
We Need Volunteers(志愿者)!

Clean Guhua Park!

We need five people to help clean up Guhua Park. We need you to collect rubbish.

If you are free(空闲的)for four hours this weekend, come and join us!

Tel: 021-57164323

Email: guhuapark@126.com

Teach Music!

We need three volunteers to teach music in Children’s Hospital. You need to be good at singing and dancing. And you should be friendly and kind.

If you are free for two hours every weekend, join us!

Tel: 021-64931990

Email: lovechildren@sina.com

Help old people!

We need four volunteers to help old people at Xinxin nursing home. You should talk with old people and wash clothes for them.

If you are free for three hours on November 30, come and join us!

Tel: 021-57191151

Email: homelove@163.com

1.If you are free for _________ this weekend, you can help clean Guhua Park.

A.two hours B.three hours C.four hours D.five hours

2.Children’s Hospital need volunteers to teach children _________.

A.music B.maths C.English D.art

3.If Mark wants to be a volunteer in Children’s Hospital, he can call _________.

A.021-65825645 B.021-64931990 C.021-57164323 D.021-57191151

4.Volunteers at Xinxin nursing home should _________.

A.collect rubbish B.teach English C.learn music D.wash clothes

5.We need _________ volunteers to do all these things.

A.three B.four C.five D.twelve


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