Clark and Luice like sports very much£®In summer they swim and in winter they skate£®They are going skating this weekend£¬but they don't know how the weather will£¨½«»á£©be£®It's 7£º35 now£¬they are watching TV£®They are listening to the weather report for the weekend£º¡±Friday is going to be cold and cloudy£®but it isn't going to rain£®The temperature£¨Î¶ȣ©is going to be below£¨µÍÓÚ£©zero£®It's going to snow on Friday evening£®Saturday and Sunday will be cold and sunny£®¡±

  Now£®Clark and Luice are very happy£®They think they will have a good time then£®

1£®Clark and Luice like         very much£®

    A£®listening to the weather report                   B£®watching TV

    C£®playing computer games                                    D£®swimming and skating

2£®They are going                this Saturday and Sunday¡£

    A£®swimming in the river                              B£®skating

    C£®having a party in the classroom                   D£®walking

3£®They want to know about                     £®

    A£®the rain                B£®the food               C£®the weather            D£®the radio

4£®It                     this weekend£®

    A£®will rain heavily                                       B£®will be warm

    C£®will be hot and cloudy                                D£®will be cold and sunny

5£®They are happy after they listen to the weather report£¬because                 £®

A£®they want to see their good friend

    B£®they are going to have a picnic on the hill

    C£®they are going to have a football match in the open air

    D£®the weather will be fine and they can go skating
