. A. coming           B. returning         C. leaving           D. going

38. A. drop             B. increase          C. rise             D. turn down

39. A. look for              B. learn from        C. worry about       D. shout at

40. A. family            B. friends              C. study            D. students

41. A. teachers              B. friends              C. school           D. grades

42. A. famous           B. important         C. handsome         D. interesting

43. A. happy            B. serious           C. excellent          D. honest

44. A. everything         B. anybody          C. nothing          D. anything

45. A. ill               B. smile            C. happy           D. sad

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