

1. — 你能给那位老人让出座位吗?
   —Can you ___________ that old man?
2. 她的学校因为被雷击中而着火了。
    Her school ____________ because lightning hit it.
3. 我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然活着。
   A moment of fear ____________ my mind,
   but I told myself to ____________ since I was still __________.
4. 深圳已经变成了一个现代化城市。
    Shenzhen has ___________ a modern city.
5. 这以前有一家鞋厂。
    There __________ a shoe factory here.
6. 当表演者随着音乐起舞时,我们向他们挥手。
    We ___________ them while the __________ were dancing to the music.

1. make space for
2. caght fire
3. went through, calm down, alive
4. already become
5. used to be
6. waved to, performers