
Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist, was born in Hunan in 1930. Professor Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 and has given his whole attention to farming education and research. For many Chinese families, rice is an important part of almost every meal. He did some very important researches on rice.

Professor Yuan was a pioneer in hybrid rice(杂交水稻)research and made great achievements in this area. He is the first person to develop hybrid rice in the world. The achievements of Yuan Longping have greatly solved the food problem, since there is always not enough rice for the whole world. Therefore, it is regarded as the fifth invention after China’s Four Major Inventions.

Yuan Longping started the research of indica hybrid(籼稻杂交)in1964. At the beginning, he discovered male-sterile rice(雄性不育水稻). Then he put forward the idea of the third hybrid rice and carried out experiments on the farm. Yuan Longping successfully produced it in 1973. He was the first person to develop indica hybrid rice. The new technology was tested in many areas of South China in 1974 and 1975, and then tested in other areas. China became the first country that can produce hybrid rice. Yuan Longping is the first scientist who successfully changed the characteristic of rice. He made it possible to grow hybrid rice in such a large amount.

His pioneering work in hybrid rice has greatly changed the way people farm rice in China. It also set up China’s world leading position in hybrid rice research. As a result, he is given the title “Father of Hybrid Rice”.

1.What can we learn about Yuan Longping according to the 1st paragraph?

A.He is a great scientist. B.He is only a common farmer.

C.He was born in Hubei. D.He does chemical researches.

2.Why is Yuan Longping so famous?

A.He is the first person to grow rice in the world.

B.His rice is in the China’s Four Major Inventions.

C.His achievements helped solve the food problem worldwide.

D.His achievements are widely used in growing all kinds of food.

3.When did the third hybrid rice come out successfully?

A.In 1964. B.In 1973. C.In 1974. D.In 1975.

4.What does the underlined “It” refer to in the last paragraph?

A.The way people farm rice. B.The title “Father of Hybrid Rice”.

C.The fourth hybrid rice. D.Yuan’s pioneer work in hybrid rice.



Static shock(静电)happens whenever two different materials come into contact with one another.1., Luckily, there are some ways you can use to reduce(减少) your possibility of experiencing static shock.

Changing your wearing

2. Certain types of shoes can reduce the risk of shock. Wear leather-soled(皮革底)shoes over rubber-soled (橡胶底)shoes when shopping, as the leather-soled shoes are less likely to produce static shock.3..Choose cotton when possible.

Preventing static shock at home:

Humidify your home.4. Your home should be above 30 percent rh (relative humidity). You can measure the humidity of your home by buying a humidity thermometer (湿度计).

Avoiding static shock in public:

Many people experience static shock when shopping. You can do something useful to avoid static shock. When pushing a cart(推车), hold onto something metal like your house keys.5.Moisturize (保湿)your skin before going out Dry skin, especially dry hands, increases the risk of static shock. Keep a travel-sized bottle of lotion(乳液)with you in case your skin gets dry.

A. People can build up static shock when they walk around.

B. So often wearing clothes made of wool can help us keep away from static shock.

C. While relatively harmless, static shocks can be annoying and even painful.

D. Static shocks are more likely to appear in dry environments.

E. Using less such materials can reduce the risk of static shock.

F. This give off any energy you build up while walking before you touch anything with your hands.

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