
     CONCORDE, the world's fastest passenger plane, will soon be over 33
years old.   It first 1______ on 2  March  1969 in France.   Concorde was
developed by both France and Britain. From 1956 these two countries had
a  2______ of   a  supersonic  passenger   plane.  In 1962  they  started  to
3______ together on the project.   The  plane 4______ over   1.5   billion
pounds to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history. It was given
over 5000 hours of testing. Concorde flies at twice the speed of 5______.
This means that it 6______ only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between London
and New York, compare with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because of
the five-hour time difference between the USA and Britain, it is 7______ to
travel west on Concorde and arrive in New York before you  leave London!
You can catch the 10:30a.m.   8______ from London,   Heathrow and start
work in  New York an hour 9______!   Concorde is much used by business
people  and  film stars.   Each Concorde  is  built at   a  cost of   55  million
pounds.   Twenty have been built so   far.    Air France   and   British Airway
10______ the most. They each have seven planes.
(     )1. A. invented
(     )2. A. talk    
(     )3. A. work    
(     )4. A. paid    
(     )5. A. voice    
(     )6. A. spends  
(     )7. A. possible
(     )8. A. plane    
(     )9. A. later    
(     )10.A. build    
B. produced  
B. dream    
B. do        
B. wanted    
B. sound    
B. takes    
B. impossible
B. passenger
B. late      
B. make      
C. flew      
C. meeting  
C. carry    
C. needed    
C. noise    
C. covers    
C. real      
C. flight    
C. earlier  
C. sell      
D. took off      
D. fight          
D. finish        
D. cost          
D. shout          
D. travels        
D. unreal        
D. airline        
D. early          
D. own            
1-5 CBADB 6-10 BACCD
       I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game has finished a few hours
ago.    I'm the mid-field player on my team.  But in fact that's not   1   now.  I was the. mid-field player
because, as I said.this was my   2   game. That's a good way to be an end  a high school football  career
(生涯) , especially if you win ,but even though you don't, it's   3   to leave at a high point. I was eight when
I first started playing football.  My dad   4   football,  and he used to practice with me at home-passing,
catching, running.  We used to practice almost every evening   5   it got too dark.  He tried to teach me
everything he knew about the   6   .
       "Just remember: don't ever  7   . " " Stay in the game. Don't lose your concentration (寺注) . " " Go
out there and  give  110  percent (百分之...... ) every  time. " Well, that was a long time ago, but I still hear his words   8   in my ears.
       I had a lot on my mind   9   the game today. I don't like things to be an end ,I guess, and this was the
last game. I was talking to myself and warning myself about what co do and not to do, I didn't sleep at all 
  10   ,and when the sun came up this morning, I reached the point where   11   just wanted it all to be over, finished, done. But when  the  game  started, my mind became    12  . I just lived in this game, this moment.
I didn't hear the crowd, I didn't feel the cold or the pain, I never felt tired. I just kept my eyes on the   13   ,
and it was just me and the ball and, inside, a soft, white light   14   me the way to the goal. It was a beautiful, empty feeling.
       It's all over now, and it's really getting cold here. It's starting to snow. The sun's almost gone , and I
can    15   see the goal. Now it's dark and I'm sitting here all alone.  Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye
and move on.

(     )1. A. true        
(     )2. A. first        
(     )3. A. good        
(     )4. A. needed      
(     )5. A. until        
(     )6. A. football    
(     )7. A. grow up      
(     )8. A. ringing      
(     )9. A. from        
(     )10.A. tonight      
(     )11.A. we          
(     )12.A. empty        
(     )13.A. way          
(     )14.A. sending      
(     )15.A. already      

B. wrong            
B. last            
B. bad              
B. hated            
B. when            
B. game            
B. catch up        
B. saying          
B. before          
B. yesterday        
B. they            
B. full            
B. field            
B. teaching        
B. hardly          

C. strange      
C. worst        
C. lucky        
C. missed      
C. unless      
C. goal        
C. give up      
C. falling      
C. through      
C. today        
C. I            
C . rough      
C. ball        
C. pointing    
C. never        
D. clear                  
D. favourite              
D. painful                
D. loved                  
D. although              
D. score                  
D. hurry up              
D. coming                
D. after                  
D. last night            
D. he                    
D.  awake                
D. match                  
D. showing                
D. clearly                            
       Dannii Minogue, the Australian singer and actress, is a vegan(纯素者).  She doesn't eat any   1   ,
fish or dairy products. "When I was thirteen I began to find meat too fatty. I felt very   2  when I ate it.
So I stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian. "Four years later,  Dannii  stopped  3  eggs,  milk  
and cheese, because they were bad for her   4  . Also she  5  fish and became a vegan. then she started
reading about factory farming-how we keep and kill animals   6  bad conditions. She was disgusted(恶心)
by what she read,  " Factory farming is terrible because the animals suffer(遭受) so   7  , She knew that
her   8  to become a vegan was right for the animals as well as herself.
       Brian Harvey, a singer with the group East 17,   9   eating meat and junk food. "I love my hamburgers
and fried chicken. I always ask them   10  is vegetarian food anyway. Tomatoes, green peppers, onions,
No, thanks! "
(     )l. A. pizza  
(     )2. A. happy  
(     )3. A. eating  
(     )4. A. sound  
(     )5. A. went on
(     )6. A. for    
(     )7. A. much    
(     )8. A. decision
(     )9. A. enjoys  
(     )10.A. what    
B. hamburger
B. angry    
B. co eat    
B. music    
B. gave up  
B. at        
B. many      
B. idea      
B. stops    
B. how      
C. tomatoes  
C. sick      
C. cooking  
C. voice    
C. fed on    
C. in        
C. little    
C. words    
C. hates    
C. where    
D. meat        
D. healthy      
D. to cook      
D. stomach      
D. cared for    
D. by          
D. few          
D. menu        
D. finishes    
D. why          
     I am Amy Yip, a nurse. On 5th October, I was on Flight J16 to London. The plane, a 747 jet,    1    Hong
Kong at 4:30 p.m. After about an hour, I noticed a man who    2    blond hair walking to the front of the plane.
The woman who was sitting beside me said the man    3    her feel nervous. Suddenly the man turned around
and    4    up a small, black box. He told us that it was bomb. He ordered everyone not to move because he was
hijacking (劫机) the plane. The pilot of the plane, Captain Scott, started    5    to the man. He told the hijacker
he would do everything he said. The    6   ordered Captain Scott to fly to Leone, which is a city in Italy.
     Captain Scott, who was very calm, agreed. A few minutes later, a man whose seat was near the hijacker
jumped up and    7    him. Five passengers tied up the hijacker while Co-pilot Ed Lau picked up the bomb,
which was only a toy. Everyone clapped and thanked the man who    8    the hijacker. Then the plane was 
   9    back to Hong Kong so that the   10    could be handed over to the police.
(     )1. A. left     
(     )2. A. owned    
(     )3. A. surprised
(     )4. A. brought  
(     )5. A. talking  
(     )6. A. nurse    
(     )7. A. helped   
(     )8. A. stopped  
(     )9. A. taken    
(     )10. A. captain  
B. set off    
B. worn       
B. made       
B. took       
B. saying     
B. captain    
B. shouted at 
B. killed     
B. flown      
B. passengers   
C. left for 
C. had      
C. asked    
C. made     
C. telling  
C. hijacker 
C. shot     
C. shot     
C. brought    
C. pilot    
D. set off to   
D. put on       
D. wanted       
D. held         
D. smiling      
D. passengers                            
D. attacked     
D. helped       
D. carried      
D. hijacker     
     Table tennis is very popular in China. That is to say, people of all   l    like playing it.  But I like baseball best.  Sam is my good friend. His favorite sport is    2   , and he knows about Deng Yaping, Wang Nan
and Zhang Yining well.    3    he doesn't know about any famous baseball   4    .
     Baseball is   5   of the most popular sports in the USA.  Children
play baseball in fields or parks. Each team   6   nine players. The baseball season usually
   7   from April co September.   8   that time, there arc many baseball matches on TV. Many people will
   9   them. At the end of' the game season, the two top(一流的) teams play  10   each other.
     Sport is an important part of our life. What is your favorite sport? Can you tell me?
(     )1. A. names      
(     )2. A. table tennis
(     )3. A. And        
(     )4. A. matches    
(     )5. A. a          
(     )6. A. has        
(     )7. A. begins      
(     )8. A. Into        
(     )9. A. visit      
(     )10. A. with      
B. countries
B. soccer    
B. But      
B. fans      
B. the      
B. have      
B. starts    
B. During    
B. watch    
B. at        
C. ages    
C. baseball
C. Or      
C. sports  
C. one      
C. there is
C. lasts    
C. On      
C. look    
C. to      
D. times    
D. tennis    
D. If        
D. players  
D. that                        
D. there has
D . plays    
D. To        
D.look at    

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