²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÓë¶ÓÓѺÏ×÷work with the teammates;Ó¢Óï½Çthe English corner
Hello, everyone!
I am Li Hua. I have learnt a lot on the English Summer Camp.
I think I have done a good job. Thank you.
Hello, everyone!
I am Li Hua. I have learnt a lot on the English Summer Camp.
I am good at sports, so I joined the basketball team. We had a basketball match with another team. At last our team won the match. Through the match I learned worked with the teammates. I was very happy.
I love English, I joined the English Corner. I made some new friends. We got on well with each other. We talked with each other in English, it improved my English.
I think I have done a good job. Thank you.½âÎö:
In Chicago, a computerized system has been developed that controls(¹ÜÀí)traffic on the city¡¯s 235 miles of seven expressways. Now one¡ªa controller¡ªcan follow the movement of Chicago¡¯s traffic by looking at a set of lights. The system uses electric sensors(¸ÐÓ¦Æ÷) that are built into each expressway, every half a mile. Several times a second, the computer receives information from each sensor and translates it into green, yellow or red lights on a map in the control room. A green light means traffic is moving forty-five miles an hour, yellow means thirty to forty-five miles an hour, and red means heavy traffic¡ªcars standing still or moving less than thirty miles an hour.
¡°See that red light near Austin Avenue?¡±the controller asked a visitor.¡°That¡¯s a repair truck fixing the road, and the traffic has to go around it.¡±At the Roosevelt Road entrance to the expressway, the light kept changing from green to red and back to green again.¡°A lot of trucks get on the expressway there,¡±the controller explained.¡°They can¡¯t speed up as fast as cars.¡±The sensors show immediately where an accident or a stopped car is blocking the traffic, and a truck is sent by radio to clear the road. The system has lowered the number of accidents by 18 percent. There are now 1.4 deaths on Chicago¡¯s expressway for each one hundred million miles traveled, while in other parts of the county there are 2.6.
Traffic experts say that the Chicago system is the ¡°coming thing¡±.Systems like Chicago¡¯s are already in use on some expressways in Los Angeles and Houston.¡°Chicago has taken the lead,¡±said New York City¡¯s traffic director and he added,¡°Chicago¡¯s a good example.¡±
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿The passage is mainly about ________ on expressways in Chicago.
A£®the traffic control systemB£®the movement of the traffic
C£®the electric sensorsD£®the traffic lights
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿When the cars move under 30 miles an hour, ________ on the map in the control room.
A£®the red light appearsB£®the red light turns yellow
C£®the yellow light appearsD£®the green light turns red
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿ According to the passage, we may learn __________.
A£®some visitors are traveling on the expressway
B£®there is no heavy traffic on Chicago¡¯s expressways
C£®the traffic on Chicago¡¯s expressways is well managed
D£®the number of accidents in the US has dropped by 18%
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿In Paragraph 2 the underlined word ¡°it¡± refers to ___________.
A£®the red lightB£®the truck that needs repairing
C£®the trafficD£®the truck that is fixing the road
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿The writer writes the article mainly by _________.
A£®giving reasons and resultsB£®giving examples and explaining them
C£®describing what he thinksD£®asking and answering questions
Big ocean fish have almost been endangered since the start of business fishing in the
1950s. The scientists found that the number of large fish has dropped by 90 percent in the
past fifty years. The study took ten years. The researchers collected records from fishing
businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature published(·¢±í)the findings.
The scientists say the common way called longline fishing is especially harmful to large fish. This way includes many fishing lines that are connected(Á¬½Ó) to one boat. If these lines are joined together, they can reach one hundred kilometers. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks(¹³) to catch fish. Longline fishing is especially common in the Japanese
fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish for every
one hundred hooks. The study says longline fishing boats now might catch one fish per
hundred hooks.
The scientists say business fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the
past. It¡¯s not the only worry that the number of large fish is becoming smaller and smaller.
What¡¯s worse, they are smaller in size than their ancestors(×æÏÈ).
What is happening to ocean fish?
Items (ÏîÄ¿)
of ocean fish
The number of ocean fish has dropped by 90% in the past fifty years.
The number of fish¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿             
    Smaller and smaller.
The size of ocean fish
Big ocean fish have almost been ¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿           since the start of business fishing in the 1950s.
The size of ocean fish is not
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿____ _____ as that in
the past.
The way of fishing(²¶Óã)
Long-line fishing can be especially had to ¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿____ _____.
Business fishing can destroy
fish groups a lot faster than
in the past.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
