
It just isn’t right  ________ elephants ________their meat.

A.to kill;for              B.to kill;with             C.kill;for            D.kills;for



DIY, which means Do It Yourself, is quite popular in the UK. Lots of stores and supermarkets sell DIY things. TV programs show people how to DIY.

English people like DIY. If there is anything that needs fixing (修理) around their homes, such as            p  1.    the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They share DIY e  2.    with their friends. More and more people are fond of DIY and have d  3.   the joy of DIY. Sometimes people also DIY for saving money. At present, many people can’t a  4.   a big house. They are looking at how they can make their houses better without spending a lot of money. It is not surprising that DIY is so popular.

DIY can be difficult. There is a large market for DIY furniture (家具) which needs to be got together by people themselves w  5.    a few tools. However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can’t understand the instructions (指令). Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture i  6.   is difficult to build. DIY can also be dangerous if you are not careful enough. It is r  7.    that in just one year over 230,000 people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK, including 41,000 who fell off ladders.

DIY can bring us a lot of f  8.    and can help us save some money, but it is not always as easy as it is t  9.   to be if we do something that is too hard. Maybe factories should make products that are easier and s  10.    for us to DIY.



Henry was a carpenter(木匠)of our village. Once I asked him to make a dining table for my wife. He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows. When I arrived home that evening, Henry was drinking a cup of tea and writing out his bill for his work.。

My wife said to me,quietly , “ That’s his ninth cup of tea today . ” But she said loudly, “It’s a beautiful table,dear,isn’t it?”

“I won’t decide about that until I see that bill.” I said.

Henry laughed and gave me his bill for the work. It said:

BILL One dining table June 10 , 1995Cost of wood 17.00Paint(油漆)1.50Work,8 hours(1 an hour) 8.00Total(总计)36.50

When I was looking at the bill , Henry said , “it’s been a fine day,hasn’t it? Quite sunny.”

“Yes , ” I said. “I’m glad it is only the 10th of June.”

“Me too,” , said Henry. “You wait一it’ll be a bit hotter by the end of the month.”

“Yes. Hotter一and more expensive. Dining tables will be 20 more expensive on June 30th , won’t they , Henry?”

Henry looked hard at me for half a minute. There was a little smile in his two blue eyes. I gave his bill back to him.

“If it isn’t too much trouble , Henry , ” I said , “ Please add it up again. You can forget the date.”

I paid him 26. 50 and he was happy to get it.

1.Why did Henry talk about weather when the writer was looking at the bill?

A.Because it was a fine day indeed,

B.Because he wanted the writer to look at the bill carefully.

C.Because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.

D.Because he didn’t want the writer to go through the bill carefully.

2. Why did the writer say that dining tables would be 20 more expensive by the end of June?

A.Because he thought Henry would almost certainly add the date to the cost of the dining table.

B.Because it was difficult to make dining tables in hot weather.

C.Because paint would be more expensive.

D.Because the cost of wood would be more expensive.

3. The writer thought Henry would ask for ______ if he made a dining table on the last day of June.


B.56. 50



4. When the writer gave him the money,Henry was happy because_______ .

A.he got the money easily

B.be didn’t have to add up the cost again

C.he got what he should get for his work

D.he got much money for his work

5. From the story we know that_______ .

A.Henry had written out the bill before the writer got home

B.Henry still wanted to get 36. 50 for his work in the end

C.Henry made a mistake in the bill

D.Henry tried to get more money for his work


You probably know you should say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?

Keep it down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play the music loud on an MP3 player, other people can’t hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. Not one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears, so even if you are alone when listening to your MP3 player, you shouldn’t have it turned up too high.

Take them off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 player off and put it away. Libraries and schools don’t allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don’t have rules, but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense to listen to your MP3 player at event. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event? You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.

Take one out! Sometimes it’s okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. Imagine you are listening to your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it’s not for you.

It’s your choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 Players when read books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.

1.The underlined word ‘volume’ in paragraph two probably means _____.

A.the type of music

B.the amount of a sound

C.the length of a song

D.the colour of an MP3 player

2.We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music _____.

A.is not enjoyable

B.makes us tired

C.is bad for MP3 players

D.hurts our ears

3.We can take one earphone out when we _____.

A.show others the way

B.talk to fiends on the phone

C.watch a sporting event

D.have dinner with our parents

4.It’s all right to use our MP3 player in _____.





5.What can be the best title of this passage?

A.Music Lovers.

B.Music Manners.

C.MP3 Players.

D.MP3 Earphones.


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