The western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool.It is a _______ that starts in school.The cool kids are good at sports.They are popular with the opposite sex .They are good-looking and people want to _______their style.They can do their homework but they don’t make a big effort.That would not be cool.

The _______ kids are in the other corner of the playground.They are very bright ,but they don’t have great _______ skills ,not popular with the opposite sex and they are _________ at sports .When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分),they are watching shows like the “X Files” .They are known as the geeks(古怪的人).

But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and _______ your maths homework to ruin.Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations. They _________good degrees, though they might not be too popular at university.

The most important_________of the 2lst century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks .Geek heroes like Bill Gates_______ others to follow their example .Being a geek is a way of earning good money .And the creation of the Internet gave them a__________of their own to work and play in, making them a global forca.__________,the effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend.It is now cool to be __________.Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which you __________ is more important than what you look like.

But there are also__________.Geeks were often bullied(欺辱) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your __________ .Perhaps it is time for punishment.

1.A.time B.division D.part B.act C.copy D.represent

3.A.uncool B.unimportant C.clever D.strange

4.A.personal B.attractive C.experimental

5.A.tasteless B.careless C.hopeless D.helpless

6.A.introduce B.bring C.prefer D.add

7.A.score B.lack C.take

8.A.discovery B.industry C.progress D.improvement

9.A.excite B.discourage C.demand D.promise B.challenge C.chance D.heaven

11.A.However B.Therefore C.Still D.Besides

12.A.imaginative B.uncool C.attractive

13.A.remember B.understand C.receive D.know

14.A.dangers B.questions C.possibilities D.wonders

15.A.secretary B.trainee C.friend D.boss


When Alex was a kid, he helped out in his parents’ burger shop. Standing on top of a milk box made him _________ enough to make drinks for customers. When he was a little older, he worked with other workers to cook _________ together.

Now, Alex has his own burger shop. It’s a restaurant called Creator in San Francisco, California. but he doesn’t make burgers by _________. Neither do his workers.

At Creator, some machines cook and sell burgers. Alex made a device (装置). It washes meat and vegetables, _________ them into pieces and add cheese and relish (调味品). People like these hamburgers because their tastes are just as good as or___________ than burgers made by hand. And they cost less, too. That’s _________ it’s cheaper to make machines than to pay a kitchen full of workers.

Creator is just one _________. Automation (自动化) is taking over human’s many jobs. That means work is done by machines or computers, not people.

A report says that 400 to 800 million people may be out of jobs by 2030. As technology improves, some work will be done more quickly or cheaply _________ machine. So factories will use robots or computer programmes to _________ the work. That means there will be less work for people. Many people could __________ their jobs. Or they might have trouble finding new ones.

1.A.fat B.tall C.thin D.short

2.A.rice B.dumplings C.burgers D.noodles

3.A.himself B.herself C.myself D.itself

4.A.turn B.look C.put D.cut

5.A.better B.worse C.more D.less

6.A.why B.because C.though D.but

7.A.machine B.person C.example D.job D.of

9.A.draw B.paint C.start

10.A.get B.lose D.hate

Every February, school children in the UK and much of Europe have a week off—a half-term holiday—to relax from school.

This _____ is half-term.There is no special event to celebrate at half- term.Children _____ this time having fun and catching up on schoolwork.Most children hang out with friends, go swimming, visit museums _____ see relatives.It’s good time for them to take _____ from school and enjoy time with their friends and loved ones.

Children in Britain have 14 weeks of school holiday every year.The three main holidays are summer break, Christmas and Easter (复活节).But they also have a week _____ for half-term in February and October.These breaks help to ___ the school year up and give kids reprieve(缓解).

Children have only a little _____ to do over the holidays.They may be asked to ___ for a test or complete some coursework.But the main purpose of the holiday is to let them relax and develop their hobbies.

During the summer holidays, most families go away on a short vacation.Many people travel to other cities in Britain and some families are even ___ to go to other countries. Popular places to go on holiday include France, Italy and Spain. Families use this time to _____ and spend time with each other after being busy with work and school for most of the year. B.week C.month D.year

2.A.spend B.cost C.take

3.A.but B.or D.and

4.A.walk B.trip C.exam D.break

5.A.from B.on C.with

6.A.decide B.divide C.connect D.point B.time C.housework D.homework

8.A.prepare B.provide C.protect D.promise

9.A.enough lucky B.enough luckily C.lucky enough D.luckily enough B.relax C.stay

Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题)

Kayla was excited. She was beginning a pottery(陶瓷)class. Kayla was interested in pottery. She had seen pictures of American Indian pottery at school. That was when she decided she loved it. So now she was going to learn how to make pottery herself.

During the first class, Kayla and the other kids leaned about safety. There were several sharp tools in the classroom. There was also a kiln, or over, that got very hot. So everyone had to learn what the safety rules were. Then, their teacher showed them how to work the clay(粘土). For the next few classes,Kayla and the other kids practiced different styles of pottery.

Finally, it was time for the students to make their own pottery. Kayla decided to make a matching plate and cup. She got the clay she needed and used a tool called a potter’s wheel to fashion the clay into the shape of a plate and a cup. Then, Kayla used some tools to give the plate and cup their final shapes. She made a handle for the cup, too. When the cup and plate were shaped, they were left to dry.

When the plate and cup were dry, it was time to paint them. Kayla used paints for clay and created her picture. When Kayla was finished, the paint was allowed to dry. It was then time to fire, or bake, the plate and cup in the kiln. This would take some time, so the teacher said that they would see the pottery at the next class. And it was! Kayla’s cup and plate turned out beautifully, and she couldn’t wait to show it to her parents.

1.Kayla was interested in drawing pictures of American Indian pottery, wasn’t she?

2.According to the next, write one safety rule for the pottery class.

3.What tool did Kayla use to fashion the clay into the shape of plate and cup?

4.What did Kayla do after she painted and dried the plate and cup?

5.How did Kayla feel when her pottery was completely finished?

6.What does the writer try to tell the readers with Kayla’s story?

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