
Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you if you care about it. When you are in   1   at school, your classmates will help you; when you study hard at your   2  , your parents are always taking good   3   of you; when you get success(成功), your friends will say congratulations   4   you; when you do something   5  , people around you will help you correct it; and when you do something good to   6  , you will feel happy, too. All these things are   7  . If you pay attention to them, you can see happiness is always   8   you. Happiness is not the same as money. When you are poor, you can say you are very happy, because people can’t buy happiness   9   money. When you meet problems, you can also say loudly you are very happy, because you have many friends to help you. So you can’t always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you agree with me, you can be a happy and   10   person.
A.wrong B.rightC.badlyD.worse

1. B  be in trouble是习惯用法,意为“处于困境中,遇到麻烦”。
2. C  此处意为“当你努力学习的时候”。
3. D   take good care of="look" after意为“照看,照顾”。
4. A   say sth. to sb. 是习惯搭配。而congratulations on sth. 意为“对某事表示祝贺”。
5. A  根据下文 ... will help you correct it可得知答案。
6. C   you相对的是others他人。
7. B  本文中心词是happiness。
8. C  应该说幸福在你周围。
9. D  句意是“幸福是用金钱买不来的”,故用介词with。
10. A         从be happy和上文中提到的bad luck可推出答案。
Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. Over your lifetime, they may influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just as she does. But parents do a lot more than just pass on their hobbies. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids the minute their kids are born. Most parents will do this as long as they live.
Here are some ways you can stay close, get along well, and build a strong relationship( 关系)with your parents.
Spend time together. Instead of playing computer games or watching TV, ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, or do some reading.
Be kind.Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent’s day with a hug(拥抱), a card , or a joke. It’s also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy!
Do your best at whatever you do. You don’t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you’re turning into a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know they’re doing a good job.
小题1:Who may influence you more than anyone else you will meet according to the passage?
小题2:Which of the following can’t help you build a strong relationship with your parents?
A.Spending time together
B.Being kind.
C.Doing your best at whatever you do.
D.playing computer games or watching TV
小题3:Your parents will be unhappy if you      .
A.clean up his or her room without being asked
B.fight with your brothers or sisters
C.try your best to do something
D.give them a hug
小题4:What does the underlined part in the passage mean? It means         .  
A.they make you become a good kid
B.they work hard
C.they are perfect
D.they do well in their office work

As the sun rose, a dewdrop (露珠)woke up. There it sat on a leaf, catching the sunlight. Proud of its simple beauty, it was very happy. Around it were other dewdrops, some on the same leaf and some on other leaves. The dewdrop was sure that it was the best, the most special dewdrop of them all.
Ah, it was good to be a dewdrop.
The wind blew and the plant began to shake, tipping (使倾斜) the leaf. The dewdrop became frightened as it started to move towards the edge (边缘)of the leaf. Why was this happening? Things were comfortable. Things were safe. Why did they have to change? Why? Why?
The dewdrop reached the edge of the leaf. It was sure that this was the end. The day had only just begun and the end had come so quickly. It seemed so unfair. It seemed so meaningless. It tried hard to do whatever it could to stay on the leaf, but it was no use.
Finally, it fell. Below there was a mirror. A reflection of the dewdrop seemed to be coming up to meet it.  Closer and closer they came together until finally.., the small dewdrop became a part of the great pond (池塘). Now the dewdrop was no more, but it was not destroyed.
It had become one with the whole.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1, we know that the dewdrop _____.
A.didn’t get on well with other dewdrops
B.thought its beauty was too simple
C.couldn’t get any sunlight
D.thought itself as the best dewdrop
小题2:The dewdrop became _____ as it started to move towards the edge of the leaf.
A.scared B.happyC.proudD.comfortable
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?
A.There was only one dewdrop on the leaf.
B.The dewdrop did nothing before falling.
C.The mirror in the story refers to the pond.
D.The dewdrop was actually destroyed.
小题4:What does the underlined word “reflection” mean?
小题5:The story mainly tells us that _____.
A.we should work together against difficulties
B.people should not be too proud of themselves
C.one should work hard for his/her goals
D.it’s good to become one with the whole
We went to play against a team from a country school. They didn’t come    1   the match began. They looked    2   than we thought. They wore dirty T-shirts and blue jeans and looked like farm boys. We thought they    3   saw a basketball before. We felt that we didn’t   4  any practice to play with such a team. It was very late so they couldn’t have any time to practice. The match began. One of our boys    5   the ball and he tried to give it to another one. But from out of nowhere a boy in a T-shirt    6   the ball and he quickly and beautifully got the ball into our basket and had two points. They    7   us because they had another two points in a minute. Soon it was all over. The country team    8   the match. Of course we knew that there was still another team    9   than any good team. But the important lesson we learned this time was: One can’t tell a man or a team by the    10  .
(    ) 1. A. when          B. so          C. until       D. at
(    ) 2. A. stronger              B. younger     C. worse       D. better
(    ) 3. A. never             B. often       C. sometimes   D. always
(    ) 4. A. have              B. make        C. use         D. need
(    ) 5. A. got               B. played          C. took        D. carried
(   ) 6. A. caught           B. changed     C. held        D. kicked
(    ) 7. A. laughed          B. frightened      C. admired         D. smiled
(    ) 8. A. lost              B. won          C. got             D. had
(    ) 9. A. worse             B. less            C. better          D. more
(    )10.A. T-shirt            B. appearance      C. name        D. points
A young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had    36  to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could well    37  it, so he  told him that a sports car was all he wanted.
  Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his father’s room. His father told him how    38  he was to have such a fine son, and told him how   39  he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box.  40 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on it. Angrily, he raised his   41  to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible? " He then   42  out of the house, leaving the Bible.
  Many years passed and the young man was very    43  in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family.    44  that his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him    45  that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a    46  telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take   47  of the things that his father left him.
  When he began to search through his father’s important papers, he saw the still new Bible,     48  as he had left it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to   49   the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌)dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the   50  of his graduation, and the words "PAID IN FULL". Sadness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart.
Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own. My mom was one of those people.
My father died when I was nine months old, making my mom a single mother at the age of eighteen. While I was growing up, we lived a very   36  life. We had little money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would   37  my life, “Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it.”
At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never   38  again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voice, telling me that no matter what those doctors said, I could walk again if I didn’t want to be bad enough. She   39  that message so deep into my heart that I finally believed her. A year later, I returned to school-walking on my own!
When the Great Depression(大萧条)  40 , my mom lost her job. Then I left school to support(支撑) both of us. At that moment, I decided never to be   41  again.
Over the years, I experienced various levels of business success. But the real   42  point happened on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1916. I was dissatisfied with the second-class hotels for families and was angry that they charged(收费)an extra $2 for each child. That was too   43  for most American families. I told my wife that I was going to open a hotel for families that would never charge extra for   44 . There were plenty of doubters at that time.
Not   45 , mom was one of my strongest supporters. She worked behind the desk and even designed the room style. As in any business, we experienced a lot of hard time. But with my mother’s words deeply rooted in my heart, I   46  doubted we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the world­ - Holiday Inn. In 1979 my company had 1,759 inns in more than fifty countries with an income of $1 billion a year.
You may not have started out life in the best situations. But if you can find a   47  in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.
A.expensiveB.fantastic C.differentD.special
When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he saved all his pocket money for over three months to buy holiday presents. The third Saturday in December Mark said he had made his list and had twenty dollars in his pocket.
I drove him to a nearby supermarket. Mark picked up a hand basket and went in while I wailed and watched in the car. It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. Finally he came to the checkout counter (交款处) and reached into his pocket for his money. It was not there! There was a hole in his pocket, but no money. Mark stood there holding his basket, tears falling down his face.
Then a surprising thing happened. A woman came up to Mark and took him in her arms. "You would help me a lot if you let me pay for you," said the woman. "It would be the most wonderful gift you could give me. I only ask that one day you will pass it on. When you grow up, I would like you to find someone you can help. When you help others, I know you will feel as good about it as I do no."
Mark took the money, dried his tears and ran back to the checkout counter as fast as he could. That year we all enjoyed our gifts almost as much as Mm-k enjoyed giving them to us.
I would like to say "thank you" to that very kind woman, and tell her that four years later, Mark went house to house collecting blankets (毯子) and clothes for the homeless people in the fire. And I want to promise her that Mark will never forget to keep passing it on.
小题1:When did the story probably happen?
A.On Christmas Day.B.Before Christmas Day.
C.On New Year’s Day.D.After New Year’s Day.
小题2:When they got to the supermarket, Mark went in     .
A.with the writerB.by himself
C.with the womanD.with his friends
小题3: What happened to Mark in the supermarket?
A.His gifts were stolen.B.He broke his basket.
C.He lost his money.D.He lost his way.
小题4: Why did the writer want to say "thank you" to the woman?
A.Because she bought Mark a nice present.
B.Because she always paid money for others.
C.Because she collected clothes for the homeless.
D.Because she taught Mark to help people in need.
小题5: What’s the best title for this passage?
A.A big supermarketB.A kind woman
C.A happy familyD.A wonderful gift

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