Tom is a five-year-old boy. He likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. (89)But his mother doesn’t think they are good for his health. So she doesn’t usually buy them for Tom. Tom has a nice grandfather. The old man doesn’t live with them. He loves Tom very much. He usually comes to see Tom on weekends. And he often buys some chocolates when he comes. Then Tom’s mother lets him eat it, because she wants to make her father happy.
Tom’s birthday is on Saturday. On Friday evening, Tom says to his mother, “Oh, I’m very happy today.”
“Why?” asks his mother.
“Because tomorrow is my birthday, and I can get chocolates,” says Tom, “Please God, (90)give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.
“Ha! God can’t hear you. Don’t shout (喊)!” says Tom’s mother.
“I know,” says the boy with a smile, “but my grandfather is in the next room, and he can.”
1. When does Tom’s grandfather usually see Tom?
2. Why is Tom happy on Friday evening?
3. Can Tom get a box of chocolates on his birthday?


Mrs Black was waiting ___1__ an important __2___, but she had ___3___ bread in the house, so she left the baby at home and said to her five-year-old son. “I’m going to the shop, Jimmy, and I’ll __4___ in a few minutes.”

When she was __5__, the telephone rang, and Jimmy answered. “Hello,” said a man, “Is your mother there?” “No,” Jimmy answered. “Well, when she comes back, tell her that Mr Baker telephoned.” “What?” “Mr Baker. Write it __6___.” “I can’t write.” “Little boy, is there anybody else ___7__ you? Any brothers or sisters?” “My brother Billy is here.” “Good! I want to talk to him, please.” “All right,” Jimmy took the ___8___ to the baby’s bed and gave it to Billy.

When their mother came back, she asked, “Did ___9___ telephone?” “Yes,” said Jimmy, “A man only wants to talk to ___10__.”

1.                A.at             B.for            C.in   D.to


2.                A.telephone call   B.bus            C.man D.woman


3.                A.some          B.no             C.and  D.not


4.                A.back           B.to back         C.be back   D.to be back


5.                A.home          B.in             C.out  D.back


6.                A.up            B.down          C.away D.out


7.                A.with           B.and            C./    D.or


8.                A.read           B.pen            C.paper    D.telephone


9.                A.someone       B.anyone         C.somebody D.no one


10.               A.me            B.Billy           C.Jimmy D.You



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