
Koalas look cute with gray fur (毛皮) and some white hair on the sides of their feces. Their eyes are small but they have large ears and curved noses. Koalas have interesting living habits. They do not stay on the ground. They use their arms and paws (爪子) to climb through the trees. 考拉每天花大约18个小时来睡觉。Koalas have a long life of 9 to 20 years. The koala, like the kangaroo, also has a small pouch (幼育袋) for its baby.

Many people love the cute koalas. This animal has been made into toys all over the world. As we all know.考拉是澳大利亚的象征之一. But koalas are in great danger now.

The koala’s fur (皮毛) has been used to make expensive clothes since the middle of 20th century. So people killed the koalas for their fur. These years the number of the koalas is becoming smaller and smaller. People are working hard to save the koalas. Today anyone found harming a koala is punished (惩罚) by law in Australia.

From the news we know there is a big fire (火灾) in Australia Luting for months. It’s not easy for koalas to run away from the fire. Because of the fire, lots of animals are losing their homes. What a pity! Animals are our friends. Let’s take action to protect them!







Mark was walking home from school one day. He ______ a boy in front of him. He had dropped all of his books and clothes. Mark helped the boy pick them up and offered to carry some ______ him.

The boy told Mark something about himself. His name was Bill. He loved video games, baseball and history, but he was having ______ with his other subjects.

They arrived at Bill’s home. Bill invited Mark to watch some television. The afternoon passed ______ with a few laughs and some talk, then Mark went home.

They continued to see each other at school, had lunch together once or twice a week, and then they ______ finished middle school. Three weeks before they left school, Bill asked Mark to have a talk with him.

“Did you still remember the day when we had first met? Did you know ______ I was carrying so many things that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I took away all my things from _______. I had taken some of my mother’s sleeping pills and I was going home to ______ myself. But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I realized that if I had done that, I would have missed a new friend and so many ______ times. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more. You saved my ______.”

Every little hello, every little smile, every helping hand can save a hurting heart.

1.A.heard B.beat C.saw D.answered

2.A.for B.to C.at D.on

3.A.fun B.trouble C.stories D.experience

4.A.badly B.angrily C.sadly D.happily

5.A.both B.all C.either D.neither

6.A.when B.why C.where D.how

7.A.home B.school C.restaurant D.factory

8.A.teach B.help C.kill D.ask

9.A.hard B.uncomfortable C.wrong D.good

10.A.life B.money C.time D.energy

Traffic is not just up set for drivers, but it can be dangerous for walkers and bike riders.

You might have been a pedestrian before when you were walking to school or to a friend’s house. If you are walking near traffic, always use the side walk. Avoid walking on the edge of the sidewalk. Walk closer to buildings just to give some extra room between yourself and traffic.

What if you need to get to a different side of street? Use something called crosswalk. This is a lane that protects pedestrians. There are traffic signals at a crosswalk that will tell you when it is safe to walk and when you should wait. Even if the sign says it is safe, always look in both directions to make sure a car isn’t coming.

Sometimes you might want to ride your bike to go to visit a friend or to school. There are some important things to remember when traveling by bike to stay safe from traffic.

Always wear brightly-colored clothing. If it is dark outside and you are wearing dark clothes, a driver may not be able to see you. Use reflectors on you bike. These are small pieces of plastic that can be fitted on your tires, front handles, and other areas of your bike. They reflect the light from car headlights so that drivers can see you.

Ride your bike in the same direction as the traffic. And don’t think that traffic lights and signals are just for those driving cars! They are important for you too. So always pay close attention.

1.If you are a pedestrian trying to get to the other side of the street, you should ________ to be safe.

A.walk on the edge of the sidewalk B.use the crosswalk

C.walk closer to buildings D.use the bike lane

2.Which is the following statement is true?

A.When the sign is safe, just cross the road.

B.When the sign is safe, you should wait.

C.When the sign is safe, you also need to look in both directions to make sure a car isn’t coming.

D.Traffic lights and signals are just for cars.

3.When riding a bike around traffic, what should you wear?

A.A black jacket. B.Brightly-colored clothes.

C.A dark helmet(头盔)and a suit. D.A dark T-shirt and jeans.

4.The underlined word ‘reflectors ‘in the passage means "________" in Chinese.

A.反光镜 B.保险杠 C.货物架 D.挡泥板

5.What is the main purpose of writing the passage?

A.To ask more people to use the sidewalk safely.

B.To show why traffic can be dangerous to people.

C.To tell us how to travel be bike to stay safe from traffic.

D.To introduce some ways to stay safe when you are around traffic.

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