

                                Jazz concert

  Are you interested in Jazz? There is a Jazz concert at 8:oopm on Sunday at Grand Hall


Adults(成年人 ) :  90 yuan

Children :   40 yuan


                                Lecture (演讲 )

   Mr White will give a lecture about country music

  Come and enjoy it at 6:30 on Saturday evening at Hongyang Theatre.

 Tickets :  Free ( 免费的)


                                Beijing Opera

   Do you like Beijing Opera? Come and enjoy yourself at 7:30 on Saturday evening at Changfeng Theatre.


Adults:  50 yuan

Children: 25 yuan


   Do you want to know more about Beethoven? There is a film about Beethoven at 2:30 at People’s Cinema on Saturday afternoon.


 Adults:  30 yuan

 Children: 15 yuan

1. Ben likes country music. He can go to______________.

   A. People’s Cinema                                                  B.Hongyang Theatre

C. Changfeng Theatre                                         D.Grand Hall

2.. Jack and his brother are both Jazz lovers. They can go to a Jazz concert on__________.

   A. Saturday afternoon                                                      B. Sunday afternoon

   C. Sunday evening                                                    D. Saturday evening

3.. Jim loves Beijing Opera very much. He can see it at_____________.

   A. 2:30 pm                           B. 7:30 pm                    C.6:00 pm                              D. 6:30 pm

4.. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. You can listen to Mr White’s lecture without paying.

B. If Mr Black goes to Grand Hall with his ten-year-old son, he should pay 90 yuan

C. Uncle Li can see Beijing Opera on Saturday afternoon.

D. The film about Beethoven is at People’s Cinema on Saturday evening.










1.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Mr White will give a lecture about country music。 Come and enjoy it at 6:30 on Saturday evening at Hongyang Theatre.”理解可知。本杰明喜欢乡村音乐的话,就应该去Hongyang Theatre听怀特先生的相关报道,故选B。

2.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Are you interested in Jazz? There is a Jazz concert at 8:oopm on Sunday at Grand Hall”理解可知。他们应该在星期天的上午八点去Grand Hall,故选C。

3.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Do you like Beijing Opera? Come and enjoy yourself at 7:30 on Saturday evening at Changfeng Theatre.”理解可知。Jim可以在晚上七点半去Changfeng Theatre观看,故选B。

4.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Come and enjoy it at 6:30 on Saturday evening at Hongyang Theatre. Tickets :  Free ( 免费的)”理解可知。怀特的报告是免费的,故选A。





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