
  Jack and Sally are twins. They like to swim and ride bikes. They like to fly kites, too. They often are with the kites near the river. The kites fly very high. They look very happy.

  But not all of their favorite games are the same. Jack likes to play football and Sally likes to play basketball. Jack likes high jump, he thinks it's easy, but Sally thinks it's very hard. Sally likes to make something, but Jack can' t. Sally can sing very well and Jack can throw the yo-yo very well.


(1) Jack and Sally are brother and sister.

(  )

(2) Jack and Sally often fly kites near the river.

(  )

(3) Their favorite games are the same.

(  )

(4) Sally likes high jump.

(  )

(5) Sally can sing very well.

(  )



 Paul went to bed very late last night. He    1    early and sat up, and then he  2    down again. He felt terrible. I must be ill,he thought, but I must  3    for that test.He got up and looked  4    his history notebook. He finally found it under a pile  5    clothes on his chair. He went  6    his history notes, but he couldn't remember any of the facts in his notes. What shall I do ?he thought. He felt terrible.

 Just then Paul's telephone rang, so he put  7    notebook and picked up the telephone.

 Good morning,Jack's voice  8    .You must be wrong about that test.

 What do you mean?Paul asked.

 We are not going to have a test today, Jack said. I wrote down the date in my notebook. The test  9    next Thursday. It  10    today. How do you feel this morning?

 Fine,said Paul, just fine!Suddenly he really felt fine.


1Astayed up 


Bgot up


Cwakes up


Dwoke up


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


9Ahave to be


B.was going to be


C.will be


D.would be


[  ]


10Acan be




[  ]

Live Music-Late Night Jazz (爵士乐)

  Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis , the famous trumpet player ( 号手). He is

known to play well into the early hours , so don't want to get much sleep.

PLACE: The Jazz Club           DATES: 15—23 June

PRICE: ¥100—150            TIME: 10 p.m. till late!

TEL: 4668736

Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from England will be given.

PLACE: Jack Stein' s           DATES: 10—20 May

PRICE: ¥150               TIME: 7—10 p.m.

TEL: 4021877

Shows-Anhui Museum

There are 12 000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history.

PLACE:Anhui Museum           DATES: 1 Mar. —30 Jun.

PRICE: ¥60( ¥30 for students)     TIME: Monclay—Friday 9 a. m. —5 p.m.

TEL: 4886888               Weekends 9 a. m. — 9 p.m.

Your pen-friend is coming from Australia to your city for a holiday. You send him this

E-mail (电子邮件) to tell him something about the hotels (旅馆).


Dates          Prices(a night)

1 Oct.—31 Dec.             ¥168

1 Jan. —31 Mar.             ¥148

1 Apr: —30 Apr. (closed)         —

1 May—31 May             ¥188

1 Jun. —30 Sep.             ¥208


Prices(a night)

¥ 198

¥ 178

¥ 218

¥ 248

TEL: 4686788               E-mail: Li Hong@ 163. com.

(  ) 1. If you want to watch dancing , you can call

A. 4668736    B. 4021877      C. 4886888     D. 4686788

(  ) 2 You can see the whole of Chinese history at _________ in April in Anhui Museum.

A. 3 p.m. every day           B. 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday

C. 7 a.m. at weekends           D. 7 p.m. every day

(  ) 3. You can enjoy________ at Jack Stein's.

A. American jazz            B. Scottish dancing

C. 12 000 pieces on show         D. yourself all night

(  ) 4. Sun Hotel and Rose Hotel are open for months of the year.

A. nine      B. ten       C. eleven     D. twelve

(  ) 5. You have Y 148 , and you can in May.

A. listen to jazz            B. watch Scottish dancing

C. go to Anhui Museum         D. stay in Sun Hotel for a night

Jack  41 in a small town in England. He always stayed in England 42  his holidays, but last year he thought, “I’ve never been to  43 countries. All my friends go to Spain,  44   they like it very much, so this year I’m going there, too.” So he got on a  45 to Spain and  46 at the airport of the capital, Madrid, and stayed in a hotel for a few days. On the first morning he went  47 for a walk. In England people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right. Jack forgot about this, and  48 he was walking on a busy street, a bicycle knocked him down.

Jack  49 on the ground for a few minutes and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”

Just then an old man selling maps went past him. When he heard Jack’s words, he said to him  50 , “Maps of the city, sir?”

41. A. flew          B. lived         C. went        D. dropped

42. A. for           B. off        C. with            D. into

43. A. all                B. both         C. other         D. any

44. A. and              B. but          C. though          D. however

45. A. bus           B. plane         C. train         D. bike

46. A. reached        B. left          C. arrived           D. stayed

47. A. down         B. up           C. away         D. out

48. A. before         B. while         C. since         D. after

49. A. lay               B. stood        C. fell          D. jumped

50. A. once again      B. on time       C. at times       D. at once

Dear friends,

   My name is Penny. I am a student in No. 11 Middle School. I live in Shanghai, a very beautiful city. I want to have a pen pal from Australia.

   Now I will tell you something about myself. I am thirteen years old. I can speak a little English. I have no brothers or sisters. But I have a lovely dog. His name is Dick. After school, I like playing with him. Sometimes, I go to the movies with my friends, Jack and Jane. I like math, science, and Chinese. But my favorite subject is English, so I want to learn it well. I think you may help me.

   Can you write to me soon?




(  ) 1. What is the writer’s dog’s name?

  A. Jack.     B. Dick.     C. Jane.       D. Penny.

(  ) 2. Where does she live?

  A. Beijing.   B. Wuhan.    C. Shanghai.    D. Hong Kong.

(  ) 3. Can she speak English?

  A. Yes, she can speak English very well.    B. No, she can’t.

  C. Yes, but only a little.                 D. We don’t know.

(  ) 4. What does she like doing after school?

A. She likes playing with her dog.        

  B. She likes playing with her parents.

C. She likes going to the movies with her parents.  

  D. She likes studying English.

(  ) 5. What is her favorite subject?

  A. Math.    B. Science.   C. Chinese.    D. English.

Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary  31 of the learning process. But too often as parents and teachers we deny this same right to our children. We convey(传达) 32  by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed of, that nothing but  33  performance pleases us.

34 I see a child under this kind of pressure ,I think of Jack. He is a shy, nervous perfectionist. He  35 answered questions—he might be  36 .

I try my best to  37 his self-confidence. And I repeatedly  38  God for direction. But  39 changed until midterm, when Mary, a student teacher, came to our classroom.

One day we were working with math problems. Jack had copied the problems with care. 40 with his progress, I left the children with Mary .When I returned, Jack was in tears. He’d missed the third problem.

At that time, Mary got a box  41 with pencils from the desk we shared. “Look, Jack ! I’ve got something to show you.” she said.“ See these pencils, they belong to Mrs. Green and me. See how the erasers are  42  ? That’s because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try  43 . That’s what you must learn to do, too.” Jack looked up with  44 in his eyes---the first time I’d see on his face that year.

Jack gradually believe him that it’s all  45 to make mistakes – as long as you erase them and try again.

31. A. life           B. part            C. game            D. show

32. A. neither         B. nor            C. either            D. or

33. A. high           B. bad            C. top              D. big

34. A. When         B. While           C. As              D. Although

35. A. always         B. sometimes       C. ever             D. seldom

36. A. right          B. wrong          C. mistake           D. fail

37. A. start          B. set             C. establish          D. build

38. A. told           B. asked           C. said             D. spoke

39. A. something      B. nothing          C. anything          D. everything

40. A. Kind          B. Nice            C. Great            D. Pleased

41. A. filled          B. full             C. deal             D. do

42. A. broke          B. new            C. good             D. worn

43. A. once          B. again           C. too              D. either

44. A. disappointment   B. sadness         C. fear             D. love

45. A. right          B. OK            C. well             D. good

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