
Most dictionary will tell you a lot of things about a language. There are three important things. These three things are spelling, pronunciation (发音) and meanings. First, a dictionary will tell you the spelling of a word. If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, you can try to find the correct spelling in a dictionary. Words are listed in alphabetical order(按字母顺序)  -a, b, c and so on. For example, on a dictionary page the word "poor"-p, o, o, r-comes before "poverty"  -p, o, v, e, r, t, y-and the word "poverty" comes before the word "power"  -p, o, w, e, r. The words are always given in alphabetical order.

    The second thing, a dictionary will tell you how a word is pronounced. There are a few different pronunciations. Most dictionary give phonetic (语音的), or sound alphabet. The phonetic spelling will tell different phonetic alphabets. Many dictionaries use the international phonetic alphabet (国际音标) to show pronunciation.

    The third thing, a dictionary will tell you the meaning of words. You can look up a word and find out what it means. Many words have more than one meaning and a good dictionary also tell you all of the word's meanings. For example, the word "get" has over 20 meanings.

1. In the passage, which of the following is one of the three important things?

A. How to write a word well.         B. How to use a word.

C. How to make a sentence.          D. How to read a" word correctly.

2. Of the three words "remove", "remote", and "remount",          in a dictionary.

A. "remount" comes first and "remove" comes

B. "remove" comes first and "remote" comes last

C. "remote" comes first and "remove" comes last

D. "remove" comes first and "remount" comes last

3. Many words have         .

A. several meanings                B. few meanings

C. one meaning                    D. no meaning

4. A good dictionary will tell you         

A. more of the word's pronunciation  B. more of the word's meaning

C. more of the word's spelling        D. more of grammar

5. Phonetic alphabets are used to show       

A. spelling                      B. handwriting

C. meaning                       D. pronunciation


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