
14.Once a small boy lived on a farm which seemed so far away from everywhere.
He needed to get up before sunrise every morning to help his father on the farm.During sunrise he would take a break and climb up on the fence(篱笆) along the side of the farm.He could see a house with golden windows."If they could afford golden windows,then there must be other nice things inside the house."He imagined how great it would be to live there.Then he promised himself,"Some day I will go there and see this wonderful place."
One morning,his father would go to the town and told him to stay at home for a rest.Knowing that this was his chance,he took a sandwich and headed across the field towards the house with the golden windows.
As the afternoon went on,he began to realize how wrong he was.The house was much farther than he had expected.As he went near the house,he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of painting.A small girl very close to his age came out of the poor house and stood by the broken fence.He asked her if she had seen the house with the golden windows.
The girl said,"Sure,I know."and invited him to sit on the porch(门廊).As he sat there,he looked back from where he just came.There he saw the sunset(夕阳) turned the windows of his house to gold!Now he understood that everyone had his own house with golden windows.
51.During his break every morning,the small boy wouldB.
A.fix the fence      B.climb up on the fence
C.eat sandwiches      D.walk around the farm
52.One morning,when knowing he would stay alone,the boy thought it was a chance for him toC.
A.go to the town      B.play on the field
C.go to see the house      D.make the golden windows
53.What did the boy find when he got there?C
A.Nobody lived in the poor house.
B.The house was as old as he expected.
C.No golden windows were in the house.
D.The house was nearer than he thought.
54.The story tells us that people sometimes may have the thoughtD.
A.Like father,like son      B.Love me,love my dog
C.Every dog has its day      D.The grass is greener somewhere else
55.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Golden Windows      B.A Wonderful Place
C.Father and Son      D.A Boy's Promise.

分析 这是一篇记叙文.

解答 51.B  由句子During sunrise he would take a break and climb up on the fence(篱笆) along the side of the farm可知,男孩休息时攀上栅栏.故选:B
52.C   由句子he took a sandwich and headed across the field towards the house with the golden windows.可知,男孩去看有金色窗子的房子.故选:C
53.C  由句子he saw no golden windows but instead a place in bad need of painting.可知,男孩没看到金色窗子.故选:C
54.D  根据短文文意可知,人们有时会觉得别人的都是好的,故选:D.
55.A  短文通过一个小男孩寻找金色的窗子发生的故事,故短文标题选:A

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2.In April this year,lots of bags full of small change(零钱)were seen at bus stops in Tianjin.They were made for passengers to turn their notes into small change.And such an idea came from four students from Zhongbei Middle School,Tianjin.
"People will surely feel worried when they take a bus without coins.We just want to do something to help them,"said Wang Yongcun,15,one of the four students.
   The four boys spent their whole weekend making the change bags.After that they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school,and then chose the top six stops to put the bags.
   Many people think that the four boys have really done a good job.But,things didn't go as the boys thought.Two days later,they found that the money was gone,and that even the bags were taken.It really made them sad but they would not give up.Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time.They put their pocket money in bags again.And the teachers also taught them to make better change bags.They tried their best to do it.
    The four boys feel very happy because they have done something good for the passengers.Their warm hearts are moving.More and more people are beginning to join in the activity.

58.The change bags were putB.
A.on the buses   
B.at the bus stops   
C.under the desks    
D.near the parks
59.It tookDthe whole weekend to make the change bags.
A.the parents   
B.the teachers   
C.the passengers   
D.the four boys
60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The idea of small change bags came from four boys.
B.The passengers refused to put money in the bags.
C.The teachers gave up when the bags were taken.
D.The small change didn't help the passengers much.
61.What's the main idea of this passage?C
A.Making change bags is difficult     
B.Pocket money can be helpful
C.Giving help brings us happiness     
D.Every coin has two sides.
      The Forks Market offers many different  kinds of special souvenirs.Downstairs,shoppers may buy fresh food and fruits.
In the upstairs,shoppers will find artworks.
Open year-round.
Tel:204-942-6302   www.theforks.com
Manitoba Legislative Building was completed in 1920.many consider it to be the finest in the country.Open from a,m,to 8p.m.for self-guided tours.Guided tours are offered free.Call for more information.
 Every day,up to 5,00visitors come to Millennium Library for books,movies,music,wifi,reading corner and study space.Open Monday to Thursday from 10a.m.to 9p.m.; Friday to Saturday from 10a.m.to 6p.m.; Sundays from 1p.m.to 5p.m..
The Children's Museum helps lead to creative learning.there will be public programs,workshops and special events.During the holiday seasons,visitors can take a walk in Eaton's Santa's Village.Open daily.
Tel;204-924-4000  www.childrenmuseum.com
注:souvenirs 纪念品;legislative 议会
56.You may callCif you want to know more about the Forks Market.
57.What can you do in the Manitoba Legislative Building?C
A.Buy food and fruits      
B.Watch public programs
C.Have a self-guided tour      
D.Enjoy music and movies
58.When can you go to the Millennium Library?D
A.At 9a.m.on Tuesday      
B.At 7p.m.on Friday
C.At 8p.m.on Saturday      
D.At 4p.m.on Sunday
59.You can take a walk in Eaton's Santa's Village inB during the holiday season.
A.the Forks Market      
B.the Children's Museum
C.the Millennium Library      
D.the Manitoba Legislative Building
60.Where is text most probably from?A
A.A guide book      
B.A picture book
C.A history book      
D.A science book.
3.Patrick Johnson,an artist for the Washington Post,found some treasure in his new house一一35,000dollars in a place where no one could see it.Although he had car and house payments(贷款)in his head,he still decided to return all of the money to the previous(先前的)owner of the house,Mr.Williams.Would you have done the same?
   Just hours after he had bought the house,Patrick came into the small house,where he was planning to lay out his tools and hang things up.He looked up and noticed a little hole in the wall.He didn't know what it was inside,so he walked towards the wall.It was very dark inside,but an old box caught his eye.
"I caught the thing,it was heavy.I thought it might be some pieces of wood,"he said.Actually it was not.It was filled with lots of dollar bills.But he and his wife knew they had to return the money to Mr.Williams.
"I've got two boys and we teach them to be honest and to do what is right.I knew this was a teachable moment that I would never get back again."Patrick said to his wife."So I thought we would do something honest with it.It's been a great thing for us and our kids."

34.Patrick decided to return the money toD.
A.his wife   
B.the bank    
C.their sons   
35.Patrick found the box
A.outside the small house     
B.in his wife's room
C.in the hole of the wall      
D.among his tools
36.Patrick thought there might beBin the box when he found it.
B.some pieces of wood
C.many famous pictures  
D.some expensive treasures
37.Patrick and his wife returned the money at last becauseC•
A.they didn't need the money at all
B.their children liked money very much
C.they wanted to teach their children to be honest
D.the previous owner of the house asked them to do so.

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