
You are Tim, you have a good friend called Xiaoming. He’s a seventh year student. The following is his after-school activities.


He is takes from football to basketball.


He is takes to music lessons.


He has to have a quick supper.


He is takes to language classes.


He has to tutor (被教导)for school subjects


He has to do homework..

These activities are all planned by his parents, not chosen by himself. As a result, he’s under too much pressure and complain to you about his parents. But he is afraid to change these activities and has to obey his parents.

Write a letter to Xiaoming’s parents, telling them what they should do in about 120 words, the following points have to be included(包括):

l         Xiaoming’s psychological(心理的)state(状态)and the cause of it.

l         The possible reasons why Xiaoming’s parents plan these activities for him.

l         Your opinion of his parents plan for him.

l         Your advice to his parents.

Dear uncle and aunt,

       Xiaoming complained to me about you , because he’s much pressure, that is caused by the activities all planned by you. Maybe you are always comparing Xiaoming with other children. When you see other children taking part in a lot of activities, you think Xiaoming should do the same. As a result you send Xiaoming to all kinds of classes. It’s crazy, for you have pushed him too hard. He can’t stand it.

You’re trying to plan Xiaoming’s lives for him. When he’s an adult, he might find it difficult to plan things for himself. You should learn to give him more time. He needs time to do things by himself, and he also needs times and freedom to relax



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