
Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)

Birthday party is on the way!

Thirty minutes ______ the party, volunteers arrive and get to work. They make delicious food, prepare exciting games and arrange colorfully wrapped boxes on a table. Soon it's time to play the music and welcome the eager guests. They rush in, ready to celebrate.

Every month, parties like this take place at homeless shelters across the country. They're hosted by a group called the Birthday Party Project. This non-profit ______ throws birthday parties for groups of kids who don't have a home. For many of them, it's the first birthday party they've ever had.

Paige Chenault is the founder of the Birthday Party Project. "Everyone wants a chance to feel known and seen, and a birthday is a ______ time to make it true. "says Chenault. She and her family threw the Birthday Party Project's first event in January 2012. "We realized our own community was a great place to start, "she says. Since then, the project has ______. Now it hosts about 50 monthly parties in 15 cities. More than 10,000 Children have celebrated their birthday at these events.

Eight-year-old Dipson is one of them. At the party held there in March 2019. Dipson unwrapped his gift: a new bicycle. "It was very fun,"he says. But Dipson also says he has learned a ______ from his party: "You can get a bit sick when you have too much chocolate cake. ,"he warns future party-goers.

Jamie Gates is the education supporter at the housing community where Dipson lives. The Birthday Party Project holds parties there each month. According to Gates, if she doesn't remember to tell the children the date of the next event, they'll ______ asking her until they get the answer. "Parents will come to the party, too," she says. "Everyone in the community loves it."

1.A.over B.after C.before D.during

2.A.school B.organization C.conference D.station

3.A.sudden B.private C.perfect D.safe

4.A.grown B.begun C.frozen D.gone

5.A.saying B.subject C.skill D.lesson

6.A.dislike B.keep C.miss D.finish


Playgrounds are great places to have fun. But you need to have fun without getting hurt. Here are some rules you should remember before you go to a playground.

Getting ready to play

★ Wear shoes to keep your feet safe. Don’t go barefoot (赤脚地).

★ Don’t play on wet equipment (器材). Wet equipment can be slippery (滑的) and might lead to a fall.

★ Don’t play on broken equipment. Tell an adult if any playground equipment is broken.


★ Go down the slide (滑梯), one person at a time.

★ Don’t go down the slide until the person in front of you has reached the ground and moved away from the slide.

★ Never climb up the front of the slide. Someone might slide down and hit you.


★ Climb stairs or steps slowly. Hold onto the handrails (扶手).

★ Use both hands when climbing.


★ Sit down on the swings (秋千) and slow down before getting off.

★ Be careful when you walk in front of a moving swing. You don’t want to get hit.

If something goes wrong

★ Remembering the above rules will help keep you safe and prevent accidents, but sometimes things can still go wrong. If there’s a problem or if someone gets hurt in the playground, ask an adult for help at once.

1.In order to keep your feet safe, you should ________ when playing in a playground.

A.wear long socks B.wear shoes

C.wear glasses D.wear trousers

2.You might ________ if you play on wet equipment.

A.slip and fall B.get a cut

C.be hit by others D.be hit by the equipment

3.You can go down the slide when

A.the person in front of you has just reached the ground

B.the person in front of you has moved away from the slide et

C.the person in front of you is climbing up the front of the slide

D.the person in front of you is going down the slide

4.According to the safety rules, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Broken equipment can be dangerous.

B.Two people can go down the slide at a time.

C.When climbing stairs, you should hold onto the handrails.

D.You might get hit if you walk in front of a moving swing.

5.The best title for the passage is “________”.

A.To keep safe B.Playground rules

C.Have fun in a playground D.Playground equipment

Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box/ Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)

A. set off B. aware C. traditional D. grew up E. professional

Henry Ford is known as making cars. He was born in 1863 in Michigan. He had 4 siblings, and his family owned a farm . He worked on the farm when he was young, but later he was 1.that he loved taking things apart to see how they worked. then putting them back together again. He worked on watches a lot , and ended up helping many people fix their watches . In 1879, when he was 16 years old, he 2. for Detroit to start working with machines, though he came home and worked on the farm a little , too. Ford got married to Clara Bryant in 1888, and worked on a sawmill. He finally became an engineer. Ford worked for the Edison Illumination Company. Edison encouraged him to keep working on his plans for motor-powered horseless carriage(马车)which could take the place of the 3.one. Ford’s motor-powered horseless carriage was called the Quadricycle. He sold the Quadricycle and started his won company to continue his work making vehicles. He did not stay with the first company for many years, but started the 4. Ford Motor Company.

A. salaries B. no longer C. create D. wheels E. at a time

He spent many years developing cars, which were made only a few once. Ford was not the first person to 5. a car, but he was the one who began to make people easily use cars in the United States. His ‘Model T’ car, released in 1908, made many people want one. He needed to make a lot of cars very quickly. His company , Ford Motor Company, hired skilled workers to work on an assembly line. The car would move through the line, and each worker had a job along the line. One worker might put on 6., while at a different spot on the line, another worker put on tires. Every Model T was painted black. The company could make many cars 7. this way. In addition to using the assembly line to produce cars, Ford was also known for paying his workers fair 8.. Henry Ford died in 1947, but his company is still around and making cars today.

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