
Our school is __1__ five kilometers __2__ . I get up very __3_ every morning..__4___ breakfast I walk __5_ the bus stop. It’s not very far from __6_ home. I __7__ a Number 10 bus to school. It takes me about twenty  __8_. But after school when I__9__, I often go __10__. I think doing more exercises is gook for my health. My parents also say so.
1         A. neat   B. at    C. about   D. for
2         A. away   B.  from   C. at    D. in
3         A. early    B. earlier    C. earliest    D. the earliest
4         A. Before    B. Later    C. At   D. After
5         A. at    B. to    C. for   D. by
6         A. mine   B. I    C. my   D. me
7         A. take    B. sit     C. have    D. go
8         A. seconds    B. minute   C. minutes   D. hours
9         A. back home    B. get to home   C. to home    D. go home
10     A. by foot   B. by walk    C. on feet   D. on foot
1.选C. about“大约”,符合文意。2.选 B.from不要选A.away,也可以five kilometers away from my home。3.选 A. early.因为very不能修饰比较级和最高级。4. 选D. After“早饭后”,符合语境。5.“走到”,符合语言环境。6.选C.my,形容词性物主代词+名词。7.选A. take“乘坐”,符合文意。8.选C. minutes“二十分钟”,符合语言环境。9.选 D. go home“回家”,是固定短语。10.选D. on foot,是固定短语。
借鉴别人的学习秘诀, 是学习的捷径之一。请把下面的学习秘诀和例子对上号。
Secrets of top students
Example One: “If I don’t understand what my teacher is explaining in the science,                        
I ask him to say it again,” says Anna Lee. “also asking more helped a lot.”   
Example Two: “When a teacher asks us to do a lot of homework,”says Dave Roman “ I             
will draw up a timetable and plan to do it little by little, so it isn’t so tiring.
Example Three: One student put a vocabulary list on the wall of the bathroom. He
learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth. Another student used the time
to remember biology terms while practicing running.                     
Example Four: In high school, Mike played football, painted and was in the band.
“I was so busy that I couldn’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. I kept everything in order.” He says.                                                小题4:__________
Example Five: Christi is an excellent student at the university. If her math teacher
asks her to do five problems, she does ten. If the history teacher asks her to read
five pages, she reads ten. “Part of learning is practicing,” she says, “and the
more you practice, the more you learn.”                              
A. Get your things in order.
B. Plan your time well.
C. Study anywhere or everywhere.
D. Speak out and ask more.
E. Do more than you are asked.
F.Make yourself busy
Do you know how to keep fish at home?
The fish need room. They must not be crowded(拥挤). Fish need oxygen(氧气). Fish get it from water in the tank. There must be enough water for all fish in the tank. So the size of the tank is important..
In the tank many people put small plants(植物). They give oxygen to the water. Plants help in other ways, too. Fish can nibble(轻咬)on the plants. They hide in the plants and sleep, lay eggs there.
Both the plants and fish need light. You can put near a window. It will get light there. But remember: a window may let cold air in. The cold can kill(杀死) your fish. Too hot water can kill your fish, too.
The fish need food and you should feed them every day. Giving them too much food is bad. It will make the water dirty. However, the fish should get just enough food. They should finish the food in 10 minutes. No extra(多余) is left. When this happens, the amount(数量)of food is right.
(   )16. A tank near the window may NOT be good for pet fish because________.
A. no air can get in through the window   B. pet fish will jump out of the window
C. plants in the tank will grow too big     D. cold air may make the water too cold
(   )17.________is very important to pet fish.
A.  Water    B.  Sunlight   C. The size of the tank      D. All the above
(   )18. Which of the following may cause(导致) pet fish to die?
A. Too little room for fish.             B. The plants in the tank.
C. The light through the window.        D. A lot of water in the tank.
(   )19. The word "this" in the last paragraph refers to(指的是)________.
A. giving pet fish too much food           B. giving pet fish too little food
C. giving pet fish the right amount of food    D. giving pet fish enough water
(   )20. This passage mainly talks about______________.
A.why fish must be put in a glass tank   
B. how people should keep their pet fish
C. what kind of plants is good for pet fish
D. how much food should we give to pet fish
When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words 31  a message. People communicate(沟通) with words. Do you think you can communicate__32__words? A smile  33  your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell34  that you are sad. When you 35   your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something 36 ask questions. You shake(摇头) your head, and people know you are saying no. You nod(点头) and people know you are saying  37 .
Other things can also give some information. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus  38 . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you  39  to go in or out. 40 you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive message 41  them all the time?
People can communicate 42 many other ways. 43  artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books 44 to tell you about all wonderful things in the world. They all help us to know 45  is going on in the world.
小题1:A. take       B. bring              C. carry    
小题2:A. by         B. with              C. without
小题3:A. in          B. on                C. at        
小题4:A. others     B. the others         C. other  
小题5:A. look up     B. make up           C. put up   
小题6:A. when        B. or                C. but       
小题7:A. no         B. hello              C. yes     
小题8:A. to get      B. to have            C. to take
小题9:A. where       B. how                C. what
小题10:A. Do          B. Did                C. Have
小题11:A. from       B. of                 C. about   
小题12:A. with       B. without           C. in
小题13:A. The         B. An                 C. A       
小题14:A. wrote       B. is written         C. are written
小题15:A. what        B. which              C. that

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