
   Many years ago there was no water for travelers on the train. A rich man called Tom was on such a 1 He felt thirsty and got down at a station to look for some 2 . But when he ran back,the train started. It was getting 3 and he decided to spend the night at the station.

  The next morning he asked about the 4 train. He came to know that the next train was on the other day. So he decided to find a place for a day's 5 .

   He went to the nearby hotel to ask for a room but all the hotels were 6 At last he got to a small hut. That day the friendly 7 gave him food but did not ask for anything.

At night Tom heard a 8 at the door. A man dressed in rich clothes came into the hut and 9 the owner to pay his debts.

   The next morning the owner found a note,and it read “Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the stranger and came to know that you 10 money. This is what you need. ”

1. A. bus   B. station

   C. train   D. plane

2. A. water   B. fruit

   C. milk   D. rice

3. A. lighter   B. darker

   C. earlier   D. faster

4. A. slow   B. last

   C. next   D. cheap

5. A. visit   B. travel

   C. job   D. stay

6. A. full   B. empty

   C. old   D. expensive

7. A. driver   B. clerk

   C. owner   D. policeman

8. A. knock   B. speaker

   C. song   D. program

9. A. helped   B. invited

   C. told   D. watched

10. A. saved   B. needed  

C. wasted   D. lent 

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B



1. C由such a可知,这位富人就乘坐在这样一列火车上。

2. A由thirsty可知,这位旅客下车去寻找水。

3. B由night可以推测出,当时天渐渐地变黑了。

4. C由下一句中的next可知,他询问有关下一班火车的情况。

5. D由于下一班火车是第二天的,所以,这位旅客只能再住一夜,故答案为   D.

6. A由下一句可知,这位旅客没有住进旅馆,因为那些旅馆都满员了。

7. C由上一句中的a small hut可知,小房子的主人免费给了这位旅客食物。

8. A由at the door可知,这位旅客听到了有人敲门的声音。

9. C那个人来要求小房子的主人还账,所以,此处应当是told。

10. B由最后一句可知,这位旅客知道了小房子的主人需要钱,故答案为 B.

get dark (天) 变黑

hut .小屋 debt .债务


Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the stranger and came to know that you needed money.


本句是一个由and连接的并列句。第二个并列句中, that. .. money是一个宾语从句。


   My father had a small boat. He went fishing every day when it was fine. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough fish. When you got close to him,he smelled like the sea. When the weather was bad,he would take me to school by car. At the school gate,he would lean over and give me a big kiss. It was so embarrassing for me. I remembered the day when I decided I was too old for a good-bye kiss. When we got to the school,he had his usual big smile. He started to lean to me,but I put my hand up and said, “No,Dad. I'm too old for a good-bye kiss. ” My dad looked at me in surprise for the longest time,and tears came out of his eyes. He turned and looked out of the windshield. “You’re right,my good son,” he said, “You are a big boy... a man. I won’t kiss you anymore. ” Still with a smile,he waved good-bye to me.

   It wasn't long before my father went to the sea and never came back. I was so sad that I wanted one more kiss from my father.

1. What was the father?

   A. A fisherman.   B. A worker.

   C. A teacher.    D. A driver.

2. The father usually took his son to school when

   A. the father was tired

   B. he had lunch

   C. the weather was terrible

   D. he had enough fish

3. Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “embarrassing”?

   A. Boring.   B. Brave.

   C. Shy.    D. Happy.

4. The son put his hand up to .

   A. wave good-bye to his father

   B. stop his father from kissing him

   C. catch his schoolbag

   D. get his breakfast

5. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. A Forever Good-bye Kiss

   B. Father and Son

   C. Go Fishing

   D. Father's Smile

Name: Claud Ansari Country: France 

Native Language : French Time in the US: 10  months Family: I live with my wife and a 2-year-old daughter.

Work: I was an art school student in France.

But now,Fm working in a restaurant.

Interests : I love to cook ( and eat) . I also like to climb mountains.

Name: Su Chen Wang Country: Singapore Native Language : Chinese Time in the US : 4 years

Family: I have 3 boys and 2 girls. They go to school here. My husband is a businessman & lives in Taiwan.

Work: I was a maths teacher but now I'm a housewife.

Interests : I like indoor activities,such as reading,listening to music,drawing.

Name: Norma Ruiz Country: Guatemala (危地马拉) Native Language : Spanish Time in the US : 2 years Family: My mother and 4 brothers live in Guatemala. Fm here by myself.

Work: I worked as a nurse in my hometown.

Here I'm a tailor.

Interests : I like taking pictures and buying CDs. I love to study.

  1. stays the longest time in America.

   A. Claud Ansari

   B. Su Chen Wang

   C. Norma Ruiz

   D. Su Chen Wang's husband

2. There are people in Norma Ruiz's family.

   A. four   B. five

   C. six   D. seven

3. Su Chen Wang's children go to school in .

   A. America   B. Taiwan

   C. Singapore   D. China

4. Norma Ruiz worked in a a few years ago.

   A. school

   B. restaurant

   C. tailor's shop

   D. hospital

5. lives with his/her family in America.

   A. Claud Ansari

   B. Su Chen Wang

   C. Norma Ruiz

   D. Norma Ruiz's mother

   As children,we think that gifts in small packages are less important. The larger a gift box is,the more we 1 it. On birthdays we always 2 what a large gift package holds inside for us. We shake the package and listen to the sound of the things inside carefully. If there is no 3 ,we might think that the package is full of clothes一very 4 if we really want toys.

    Good things come in 5 packages. The world shows its treasures (珍宝) to us not only in big things like planets,but also in little things. Let's take a diamond (钻石) for example. It is small,but 6 .

   It takes years to create a diamond and it is one of nature's hardest things. More 7,parents consider their children as small packages. But inside the packages,there are priceless (无价的) gifts — 8 As we move on in life,when we 9 others,we always try to get to know them by listening to what they say 10 making further studies. This is just like when we shake a package and listen to the sound inside it.

1. A. buy   B. want

   C. take   D. throw

2. A. wonder   B. open

   C. ask   D. put

3. A. money   B. clothes

   C. food   D. sound

4. A. excited   B. disappointed

   C. annoyed   D. embarrassing

5. A. large   B. light

   C. bright   D. small

6. A. priceless   B. beautiful

   C. shiny   D. heavy

7. A. carelessly   B. actually

   C. personally   D. successfully

8. A. toys   B. books

   C. love   D. wishes

9. A. trouble   B. need

   C. help   D. meet

10. A. before   B. after

   C. when   D. as

     Bridget's mother bought her a cat named Scratchy. Bridget liked the pet so much that she fed him very well.

    “You must be 1 not to feed him too much,2 he’ll get lazy and would not like to get mice”,

  Mama often told the girl like that.

    But the girl didn't 3 her mother's words. Scratchy ate too much and then went to 4 every day. He wasn’t hungry at all. He became —5 and didn't want to get any 6 by himself.

   One day when Mum and Bridget were in the kitchen,they saw a mouse 7 on the floor. Both the mother and the daughter jumped up on chairs.

   “Go and get the mouse,Scratchy. Go on!” mother shouted.

    The cat didn't 8 . uScratchy,go and get the mouse,you lazy cat. ” shouted Bridget,too.     “Run!And run after 9 ! ” But Scratchy didn't move. He was sleeping!

   “See what you’ve done,Bridget? You are feeding that kitty too much and now it would not like to get the mouse. We’ll have to stay up on 10 until your Daddy comes back home.

1. A. glad   B. lucky

   C. careful   D. bored

2. A. or   B. and

   C. so   D. but

3. A. listen to   B. care about

   C. ask for   D. think about

4. A. walk   B. work

   C. play   D. sleep

5. A. lazy   B. relaxed

   C. fat   D. healthy

6. A. time   B. words

   C. plans   D. food

7. A. cleaning   B. watching

   C. running   D. dancing

8. A. say   B. see

   C. hear   D. move

9. A. it   B. him

   C. her   D. you

10. A. houses   B. floors

   C. chairs   D. beds

   A girl named Jo Hale has won her battle against the school rules. What was the battle about? It's about whether students should wear pants at school.

  Jo Hale is fourteen years old and is a student at Whickham High School in the northeast (东北) of England.

   Jo wore pants when she was at her elementary school (/j、学) ,but she wasn't allowed to wear them when she went to Whickham. Jo was unhappy because she was cold in a skirt in winter,but the school didn't change its rules about uniforms (校服) . Jo said, “If you are in class doing your work,what difference does it make if you are wearing pants?”

  Jo's mother,Claire,is a professor at the University of Leeds. She contacted (耳关络) the school because she thought the rules were unfair. “The female (女性的) teachers can wear pants but the students can't,” she said. “Pants are warmer in winter and cheaper to wear than a skirt. ”

    Finally the school changed the rules. Now Joe and the other girls at Whickham are allowed to wear pants. Jo says that she's “delighted” .

1. Jo Hale has won her battle about whether students should .

   A. wear skirts at school

   B. wear pants at school

   C. study at home

   D. design their own uniforms

2. Why did Jo feel unhappy when she went to Whickham?

   A. Because she has no good friends.

   B. Because she didn't have money to buy pants.

   C. Because the school didn't allow students to wear pants.

   D. Because her teacher didn't like her very much.

3. Jo's mother,Claire thought .

   A. the school rules were reasonable

   B. the school rules were not fair

   C. the female teachers shouldn’t wear pants

   D. the pants cost more than skirts

4. What does the underlined word “delighted” mean in Chinese?

   A. 沮丧的   B. 失望的

   C. 高兴的   D. 惊讶的

5. The passage shows us that .

   A. Jo Hale is a student at a school in the northwest of England

   B. Jo Hale could wear pants at the elementary school

   C. the school didn't change their rules about uniforms

   D. Claire and Jo Hale said sorry to the school about the battle

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