Colin and James were neighbors. Colin was poor, while James was very rich. Colin was very relaxed and happy. He never worried about closing the doors or windows of his house at night. He slept very well. Although he had no money, he was happy.

James was always worried about something. He closed all the doors and windows of his house at night. He did not sleep well. He was always worried that someone might break into his house and steal (偷) his money. He envied (嫉妒) the peaceful Colin.

One day, James gave Colin a box of money. “Look, my dear friend,” he said, “I am very rich, but you are poor. Take this money and buy what you want.”

Colin was very happy and excited. Night came and Colin went to bed as usual. But this time, he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep. He kept looking at the box of money and couldn’t sleep the whole night.

As soon as day broke, Colin took the box of money to James. He gave the box back to James. “Dear friend,” he said to James, “I am poor, but your money took away my peace. Please take your money back. I’m sorry.”

1.Why did James have a poor sleep at night? (不超过10个词)


2.How did Colin feel when he got the money? (不超过5个词)


3.What can we learn from the story? (不超过10个词)


I have always wanted to write. From the day I first started reading I became _________. Harry Potter came out when I was a child. And I found one that I couldn’t _________.

The problem is that I am not a very good _________. Everywhere I go I have my little black book. It has no marks on it and it looks very common. _________, my book is my little book of dreams. It started as somewhere to write down all of the _________ experience I have had before or when an idea came popped into my head in a dream. They would all get written into my little book.

Now I bring it everywhere with me. It is more _________ to me than my mobile phone or my wallet. It is full of crazy thoughts or what the world is like. The world, _________, is full of strange things and incredible (难以置信的) people. Every day has something special and unexpected just waiting to be _________ a little bit further down the road.

My book is amazing because it lets me catch all of those tiny things and catch them before they disappear. _________ it has the beginning of a fantasy novel (魔幻故事), the ending of a love play, and poetry I have written in different languages. I never thought I would ever write poems in French! It is crazy!

For me, this book is more than just a lot of __________ on paper. It is one million different possible stories, in thousands of different worlds and made up of a hundred different thoughts. It is indeed my special book.

1.A.surprised B.bored C.interested D.stressed

2.A.hand out B.throw away C.pick up D.think of

3.A.reader B.writer C.student D.reporter

4.A.Anyway B.Moreover C.Otherwise D.However

5.A.unusual B.awful C.pleasant D.funny

6.A.suitable B.necessary C.important D.practical the way B.above all C.for example some ways

8.A.imagined B.explained C.introduced D.discovered

9.A.So far B.In fact C.At first D.From them on

10.A.marks B.words C.signs D.ideas

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