
         Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (日本首相小泉纯一郎) on April 22 apologized (道歉) for his
country's past in the wars.
         "In the past, Japan did great damage (破坏) and brought suffering (苦难) to the people of many countries,
especially, those in Asia." He said.
          He was talking to 100 Asian and African leaders at a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.
          China and Japan are having a hard time these days. China is angry at Japan doesn't fact its past.
          For example, Japan started the wars with China in the 1930s and 1940s. But one of its new history
textbooks says China started the wars!
          Chinese President Hu Jintao met Koizumi on April 23. Hu said China wants to be friends with Japan. But
he also told Koizumi that Japan needed to use history as a mirror and face the future.
          China and Japan are both important countries. The tow leaders agree a good friendship will be good for
both countries.
          The two countries sell a lot of goods to each other. Last year, China overtook the US to become the
biggest trading partner with Japan.
          Koizumi's apology is a good start. Now, it's important for Japan to match its words with action.
1. Where was the Prime Minister talking?
2. Why is China angry at Japan?
3. Who started the wars between China and Japan in the 1930s and 1940s?
4. Chinese and Japanese leaders agreed to develop a good friendship between the two countries, didn't they?
5. 请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。
1. At a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.
2. Because Japan doesn't face its past.
3. Japan或Japan did.或Japan started the wars.
4. Yes, they did.
5. 现在,对日本人来说,重要的是以实际的行动来履行(实践或证明)自己的诺言。

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