China will cut the number of climbers trying to climb Mount Qomolangma from the north this year as part of plans for the clean-up on the world's highest mountains. The clean-up activity will include moving away the bodies of climbers who died at more than 8,000 metres up the mountain.

The total number of climbers trying to reach the top of the world's highest mountain from the north will be controlled to less than 300. The climbing season will be controlled to spring.

Parts of Qomolangma are in China and Nepal (尼泊尔). Each year, around 60,000 climbers and guides visit the Chinese north side of the mountain, but few actually try to climb it. China has set up stations to sort (分类), recycle and break down rubbish from the mountain, which includes cans, plastic bags, tents and oxygen tanks (氧气瓶).

On the Nepalese side, mountaineering trip organizers have begun sending huge rubbish bags to climbers during the spring climbing season. They should collect rubbish that then can be carried by helicopters back to the base camp.

Every year there are many victims on Qomolangma often in the "death area" above 8,000 metres, where the air is the thinnest. In 2017, 648 people reached the top of Qomolangma. Six people have died on the mountain that year, one of whom on the north side.

Qomolangma has become the world's highest rubbish dump (垃圾场). Meanwhile, melting (融化) ice caused by global warming is exposing (暴露) rubbish that has been left on the mountain since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made the first successful climbing 67 years ago.

1.What can we guess from the first paragraph?

A.No climbers will climb Mount Qomolangma.

B.Some climbers died during mountain climbing.

C.About 8,000 people died of climbing the mountain.

D.Mount Qomolangma is cleaned up every year.

2.Which is the proper season to climb the mountain from the north side?

A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. D.Winter.

3.Which of the following is True?

A.Each year, around 60,000 climbers climb the mountain from the north side.

B.In China, people use helicopters to take the rubbish back to the base camp.

C.China has set up stations to deal with rubbish that is left on the mountain.

D.On the Nepalese side, climbers should take rubbish back to the base camp.

4.What does the underlined word "victims" mean?

A.Persons who enjoy climbing. B.Persons who work hard.

C.Persons who help climbers. D.Persons who have experienced death.

5.What can we mainly learn from the last paragraph?

A.The weather in the world is getting warmer.

B.Edmund and Tenzing were famous climbers.

C.Qomolangma is now getting much cleaner.

D.Qomolangma faces serious rubbish problems.


Mr. Smith had a small supermarket in a small town. All the people who lived nearby _____ to go to his supermarket and buy things there. But several years ago, a big chained store ______ in that area and it sold all kinds of things from the toothbrush to TV and, above all, the price was pretty _______. So a lot of small shops _______ except Mr. Smith’s. The manager of the chained store wanted to explore ______ was hidden behind Mr. Smith’s success, so he decided to drop into Mr. Smith’s supermarket and he saw a lady buying things there. He stopped her _______ and asked “Madam, why don’t you go to the big chained store?”

With a smile, the lady told him it was because of a pair of shoes. She told him a story. Three years ago, ______ her divorce (离婚), she worked hard to raise her family and one day when she bought things in a supermarket, Tom, one of her little children, ______ the supermarket and asked her to buy him a new pair of shoes. He cried, “Today I had a basketball match, but all the people ______ me because of the shoes.” She wanted to buy him a pair of shoes but the money in her pocket was ______ enough for a milk. “I am sorry but I ______ when we have money,” the mother said. Seeing that there was no hope, Tom ran away. The woman stood there weeping (哭泣). Later she realized that ______ was patting on her back. ______, she found it was Mr. Smith. He took a pair of shoes that the son wanted to buy.

“Take them,” he said.

“But I don’t have enough money,” the woman shook her head.

“Take them, your son can’t wait. You can pay me later,” Mr. Smith told her.

Now the manager of the chained store knew the ______ for Mr. Smith’s success. He decided that he would follow in Mr. Smith’s footsteps, putting his heart into whatever he did with the hope of attracting more customers. And he did so after the years that followed, which also ________.

1.A. disliked B. liked C. refused D. decided

2.A. disappeared B. reached C. appeared D. entered

3.A. low B. wrong C. unfair D. high

4.A. turned off B. opened up C. showed up D. closed down

5.A. who B. why C. how D. what

6.A. rudely B. politely C. loudly D. proudly

7.A. before B. after C. until D. since

8.A. called in B. dropped by C. rushed into D. passed by

9.A. laughed at B. quarreled with C. believed in D. made friends with

10.A. normally B. mainly C. only D. surely

11.A. doubt B. expect C. imagine D. promise

12.A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody

13.A. Looking ahead B. Turning around C. Turning down D. Coming back

14.A. rule B. answer C. meaning D. reason

15.A. made B. accepted C. worked D. suggested


Growing Pains was on television form 1985 to 1992 in America. This was a total of sevenyears, and it told over one hundred and sixty different stories.

The program was about a family of six who lived on Long Island, near New York City.1.The father was a doctor and the mother was a writer at a newspaper. They had four children. The oldest child was Mike.2.He did really well in the program.

From the start of Growing Pains, Mike was always getting into trouble. He was caught by the police for driving a car too fast. He promised his parents that he would never ride a motorcycle, but then he hurt himself riding one. However, in the last year of the program, he helped a young boy who had no home, and asked his family to help him care for and support the boy, Though his parents were upset because he often broke his promises, the way he cared for this boy made them proud to have him as their son.3.He sometimes did wrong things, but also cared for others and was a warm person.

Perhaps another reason why the program was popular in America is that most of its stories were about normal family problems.4.Like Mike's parents, many parents who work often worry about their children and have difficult decisions to make about them. Even now the show still appears on American TV.

A.Many of the people watching the program had the same problems

B.As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world inside and outside of them

C.He was the main reason for the program's huge success

D.These stories are good examples of the two sides of Mike's nature

E.The parents were a working couple

Whether you’re searching for a job or looking for a new photo for graduation certificate( 毕业证书),your portrait (肖像照) is always of great importance. A ______________ photo may make you look unprofessional, and sends the message that you don’t care about the person who will see it. With the enough practice and patience, you’ll be able to take a good _________for yourself.

Shoot for a standard headshot (头像) with a ___________ background.

If you’re shooting a professional headshot, choose a blank wall, shoot with bookshelves behind you, or ___________ a simple cloth with only one color behind you. Avoid shooting business headshots with personal things or furniture in the background. You don’t want it to look like you took this at home, even if that’s exactly what you’re doing.

Set your shot up next to a bright window and add lights as _________.

Shoot during the day and set up your shot in a bright, sunny room. Use your camera flash if more light are required. You can buy professional lights that ___________ white light that will make you appear _________.

Shoot outdoor photos during the day with the sun behind the camera.

Shoot during the day when the sun is out to get bright, natural lighting. Choose a place where you aren’t directly in front of the sun. Or your face won’t be clear in the picture. Remember not to shoot around _____________when the sun is high in the sky to avoid washing your image out in light.

Continue taking photos until you have several to choose from.

Once you have prepared everything well, continue taking photos until you achieve your goal. Shoot at _______ 10 pictures to increase the chance that at least 1 of your works is excellent! The more photos you take , the more likely it is that you’ll take something truly special for your use. At the same time, it can __________a long time to choose through hundreds of photos! So you’d better have a proper number of choices.

Following the tips above, you can take your new photo better than ever before. More good methods will be introduced next time.


1.A.traditional B.terrible C.convenient C.that

3.A.colorful B.basic C.mixed

4.A.hang B.stand C.connect

5.A.needing need C.needed

6.A.produce B.produces C.producing

7.A.natural B.nature C.naturally

8.A.morning B.night C.noon

9.A.least B.most C.first

10.A.take B.cost C.bring

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