Run, Terry, Run

  Terry Fox had cancer(癌). It left him with only one leg. Yet he became famous for running. He ran with an artificial (人造的) leg to raise(集资) money to fight cancer. His plan was to run all the way across Canada, from St. John's to Vancouver. He would cross the water by boat. Terry started out in St. John's in April, 1981, and made it to the halfway point.

  Terry had to give up the run at Thunder Bay when doctors found cancer in his lungs. He died on June 28, when he was 22 years old. He raised more money for the Canadian Cancer Society than he dreamed possible-over $24 million.

  This map shows the route that Terry Fox planned to run and the part of the route he was able to cover.

  To follow Terry's run on a map, you must be able to find directions (方向) . The four main directions on a map are north, south, east, and west. Between the four main directions are four “halfway” directions. They are northeast (NE), northwest (NW), southeast (SE) , southwest (SW) . These directions appear on the map's compass rose. Find the compass rose at the bottom of the map .

  Some maps use only an arrow pointing north. When you know which direction is north, you can figure out that south is below. West is to the left. East is to the right.

1.Terry started his run in St. John's on Canada's ________ coast.

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2.Terry planned to run from ________ .

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A.north to south
B.east to west
C.south to north
D.west to east

3.Montreal is ________ of St. John's.

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4.The city that is west of Thunder Bay is ________ .

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A.St. John's

5.From Winnipeg, the direction to Toronto is ________ .

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An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. “What’s that strange building?” asked the visitor. “That’s the Tower of London.” “I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years.” “In my country we can build it in five months,” Shortly after that they came to St. Paul’s Cathedral(大教堂). “Very interesting!” said the visitor. “How long did it take to build it ?” “Near forty years.” said the Englishman. “In my country we can finish it in forty days at most,” said the visitor. This went on all day.

They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same thing much faster in his country.

At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. Several days later they came to the House of Parliament(议会)and the visitor asked his usual question, “What is that?” The Englishman answered, “ I have no idea. It wasn’t there last night.”

1.The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around _______ one day.

A.The Tower of London                    B.St. Paul’s Cathedral

C.Some famous buildings in the city           D.The whole city of London

2.The visitor said that in his country it would take them ______ to build the Tower of London.

A.less than half a year  B.forty days         C.five hundred years  D.fifty days

3.It took them a few days to see ______.

A.some of the best known buildings in England.  B.several best known places in England

C.many famous houses in the city of London    D.most of the best known buildings in London

4.The Englishman was angry by the end of the day, but he ______.

A.didn’t want to say anything               B.tried to show it to the visitor

C.had no time to tell the visitor               D.tried not to show it to the visitor

5.The Englishman’s answer to the question of the last place showed_____.

A.he was sorry that he hadn’t seen the building before

B.he could say nothing because he didn’t know anything about it

C.he was angry and didn’t want to tell the visitor its name

D.he didn’t know how to tell the visitor the name of the building



Minoru Yamasaki was a well-known American architect(建筑师).He was born in 1912 in Seattle.Washington.His parents came from Japan.Minoru went to college to study architecture.Every summer he worked in a fish factory to help pay for college.Often he worked from four o’clock in the morning until midnight.He slept in a room with 100 other men.Later in life.Yamasaki remembered these times and was always good to his workers. 

  Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work.Once he woke up at three o’clock in the morning.He remembered a building that was in his dream.He got up and started to draw.Yamasaki used a new design for the buildings.These buildings are now the Century Plaza Hotel,and Tower in Los Angeles,California.

    Yamasaki was different from other architects.His buildings give people a feeling of peace and happiness.Many of his designs have pools of water,flowers,and windows on the roof to let in light.He always designed buildings to please people.He wanted to give them a place away from the busy ways of modern life.

    Yamasaki worked for several companies.But his Success began when he started his own company.In 1956,he won the Architect’s First Honor Award for his design of an airport in St.Louis.Missouri.He won two more awards over the next 6ve years.In l962,he designed the World Trade Center in New York.It is very famous.

    In l993,a bomb exploded(炸弹爆炸)in the World Trade Center.But the buildings did not fall down because they had a good design.

    Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings.They had to be built his way.He refused to change the design of his buildings,even if he lost a job.

    Minoru Yamasaki died in l986.He designed more than 300 buildings.People will enjoy the design and beauty of his buildings for a very longtime.  


      In the first paragraph the writer of the passage tells us when and where Minoru Yamasaki ___________ ____________.


    The buildings that Minoru Yamasaki designed are different from the other architects’ because his buildings always make people feet __________ and _____________.


      From which sentence in the passage can we know Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings?





      Minoru Yamasaki was a well—known American architect.What is he famous for?


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