
When I was young, after church on Sundays, we would always have a delicious Italian dinner at my grandmother’s house. My grandmother’s slow-cooked sauce(酱) was the key. We would all eat, talk and laugh until our stomachs were full. After mum and grandfather passed away, my dad would still make the sauce from time to time and invite me and my brother over to his little house for a dinner full of fine food and happy memories.

When my dad died, he passed the family recipe(食谱) on to me and my daughter. We often made the sauce for dinner, but for some reason it never tasted quite right. At first, I thought we had gotten the recipe wrong, but one day I realized what was missing. On that day right before dinner, I closed my eyes and imagined my dad, mum and grandmother all sitting at the table around me. Then I placed the pasta on my fork and slowly put it in my mouth. It tasted perfect. From that moment, I realized the secret was, of course, what it had always been: Love!

1.The author thought the food he used to have at his grandmother’s house was ________.

A.not fresh B.boring C.delicious D.not tasty

2.________ would still make the sauce for the family after the writer’s mum and grandfather passed away.

A.His wife B.His father C.His brother D.His sister

3.The writer made Italian food himself, but it never tasted right because ________.

A.he used the wrong recipe B.his family wasn’t with him

C.he was not good at cooking D.he missed his grandmother

4.According to the writer, ________ was the key to his grandmother’s dinner.

A.fresh ingredients B.a special recipe

C.love for one’s family D.slow-cooked sauce


Last weekend when I was walking in the local park, I noticed a group of boys picking on( 找 茬 ) a small boy. They were calling him names( 辱骂).They even_______________ him to the ground and kicked him in the face._____________I saw that, I walked over to the group.

I stood between them and the small boy,and asked politely ___________this small boy had done.One of the boys _________,“He did nothing.He’s just weird(古怪的).”Then I asked another boy if he thought the small boy was weird, and the _________was“No.”So,I asked them what the word“weird”___________.One of the boys said,“Different.”

I told them that everyone is_____________,and that they all looked just as different to the small boy as he did to them.They all stood___________for a moment.And then the most_____________ thing happened.One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and said____________to him.He even invited him to play together.

I thanked the boy for being so____________ .As I looked around.I realized that there were many other people in the park but____________else had stopped to help the small boy.I felt____________that one of the boys was strong enough to stand up against his friends to help someone in need,but I felt sad that no one else had____________taken a second look.

I hope that I've helped the boys__________ that they could have made a difference with a little effort.Maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.

1.A.shook B.turned C.pushed D.checked

2.A.When B.Before C.Unless D.Though

3.A.how B.what C.which D.where

4.A.greeted B.required C.reminded D.replied

5.A.way B.sign C.answer D.problem

6.A.changed B.remained C.meant D.became

7.A.different B.great C.important D.weak

8.A.angrily B.silently C.strongly D.wisely

9.A.boring B.amazing C.funny D.strange

10.A.thanks B.goodbye C.hello D.sorry

11.A.fair B.clever C.brave D.proud

12.A.everybody B.anybody C.somebody D.nobody

13.A.happy B.nervous C.patient D.upset

14.A.never B.already C.still D.even

15.A.decide B.realize C.suggest D.promise

It’s a problem that many teenagers have to deal with. It is lack of (缺少) confidence. Lacking confidence is a _________ thing. It robs you of changes in life. It wastes your time. It causes feeling that hurt you.

If you are someone who doesn’t have_________ in yourself, take this chance to _________ the way you look at yourself and the world.

You are a human being. You have strengths and you have _________. You have talents and you have faults. In this way, you are just like everyone else. You are just as good as other people.

Maybe you are looking around, thinking,“That can’t be right. He has so _________ natural athletic talent, and she’s so smart.” It may be true. But what you are also thinking is, “And I have none of that.”

But there is only one real difference _________ you and them. They have found and accepted and started showing their talents, _________ you have not. You need to learn to accept. Accept that things go _________. They go wrong for you but they also go wrong for other people too. It happens to _________.

Confident people dig through problems, rebuild and move on. ____________ people just can’t get out of it. So look at your potential(潜力) for success in the future rather your failures. Then you’ll feel confident!

1.A.fantastic B.terrible C.normal D.national

2.A.confidence B.problem C.experience D.reason

3.A.build B.change C.lead D.show

4.A.advantages B.failures C.weaknesses D.mistakes

5.A.many B.much C.little D.few

6.A.between B.from C.among D.beside

7.A.and B.because C.while D.so

8.A.wrong B.well C.apart D.bad

9.A.nobody B.everyone C.someone D.none

10.A.Comfortable B.Unlucky C.Natural D.Unconfident

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