One day Arha's wife was washing the clothes. The little child in the next house was crying. He cried and cried. The mother of the child said, "Stop crying." But the child did not stop crying. He went on crying. Then the mother said, "If you don't stop crying I shall put you into the pond (池塘),"
The mother wanted to buy food, so she said to Arha's wife, "Will you take care of my child for a little time? I must go and buy food." Arha's wife said to Arha, "I am working. You must take care of this child."
After some time the mother came back, and said to Arha's wife,"Thank you for taking care of my child…Where is he?"
"Arha is taking care of the child in the garden." she answered.
They looked in the garden, but they could not see the child. Then they called Arha. "Arha! Arha! Where is the child?"
Arha answered, "She said, 'if you don't stop crying I shall put you in the pond.' The child didn't stop crying, so I put him in the pond."
1. Arha's child was crying one day.
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2. The child's mother was washing.
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3. The mother asked Mrs Arha to take care of her child.
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4. The mother couldn't find her child when she came back.
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5. Arha put the child in the pond.
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