
As I look back on it now, I realize it was kind of silly of me to be so worried when Daddy was really just late. I waited every night for Daddy whom I followed around everywhere.

  That day, I stood at my        place by the door, waiting for his return from work.

  After standing there for a while, I began to      where Daddy was. I ran into the kitchen and asked Mummy     ,“When is Daddy coming? ”

  “ Soon, honey, ”Mummy replied distractedly (心不在焉的) because she was following a difficult recipe(cookbook) for dinner.

  I ran back to the door for I knew that Daddy was coming and that I wasn’t standing there for nothing, I began to read the words from my favorite books.

  Tired of that, I went back to the kitchen to ask Mummy again but       I could open my mouth, she handed me a My little Pony coloring book. She said: “I’m busy, Daniel. Go and       a pretty picture and I’ll hang it on the fridge. ”

  I went back to the door, put my book and crayons (蜡笔) down, then went to get my mini chair to sit in. After a while, the         became a pink-and-purple artistic wonder.

  Soon I        with relief (放心) as I heard the sound of the garage door       and Daddy’s car driving in. I heard him turn off the engine and open and close his car door. The next thing I knew was that the door opened and there stood Daddy. I stood up and        my arms . I hugged him tightly and whispered, “I love you”.

  As I sit at the computer finishing this story, I know Daddy will be home soon. I still       when he’s late. I still go to greet him when he arrives. And I still tell him I love him.

1.A. own         B. usual        C. favorite           D. strange

2.A. think    B. understand         C. wonder          D. search

3.A. hopefully     B. thoughtfully        C. politely          D. sadly

4.A. when    B. as        C. until        D. before

5.A. color       B. make         C. draw           D. paint

6.A. book         B. picture             C. fridge            D. chair

7.A. smiled         B. cried             C. laughed  D. called

8.A. shaking          B. opening          C. shutting    D. breaking

9.A. carried out   B. took out             C. gave out  D. held out

10.A. mind            B. realize             C. doubt   D. worry
















1.B 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。Own 自己的;usual 寻常的;favorite 喜爱的;strange 奇怪的。根据上文提到I waited every night for Daddy whom I followed around everywhere 我每天等着父亲回来,所以今天,我站在往常的地方 ,等着他回来。

2.C 考查动词辨析及语境理解。 think 思考;understand 理解;wonder想知道;search寻找;根据语境,站了一会之后,我开始想知道他去哪了。根据下文提到I ran into the kitchen and asked Mummy     ,“When is Daddy coming?我跑到厨房去问妈妈,可知,我想知道 ,所以选C项。

3.A 考查副词辨析及语境理解。 hopefully充满希望地;thoughtfully深思地;politely有礼貌地;sadly悲哀地; 根据语境,我想知道父亲去哪了,去厨房问妈妈。根据下方提到I ran back to the door for I knew that Daddy was coming and that I wasn’t standing there for nothing我又回到门口去等着,可见刚才是充满希望地去问妈妈 ,所以选A项。

4.D 考查连词辨析及语境理解。 when 当  时候;as 因为;until 直到;before在。。之前;句意,我又跑到厨房两次问妈妈,但是在我开口之前,妈妈递给我一本书。根据语境与出现的but ,可见作者还没有开口,所以选D项。

5.A 考查名词辨析及语境理解。 color 颜色;make制造;draw 平局;paint画;句意:妈妈说,我很忙去给这个画涂上颜色,我会把它巾在冰箱上。根据下文出现 I went back to the door, put my book and crayons (蜡笔) down,去找蜡笔,可见妈妈让我涂颜色。所以选A项。

6.B 考查名词辨析及语境理解。 book 书;picture 画;fridge 冰箱;chair椅子。句意 过了一会,这画变成粉色紫色的艺术奇迹。根据当时语境,妈妈让我涂画,所以画发生变化,因此选B项。

7.A 考查动词及语境理解。smiled 微笑;cried哭泣;laughed 笑;called打电话。根据下方提到I heard the sound of the garage door    42  and Daddy’s car driving in. 不久,当我听到车库开门的声音和爸爸的车驶入的时候,,我笑着松了一口气。

8.B 考查动词辨析及语境理解 shaking摇晃;opening打开;shutting 关;breaking 打碎。根据语境,爸爸的开车回来,可见车库打开,所以选B项。

9.D 考查动词短语及语境理解 carried out执行;took out拿出;gave out 发出;held out 伸出 呈现。根据下方提到I hugged him tightly and whispered, “I love you”我会拥抱他,告诉他,我爱他,可见作者是伸出胳膊,要拥抱父亲,所以选D项。

10.D 考查动词辨析及语境理解 mind 介意;realize 意识到;doubt怀疑;worry 担忧。句意 当我坐在电脑前整理这个故事,我知道,爸爸很快会回家,当他迟到时,我会很担心。当他到达时,我还会去迎接他,而我依然告诉他我爱他。所以选D项。





  Growing up means making my own decisions.When I was little, I left every tough decision for my parents or elder brothers and sisters.With time going by, I came to realize that they could not always stand by me; I had to learn to be completely on my own.Then I took every chance to exercise my wit(智慧)and judgment.I have both succeeded and failed, but I now learn that it calls for experience, wisdom, and sometimes even courage to make a major decision.

  The hardest decision that I ever had made was to visit America, joining the home stay program two years ago.I was stuck in a dilemma(进退两难).My family was so deep in debts(债务)at that time that I felt reluctant(不情愿的)even to bring up the matter with my parents.While my family's financial(金融的)difficulties perplexed(使迷惑)me, my enthusiasm(热情)for study encouraged me to go right ahead.At last I revealed my intention to my parents.They were more than ready to finance the trip, which cost them only a little less than $100,000.I was moved as well as regretful, wondering how I could ever pay them back.As I look back now, I feel it worthwhile; my interest in English was further spurred and could never be frustrated(受挫折的).


1.According to the writer, what does growing up mean?


2.When the writer was little, who made decision for him?


3.What was the hardest decision that the writer had made?


4.How much did the trip cost the writer's parents?


As I look back on it now, I realize it was kind of silly of me to be so worried when Daddy was really just late. I waited every night for Daddy whom I followed around everywhere.

  That day, I stood at my        place by the door, waiting for his return from work.

  After standing there for a while, I began to      where Daddy was. I ran into the kitchen and asked Mummy     ,“When is Daddy coming? ”

  “ Soon, honey, ”Mummy replied distractedly (心不在焉的) because she was following a difficult recipe(cookbook) for dinner.

  I ran back to the door for I knew that Daddy was coming and that I wasn’t standing there for nothing, I began to read the words from my favorite books.

  Tired of that, I went back to the kitchen to ask Mummy again but        I could open my mouth, she handed me a My little Pony coloring book. She said: “I’m busy, Daniel. Go and        a pretty picture and I’ll hang it on the fridge. ”

  I went back to the door, put my book and crayons (蜡笔) down, then went to get my mini chair to sit in. After a while, the           became a pink-and-purple artistic wonder.

  Soon I           with relief (放心) as I heard the sound of the garage door        and Daddy’s car driving in. I heard him turn off the engine and open and close his car door. The next thing I knew was that the door opened and there stood Daddy. I stood up and         my arms . I hugged him tightly and whispered, “I love you”.

  As I sit at the computer finishing this story, I know Daddy will be home soon. I still        when he’s late. I still go to greet him when he arrives. And I still tell him I love him.

1.A. own   B. usual     C. favorite          D. strange

2.A. think  B. understand   C. wonder          D. search

3.A. hopefully   B. thoughtfully  C. politely D. sadly

4.A. when B. as         C. until      D. before

5.A. color          B. make     C. draw     D. paint

6.A. book         B. picture C. fridge    D. chair

7.A. smiled      B. cried  C. laughed         D. called

8.A. shaking       B. opening         C. shutting      D. breaking

9.A. carried out       B. took out       C. gave out        D. held out

10.A. mind        B. realize         C. doubt          D. worry


I watched as my little brother was caught in the act. He was sitting in the corner of the living room, a _____in one hand and my father’s hymnbook(赞美诗集)in the other.

As my father walked into the room, my brother cowered slightly(轻微地畏缩). He sensed that he had done something _____. Form a distance I could see that he had  _____my father’s new hymnal and scribbled(乱涂)in it. Now looking at my father fearfully, we _____  waited for his punishment.

My father _____his book, looked at it, and then sat down without saying a word.He was a clergyman(神职人员) and for him, books were knowledge. And yet he _____ his children. What he did next was unbelievable. Instead of punishing my brother, he sat down, _____ the pen from my brother’s hand, and then wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles John had made:

“John’s work, 1959, _____ 2.” How many times have I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm eyes looking up at me and _____God for the one who has now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred(神圣的), as have your brother and sister.

“Wow,” I thought. “This is punishment?”

The years and the books came and went. Our family _____ what all families go through and perhaps a little bit more. But we _____ knew our parents loved us and that one of the proofs(证明)of their love was the hymnal by the piano.

Dad taught us about_____really matters in life: people, not objects; tolerance(宽容), not judgment; love, not anger. Now I, too, am a father. But unlike my father, I do not wait for daughters _____ to take books from my bookshelf and scribble in them. From time to time I take one down, and give it to one of my _____to scribble in. and as I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the_____he taught me.

1.A、book         B、pen     C、knife     D、toy

2.A、wrong      B、special         C、dangerous    D、different

3.A、dropped          B、read    C、borrowed   D、opened

4.A、all    B、both    C、either         D、each

5.A、picked up         B、put up          C、made up      D、wrapped up

6.A、hated       B、needed       C、loved          D、disliked

7.A、moved     B、took    C、brought       D、borrowed

8.A、old   B、birthday    C、aged   D、named

9.A、thanked   B、asked  C、respected D、pleased

10.A、spent     B、experienced        C、supported D、afforded

11.A、ever       B、sometimes  C、never         D、always

12.A、what       B、why     C、which D、who

13.A、quickly   B、secretly     C、carefully      D、suddenly

14.A、children          B、sisters C、brothers      D、parents

15.A、skills       B、rules   C、lessons      D、subjects


     I watched as my little brother was caught in the act. He was sitting in the comer of the living room, a   1  
 in one hand and my father's hymnbook (赞美诗集) in the other.
     As my father walked into the room, my brother cowered slightly (轻微地畏缩). He sensed that he had done
something   2  . I could see that he had   3   my father's new hymnal and scribbled (乱涂) in it. Now he was
waiting for his punishment.
     For my father, books were knowledge. They were important to him. And yet he loved his children. What he
did next was   4  . Instead of punishing my brother, he sat down, took the pen from my brother's hand, and then
wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles John had made:"  5    work,1959, age 2. How many times have
I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm eyes looking up at me and   6   Cod for the one who has
now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred (神圣的), as have your brother and sister."
     "Wow," I thought. "This is   7  ?"
     The years and the books came and went. Our family experienced what all families go through and perhaps a
little bit more. But we always knew our parents   8   us and that one of the proofs (证明) of their love was the
hymnal by the piano.
     Dad taught us about   9   really matters in life: people,not objects; tolerance (宽容), not judgment; love, not
anger. Now I, too, am a father. But unlike my father,l do not wait for my daughters  10  to take books from my
bookshelf and scribble in them. From time to time I take one down, and give it to one of my  11  to scribble in.
And as I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the  12  he taught me.
(     )1. A. book       
(     )2. A. wrong      
(     )3. A. dropped    
(     )4. A. unnecessary
(     )5. A. My         
(     )6. A. asked      
(     )7. A. decision   
(     )8. A. loved      
(     )9. A. why        
(     )10. A. quickly   
(     )11. A. children  
(     )12. A. skills    
B. pen          
B. special      
B. read         
B. unbelievable 
B. Our          
B. trusted      
B. explanation  
B. encouraged     
B. which        
B. secretly     
B. sisters      
B. rules        
C. paper      
C. dangerous  
C. borrowed   
C. interesting
C. John's     
C. respected  
C. punishment     
C. pleased    
C. who        
C. carefully  
C. brothers   
C. lessons    
D. ruler     
D. different 
D. opened    
D. important 
D. Father's  
D. thanked   
D. excitement              
D. missed    
D. what      
D. suddenly  
D. parents   
D. subjecls  

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