
Nearly all kids have had the same experience. They are eating in a restaurant with their parents. They finished the spaghetti minutes ago. Now, they are bored. Their little brother is kicking them under the table. He is also complaining about the desserts(餐后甜点). Yet their parents are still eating and talking…and talking…and talking.
“Be patient.” One parent says. “We’ll have dessert soon.”
All kids know what happens next. After dessert, their parents drink coffee. Then they talk some more. Again, the children must wait. They have been in school all day and would rather be running and playing. Instead, they must sit in a chair and stare at a wall.
Going to a restaurant doesn’t have to be this way. Many restaurants say they are “family-friendly”. Family restaurants, such as fast-food restaurants should play areas for children. At these restaurants, almost every play area is a big room full of climbing equipment. The room is usually, packed with happy kids. Parents can eat while the children play. Everyone is happy.
The real problem begins when families want to eat a fancier meal(大餐). The parents don’t want to hurry through the meal but talk to each other. They do not have bored children pestering(烦扰) them about leaving. That’s no fun for kids either. For them, going to a nicer restaurant means just one thing: sit still and be quiet.
On family blogs across the Web, dozens of parents post the same question all the time; are there any nicer restaurants with play areas for kids? Research shows that some nicer restaurants do have play areas. In warmer cities, it is easier for restaurants to build play areas outside. For example, at one restaurant kids can sail tiny little motor boats in a small, shallow pond. Parents can sit on a beautiful yard and watch the kids play. Some nicer restaurants even have indoor play areas. Research also shows that these restaurants serve more than just burgers, chickens and fries.
So, it’s possible for a restaurant to provide both food and a place where kids can play. These restaurants seem to be popular, too. For some, families must have reservation days in advance. For others, families might be forced to wait in long lines. Clearly, quality food and safe play areas are both good for business.
小题1:Why do children get unhappy at the restaurant?
A.Because they can’t join in their parents’ talk.
B.Because the dessert isn’t served in time.
C.Because they can do nothing but wait.
D.Because the food there isn’t delicious.
小题2:What is the real problem mentioned in the passage?
A.Children don’t like eating fancier food.
B.Not many nicer restaurants provide play areas.
C.Parents don’t trouble to comfort their bored kids.
D.People have to wait for seats in nicer restaurants.
小题3:What conclusion can we draw from the research?
A.It’s common for nicer restaurants to provide good food and play areas.
B.Building play areas is more difficult for restaurants in colder cities.
C.Serving more kinds of foods may help restaurants to make more money.
D.It’s possible for restaurants to find a balance to make both happy.
小题4:What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
A.Cities need to help develop restaurant business.
B.Children are supposed to be much more patient.
C.Restaurants are supposed to give kids some space.
D.Parents need to care more about their kids when eating.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第三段最后Again, the children must wait. They have been in school all day and would rather be running and playing. Instead, they must sit in a chair and stare at a wall.可知,在餐馆里吃饭的孩子除了等什么也做不了。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。第五段提到:当家人去吃大餐时,并没有供孩子娱乐的区域。以及第六段第一行are there any nicer restaurants with play areas for kids?可知不是所有的好点的饭店都提供娱乐区域。故选B。
小题3:推理判断题。根据最后一段第一行So, it’s possible for a restaurant to provide both food and a place where kids can play.提示,可知选D。

I’ve always tried to tell Willianms
She fell in love with broadcasting
She has also attended a Coldplay concert
She hopes to become a television anchor(主播)
Williams had sent a few broadcasts(广播)she had done.
Williams, 15, is a student at Nation Ford High, South Carolina, 小题1:________. She is quickly making herself noticed.
Not long ago she got a call from Teen Kids News in New York, which is a weekly show. 小题2:__________for her school news program to the show. The producer contacted Williams, and asked if she would work for them.
“All I could say was, yes, yes, yes!” Williams said. “I didn’t even hesitate(犹豫).”
Williams said she became interested in broadcast journalism when she was in the sixth grade. One day she heard that forest fires were burning nearby. After P.E., she went out into the forest and reported on the fires. 小题3:__________. From then on she tried to do it as much as she could.
Williams had to face both good and bad comments from audiences (听众).
“Everyone has a different opinion and 小题4:__________that you can’t listen to it, ”said Lori Williams, a former Atlanta CNN producer. “If it’s what you love to do, it will be more important than everything else.”
Williams’ advice to other young broadcasters is to look for support from friends and family. “With every negative(消极的)comment, there’s five positive, and that’s how I think about it,” she said.
The first program Williams held was about an artist’s pumpkin patch. In the program she asked teenagers what they thought of the artist’s work.
“I was a little nervous. I was going through my lines thinking, ‘No pressure’,”Williams said.
小题5:_______and met Kathie Lee Gifford, an American TV host, singer, songwriter and actress. Gifford told Williams to continue doing what she loved because it would lead to big things.
“Getting advice from her was great,” Williams said.
You may hear about earthquakes, but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthquake? Here is some advice for you:
Before an earthquake   It is necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers ( doctor, hospital, police and 119 etc.). Never put heavy things over beds.
During an earthquake   It is important for each of you to stay calm. If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or table. The purpose is to protect yourself from falling things. Stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy fumiture and so on. If you are cooking, turn off the gas. If you are outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridges and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible, staying away from bridges and tall buildings, stay in your car.
After an earthquake  ONCE the shaking has stopped, DO NOT run out of the building at once. It is better to wait and leave when it is safe. Check around you and help the people who are in trouble. If your building is badly broken, you should leave it. If you smell or hear gas, get everyone outside and open windows and doors. If you can do it safely, turn off the gas. Report it to the gas company.
小题1:Which of the following is mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.People should know how to turn on gas.
B.People should know how to save water.
C.People should not put heavy things over beds.
D.People should not forget the phone numbers of friends.
小题2:When an earthquake happens, _______ can help you deal with it.
A.keeping quietB.staying calmC.looking outsideD.moving indoors
小题3:When the earth stops shaking, you should_______.
A.check around you first
B.run out of the building at once
C.break the windows and doors
D.write a report to the company
小题4:You can learn_______ after reading the passage.
A.what an earthquake is like
B.what to do to avoid (避免) an earthquake
C.how an earthquake happens
D.how to protect yourself in an earthquake

By Vince Vawter

What’s the basic story line?
Little Man works as a paperboy for the summer, but has no idea that it will change his attitudes towards life forever. His unexpected adventure leads him to new friends, problems, and worries. The job even puts his life in danger.
What would you say about this book?
It tells an interesting story, providing a deep understanding of the life of someone in a special situation.                      — By Zach Lewis
House of Secrets
By Ned Vizzini

What’s the basic story line?
A man writes a novel called The Book of Doom and Desire. The book is magical and has powers that could be harmful if misused. The writer puts a spell (符咒) on the book so nobody can use it. Some people want to find the book. Their search is very dangerous. What happens during their adventure? Read the book and find out.
What would you say about this book?
It includes funny stories, bravery and love. It is a great book from start to finish.                                      — By Abhinav Piplani
Better to Wish
By Ann Martin

What’s the basic story line?
Abby Nichols is 8 years old and living with her parents in a small town in Maine during the Great Depression. She can’t imagine what her future holds for her. But Abby’s world is changing fast. There will be good-byes to say and hard choices to make. The story follows the ups and downs of Abby’s life.
What would you say about this book?
It is a book about how a girl deals with her problems. The writer shows readers the way a family grows. The story is about hope and life.                                           — By Alaa Osman
My Brother Is A Big, Fat Liar
By James Patterson

What’s the basic story line?
Georgia Khatchadorian is entering Hills Village Middle School and thinks everything is going well. But things are different at HVMS. Her brother, Rafe, was kicked out because he broke all the rules. The teachers think that Georgia is just like her brother, so they give her bad grades. To make matters worse, some boys often pick on her. Will Georgia be able to change her reputation?
What would you say about this book?
It is very humorous, and readers will never want to put it down!
— By Rylan J. Daniels
小题1:What do Paperboy and House of Secrets have in common?
A.They both tell honest people’s stories.
B.They both include some adventure stories.
C.They both present a deep understanding of life.
D.They both give advice on how to solve problems.
小题2:According to My Brother Is A Big, Fat Liar, why is Georgia given bad grades?
A.She puts her brother’s life in danger.
B.She breaks all the rules like her brother.
C.Her teachers believe that she will behave badly.
D.She doesn’t study well and picks on her classmates.
小题3:Where can we probably read this text?
A.A personal diary.B.A website book review.
C.A science report.D.A chemistry textbook.
If you want to live for 100 years, you need healthy food and lots of exercise.
In the morning, you have a big and nice breakfast. A big and nice breakfast can help you start a day. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice and vegetables. ⑵Healthy people seldom eat much snacks. Sweet snacks give you energy but they’re not healthy. You can have an orange or an apple after each meal.
Except for keeping a healthy ⑴______, you need lots of ⑴______ too. You can do sports for 30 minutes every day. After a month, you will feel healthier. You can swim. You can run. You can play ball games. But don’t play computer games or chat with friends on the Internet for many hours every day. This is not exercise.
Get up from your chair, everyone! Change your diet and lifestyle today! You can live for 100 years. You can always feel young with right food and exercise.
小题3:How long can we exercise every day?
You can do some exercise for half an hour every day.
One day a mother camel and her son walked through a desert. They were looking for water and grass.
The son asked, “What do water and grass look like, Mum?”His mother answered, “Water looks like the sky, blue and clear.While grass is green, fresh and nice.”
After they walked for a day and a night, the son suddenly cried, “Look!Mum,there is water and grass over there!”
“What a foolish talk,my boy!”
The water and grass were on the left,while the desert was on the right.But because the mother camel was blind( 瞎的  )in her left eye,she could only see a sea of yellow sand with her right eye.So she didn’t believe what the young camel said.
The next day they went on walking ,the young camel found a second oasis ,but his mother still did not believe him. She said angrily, “No,that’s not an oasis,but a desert. I have more knowledge and experience than you. You are wrong again. You should listen to me.”
This time the young camel was angry with his mother,too. So when he saw an oasis for the third time, he left his mother without telling her.He ran to the grass and ate his fill. But his poor mother was still walking on and she was still hungry and thirsty.
小题1:At first the young camel didn’t know     .
A.how to go through the desert
B.what they wanted to do
C.where they wanted to go
D.what water and grass looked like
小题2:How many times did the young camel find the oasis in total( 总共 )?
A.OnceB.TwiceC.Three timesD.Four times
小题3:What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “oasis”?
A. 大海B   绿洲 C .陆地 D 草地
小题4:Who couldn’t eat grass all the time?
A.The mother camelB.The young camelC.The writerD.Nobody
小题5:What can you learn from the passage?
A.We should believe the mother camel.
B. We should always believe the one with more experience
C.We should believe others when they are right
D.We don’t need to be polite to our mothers.
The best tool you can use in communicating with parents is to keep talking to them, no matter what. Strong relationship (关系) depend heavily on keeping the lines of communication open. Try to talk about everyday things with your parents. That doesn’t mean telling them everything. In fact, turn the focus onto them for a change: Ask about their day — just as they do with you.

David, 16, is a senior school student. One evening, after he mentioned at dinner that he was thinking of trying out for the school play, his mom kept asking about it for weeks. And later, it also felt like she was getting too involved (参与) in something he wanted to do himself. Instead of telling his mom how he felt, David decided it would be easier not to tell her anything he was doing in the future.
A good way to get a parent to ask fewer questions is to offer some information on your own. This puts the communication in your hands. The more you keep a parent told about everyday things, the less they need to ask. Communicating everyday things has another advantage: It can show your parents that you’re responsible enough to make good decisions.
It won’t always be easy. You may get frustrated (受挫) at times. But try not to give up. It may take a bit for a parent who is used to making all the decisions to adjust (适合) to the independent-thinking person their child is becoming. Parents also don’t want to see their sons and daughters suffer (受苦) if the choices they make on their own aren’t the “right” ones. To many parents, it seems easier to step in and take control simply because they believe their years of experience put them in a better position to make decisions. If you feel that’s the case (情况) with your parents, talk to them about it.
小题1:The underlined part “turn the focus onto them” probably means ____.
A.talk the things about them
B.have a good time with them
C.show your thanks to them
D.do something good for them
小题2:In the third paragraph, you are advised to ____.
A.let your parents know everything about your daily life
B.tell your parents more information before you are asked
C.keep your parents asking you more questions of your things
D.be responsible to help your parents make good decisions
小题3:What causes parents to take control of children?
A.They find their children wrong.
B.They do well in almost everything.
C.They think they can make better decisions.
D.They are used to making choices for children.
小题4:The main idea of the passage is how to ____.
A.make decisions on your own
B.learn from your parents
C.think carefully for yourself
D.communicate with parents
When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar(毛毛虫)and put it in a box. Each day he         it fresh grass and leaves . In a few weeks, the caterpillar became fat and was ready to sleep. One morning we found        had become a cocoon(茧).
Justin was       . He knew a moth(飞蛾)or butterfly was going to be       .
“Dad !      is happening. Come and look!” He shouted happily. We could clearly see the wings       . A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its cocoon.
The next day, Justin took the        outside and opened it, and the little moth flew out. It flew around the yard twice,       , and landed on Justin’s arm. He picked it up and threw it in the air,        the moth came back again. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm.
I believe the moth, just like a person, was afraid to        comfortable places and situations. It wanted to stay with something        and was afraid to move on and experience new things.
I was once that little moth. My cocoon was my mother’s love which made me comfortable.       the moth, I didn’t want to fly too far from it. When my first job required me to move to a new city, I was        but later I chose to move there. And finally, I found I was happy about my         .
Humans are animals of habit. We        change. However, if we hadn’t moved, we would not have experienced many new things. So spread your wings and fly.
A.caughtB.gave C.found D.carried
A.itB.they C.weD.he
A.unhappyB.afraid C.excitedD.tired
A.AnythingB.NothingC.Everything D.Something
A.indoorB.outdoorC.inside D.outside
A.doorB.boxC.book D.window
A.came upB.came back C.gave back D.paid back
A.andB.or C.butD.so
A.stayB.feel C.developD.leave
A.dangerousB.familiar C.strangeD.boring
A.Like B.AsC.ForD.To
A.enjoyB.hate C.plan D.love

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