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Dear new friends£¬

It's my pleasure to write you this letter. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes£¡


Li Ping


It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion(¼¤Çé) is to life.

That day I went with my mum to drive my sister to the library. I was bored. Then, as my mum stopped at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my attention. It was a man dressed in rags(ÆƾÉÒ·þ).He was homeless. That didn't interest me, for I had seen many like him before.

But in some way he was different. This man was not sitting down with a sad expression. He had a radio in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious thing he had.

¡°Mum, why does that man have a radio even though he's homeless£¿¡± I asked.

¡°He bought it,¡± she answered. I was still confused.

¡°But if he's homeless, why doesn't he use the money to buy food or clothes? He wasted it on something he doesn't need.¡±

¡°Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren't the most important things. We need happiness, too.¡±

That man must care enough about music, so he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that happiness is the key to life. Without it, there's nothing to expect. A passion gives a person the feeling of happiness they need to keep going.

Since then I've never spent a day without thinking of what's truly important. A home, a meal£¬clothes¡ªthese things are not the only things that make up our lives. What's often forgotten is that we all need a joy, a light in a dark day. We all need a passion.

1.Where did Sarah see the homeless man?

A.At the library. B.At a red light.

C.At a music hall. D.At a radio station.

2.What was the man doing when Sarah saw him?

A.He was eating some food. B.He was buying a radio.

C.He was sitting down sadly. D.He was dancing to the music.

3.The underlined word ¡°precious¡± in the passage means ¡°________¡±£®

A.loved and important B.old and cheap

C.loved but unimportant D.expensive but unnecessary

4.What the homeless man did made Sarah ________ at first.

A.bored B.crazy C.confused D.interested

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.In general£¬homeless people like music very much.

B.Homeless people can also afford a radio.

C.We should care about music rather than food or clothes.

D.A passion for something can make a person live happily.

Many people keep small fish as pets. They keep them in a tank (Ë®²Û) of water. The tank is made of clear glass. People can look through it. They can see inside the tank and watch the fish.

The fish need room. They must not be crowded. Fish need oxygen to breathe. Fish get it from water in the tank. There must be enough water for all fish. So the size of the tank is important. In the tank many people put small plants that are good for fish. They give oxygen to the water. Plants help in other ways, too. Fish can nibble (ÇáÒ§) on the plants. They hide among the plants and sleep, lay eggs there. The plants need light. Most fish need light, too. The tank may be put near a window. It will get light there. Another place might be better, though. A window may let cold air in. The water in the tank may get too cold. The fish may die because cold water can kill them. So can hot water. The temperature must be just right. The fish must be kept in water all the time. Some fish can jump high. They may jump out of the tank. The tank should be covered. This keeps the fish from jumping out.

The fish need food and they should be fed every day. Giving them too much food is bad. The extra (¶îÍâµÄ) food will fall to the bottom and make the water dirty. However, the fish should get just enough food. They should finish the food in 10 minutes. Nothing should be left. When this pens. the amount (ÊýÁ¿) of food is right.


1.The underlined word ¡°oxygen¡± means in the passage ¡°________¡± in Chinese.

A.ÑÌÎí B.¶þÑõ»¯Ì¼ C.ÑõÆø

2.A tank near the window may not be good for pet fish because ________.

A.no air can get in through the window

B.pet fish will jump out of the window

C.cold air may make the water too cold

3.The tank should be covered because ________.

A.some fish may jump out of the tank

B.the water may be dirty

C.it can keep the light away

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.A lot of water in the tank may cause pet fish to die.

B.The size of the tank is important to fish.

C.When people feed the fish, the food should be eaten in 10 minutes.

5.Which is the main idea of this passage ________.

A.It tells us why fish must be put in a glass tank

B.It tells us how people should keep their pet fish

C.It tells us what kind of plants is good for pet fish

When the bell rings, every student takes out an iPad. The light from the screens makes their young faces pretty and lively. That¡¯s what happens every day at my school in the US. We use iPads in class.

I felt surprised and exited when I got an iPad the first day I arrived at the school.

But it was not free. I paid about $100 to rent (×â) it for three years.

Every iPad at my school has a special learning system (ϵͳ) called Focus. Teachers put their teaching materials (²ÄÁÏ) like textbooks and PPTs on it. When we have classes, we enter the system and download (ÏÂÔØ) materials with our iPads.

It makes the classes interesting and efficient (¸ßЧµÄ). For example, a few weeks ago, we learned about London in the UK. Our teacher prepares a video. Through the video, we saw many places of interest in London. We could not only watch the video, but also see the words at the same time. Because of the video, I know more about the city.

We also do our homework with iPads. We can know how well we do our homework right after we hand in our homework.

However, there are still some bad points about learning with iPads. Some of my classmates play games or surf the Internet in class.

I believe the key to using iPads well is to have good self-control (×ÔÖÆÁ¦), isn¡¯t it?

1.The underlined word ¡°Focus¡± in Paragraph 3 is ________.

A.the name of the iPad at school B.a special learning system

C.teachers¡¯ teaching materials D.PPTs and videos

2.According to the example in Paragraph 4, we learn that ________.

A.students don¡¯t like to use iPads in class

B.iPads are not useful when having classes

C.students use iPads to watch videos every day

D.iPads make the classes interesting and efficient

3.What is the right way the writer thinks of using iPads in school?

A.Students should use iPads as often as possible.

B.Students should have good self-control when using iPads.

C.To use iPads in school is very bad for students¡¯ eyes.

D.All students should use iPads to surf the Internet in class.

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